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Faction:The Mazarines Monks Allies: Neutral
  The Isle of Beginnings. This place is an island of peaceful spots for meditation, odd temples to no-one in particular, and full of strange underground labyrinths with mysterious treasure. Some adventurers come here to train, learn how to fight and sneak and make connections. There’s a trading town on the western side of the island, and other small villages scattered across the island.
  There are a faction of monks called the Mazarines, dressed in red and blue, who patrol the island and keep order. They have a temple that acts as their base of operations called the House of the Diffracted, and it houses not just the monks but also acts as a sort of hospital or apothecary for the people on the island.

Notable Places



The main trading town on the western coast. This is where adventurers and visitors come in, with lots of taverns, inns and fun stuff to do. This is basically the only port on this island, so all the trade comes through here.
  The Salt Oak Inn
  The White Bamboo (Inn)
  The Glaucous Lodge A long wooden building with a board out front, small wooden tiles hang on strings and every so often, a crowd of people in adventuring gear wander up to it, some grabbing a tile, others passing by.
  Blue-print Brewers Apothecary Owned by a tabaxi named Busy-Bee (but everyone just calls her Biz)
  Brackensong Station A general store, selling basic supplies and basic weapon ammunition, crossbow bolts, arrows and such. Owned by Jaquin Golloway, human man of dark tanned skin and long dreadlocks pulled into a ponytail.


  The main village that leads to the training caves and the combat areas, usually meant for visiting adventurers to come and train, the monks are stationed around here as guides and assistance in case of emergencies. Nearby training areas include: Eriba Cave, Kalhu Labyrinth, The Sepharva System and Barsib Cavern. Different locations have different rankings for difficulty.

Localized Phenomena

For some unknown reason, creatures and beasts of all kinds appear here.


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