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Dramatis Personae - Summary

This list will contain the names and a very short description on people of interest you will most likely have heard of at the start of the campain coupled with links to fuller bios.

Sandpoint Keep

  • The Queen of Carnage: Infаmous leader of Sandpoint Keep who rules with an iron fist. Thanks to her the outpost enjoys unprecendented stability.
  • Alexandros, "the Mad Dog": The leader of the Cloud Hawks. Usually a very calm and calculating individual he earned his nickname due to his complete and brutal change in demeanor once he enters combat.
  • "The surgeon": An old man who always wears a mask. Known simply by his nickname, the surgeon is the chief healer and apthecary in the outpost as well as a venerated elder of the Desert Ivies.
  • Chromie: A short young woman constantly wearing spectacled goggles. She is the bright and up-and-coming leader of the Vaulters. She is also known for being an excellent sharpshooter.

The wastes

  • Dawn Flower: A world renowned Seeker and brilliant scientst. She is thought to be one of the people closest to the secrets of the old world. Currently rumoured to be under the employment of the King of the Wastes.
  • The King of the Wastes: A brutal and tyrranical mutant who has proclaimed himself king of the southern wastes. He is in open opposition of the city of Cloudspire and all those who see to curry favour with the elysians.
  • The Caliph of the Sands: An old and incedious demon that escaped his seal centuries ago. He has many bounty hunters and mutants under his command.


  • Governor Antares: Chief among the triumverate of Cloudspire and manager of all internal affairs. Used to be a renowned demonslayer in his prime.

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