
Sleight covers attempts to palm or conceal small objects (legerdemain and prestidignitation), and includes attempts to pick pockets, cut purses, or cause a visual distraction. Naturally it is an essential theives' skill.

Characters can attempt to manipulate any item as long as it is no larger than their hand. Sleight can be attempted with living creatures provided that the user has somewhere or something to conceal them with, a hat or baggy sleeve for example, but the skill becomes one grade harder to perform. Some objects, due to their size and mass cannot be manipulated with Slieght at all but require Conceal instead. Observers can pit their Perception skill against Sleight attempts to become aware of the deception.

On a critical Sleight success the character has manipulated the object so successfully that any subsequent attempts to locate it are one grade harder.

Failure means that the object is not concealed, and will be automatically detected if any effort is made to locate it.

If fumbled, not only is the item unconcealed. but it is dropped or otherwise fully exposed at a most unopportune moment.

Professional Skill Base Skill Value: DEX + CHA


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