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Cyrene (sy-reen)

One of the greatest port cities in all of Elyria. This is home to the Eburnean Assembly, a collective of monks and wizards, called The Tytonids, who maintain this as the largest library in Elyria. The library is open to the public, but all visitors must leave their weapons and bags at the door and be escorted by a Tytonid.   The city is also guarded by a subset of the Tytonids called the Caesean Wards, and they serve as the city’s main military force. This is also known as The Free City, since there’s an accord between the different surrounding kingdoms that this specific city cannot be invaded or taken over, due to the large amount of history and knowledge it contains.   Though this town is largely Echaean, there are many other people here from different regions, and other temples set up to other deities representing knowledge and peace. Cyrene is a centre of trade, and is treated by the Echaean kingdom as an independent state and not part of the kingdom, even though it’s within the territories.  

Notable Places:

The Ashlar District
The district of the masons and the craftsmen, where the practical and technical wisdom is kept and practiced. Some of the greatest smiths and craftsmen in Elyria are here.  
The Krithe Stoa
The Agora in the centre is the market district, full of merchants selling their wares and a multitude of shops open for business. In the centre of the agora are 3 huge fountains, meant for people to collect water and as a good spot to sit around and chat.  
Shop Name Shopkeep Inventory
The Quartzite Cornerstone Omar Steelcrest (dwarf man of Kaptah origin) Galinda Steelcrest (dwarf woman, Omar's daughter) General store
Fine Feather Repository Thea Basilius (Echaean elven woman) Bookstore, sells paper and ink as well as paints and art supplies.
Ahoa Powders, Potions and Spices Salali and Hakkah (Alona halfling couple) They sell pigment powders, spices and herbs. Hakkah also brews potions, herbal tinctures and tisanes.
Il Lucciante Uberto (Lieve gnome) A shop with stained glass and crystal figures, they also sell jewellery and holy symbols
The Rainbow Rabbit Himeko (Johin human woman) Verona (Qari human woman) Magic Item shop
Sophist’s Green
The district of schools and magic, where great wizards come to train and study. This district is, well and truly green, with open gardens, pavilions and mini-stages, people come here to read, to have a good debate, or simply to sit and contemplate while surrounded by manicured gardens and statues of the various deities of wisdom. The most famous building is perhaps The Grand Athenaion, or the House of the Grey. This massive structure is the base of operations for the Tytonids, who both keep order in the city and keep records of every piece of information that comes this way.   Many nobles and diplomats also live within this district, and many business meetings are conducted here.   There’s also a place called the Gozon Grove, dedicated to the Han deities and filled with sakura trees. This place is a popular tourist attraction in spring.


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