Characters have the following characteristics:
- Strength (STR)
- Constitution (CON)
- Size (SIZ)
- Dexterity (DEX)
- Intelligence (INT)
- Power (POW)
- Charisma (CHA)
Strength (STR)
STR represents physical strength: how much one can lift, how hard one can hit, and so on. Characters with a high STR are more likely to be heavily muscled whilst those with a low STR are somewhat on the Scrawny side. STR is a component of the Damage Modifier. If a character is reduced to zero STR they lack the ability to move or lift objects, becoming bedridden until STR improves somehow (through natural healing or magic, for example).
Constitution (CON)
CON is a measure of health and hardiness. Those with a high CON are physically tough and likely to be more resistant to disease or poison. Those with a low CON are less resilient and may be prone to sickness and tire quickly. CON is a component in determining Hit Points and Healing Rate. If CON falls to zero for any reason, the character dies.
Size (SIZ)
Size measures mass and helps indicate height and weight. The larger the SIZ the heavier or bigger the creature is likely to be. Most creatures' SIZ has a higher minimum value than other characteristics, representing the smallest example of an adult of that species. SIZ is used to help figure Hit Points as larger, heavier creatures tend to have greater endurance against damage. SIZ is also used to determine a character's Damage Modifier since body mass helps to increase the force of a blow. SIZ provides rough limits to Height and Weight. If SIZ drops below the species minimum, they are considered to have wasted away to the point they are bedridden.
Dexterity (DEX)
Agility, balacnce, and reflexes are measured by DEX. Characters with high DEX are fast, nible, and graceful of movement. Those with a low DEX tend to lumbering and clusy. DEX is an important aspect of Action Points and Initiative Bonus. If a character is reducted zero DEX they suffer functional paralysis, unable to move unitl the situation is rectified.
Intelligence (INT)
INT is a measurement of cognitive ability. It indicates the capacity for a character to think both logically and creatively. Those with a lower INT score are not necessarily stupid, but they are likely to be constrained in how creatively they can employ their wits. While creatures with an INT of 7 or below are considered sentient, they only retain animal like of instinct and ability to react to stimuli. Individuals with an INT of 8 or higher are deemed fully sapient. INT is a factor in calculating Action Points and Initiative Bonus. If INT is reduced to zero, the character becomes completely mindless.
Power (POW)
Power is a measurement of the characters soul, inner drive, luck, and capacity for magic. It encompasses a number of different things and is a relatively abstract measurement, but is also one of the most important. POW is the characteristic that marks a character out to spirits and other supernatural powers, and is an indication of magical potential as well as being the force of their personal determination. POW governs a character's Magic Points, and Luck Points. If a character's POW ever drops to zero they lose all independent will.
Calculating Characteristics
Characteristics are determined by rolling dice. The specific roll is determined by the species of the character. The maximum of a characteristic similarly is dependent on species.
For example, An
estra has a SIZ of 2d6+6. A player creating an estra would roll 2 six sided dice, add the results together, then add 6 to the total to determine their SIZ. The maximum size of the species would be the maximum value obtainable this way: 18 for an estra.