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The Grand Athenaion

Located in Sophist's Green in Cyrene, the Grand Athenaion is the most famous building in the Free City, or perhaps even in all of Elyria for those in the scholarly trade. This massive structure is the base of operations for the The Tytonids.   The Athenaion is a massive structure with 3 towers rising into the sky, each 80-90 ft high. The main structure reaches about halfway up the towers, and the main entrance has high pillars holding up a rather flat, triangular roof. There are wards posted at every pillar.   Inside, there is a huge octagonal atrium, and in the centre is a massive 25-30ft marble statue of a humanoid man in long robes, with an owl perched on his shoulder and a spear in one hand, the other holds an olive branch. His hair shimmers bronze and his eyes are made of polished silver. Looking up, there are rings inside the main atrium, and spiral stairs going upwards to them.   On the 3 facets of the back of this octagonal space, there are high rectangular entryways leading to each of the 3 towers. There is also a front desk, right at the feet of this statue.  

The Libraries of the Athenaion

The Athenaion has 3 main collections based on what knowledge is stored within, as well as sub-categories within each collection.  

The Olive Collection

Contains manuscripts and articles about global affairs, as well as information on politics and general knowledge.

The Aegis Collection

Books and manuscripts on artefacts and magical items

The Doru Collection

Contains books and manuscripts on flora, fauna and people from all over Elyria.


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