Session 105 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 105 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes set off in search of the “demons” on October 24, 499 AV. They traveled west in the direction the druids had set off days before. That afternoon, they came across a group of goblinoids traveling east. Captain Razbak, a hobgoblin led this group of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. He spoke with the party and warned them of the black acid demons in the area. Though he had not seen them, he had seen the destruction left in their wake. He’d heard them described as having an armored shell the color of night, a long, barbed tail, claws like blades, and a tongue that ends in teeth. Captain Razbak told Haymin’s Heroes of a party of elven corpses they had come across two days back. Based on their torn bodies, he believed they had been killed by these creatures.   The next day, Haymin’s Heroes found the remains of these elves. Titta Morco investigated the scene. The elven victims showed slashing and piercing wounds consistent with claws, but there were also puncture wounds to some of their heads that bore straight to the brain. The elves’ weapons and armor showed signs of acid burn, as did some of their flesh. Titta estimated there were around a dozen of the creatures. The attack had happened at least a week ago.   Assuming these were the Xenomorphs, she followed the tracks and led the party to the northwest. Along the way, they came across a family of black bears that had been killed by these creatures, as well as an elk. On October 26, 499 AV, the tracks led to the Black Swamp. Though it became harder to follow the trail, Titta still managed to follow it.   On October 27, 499 AV, they came across a pair of young black dragon corpses. Titta investigated the scene and surmised that they too had been killed by the xenomorphs. She noted the footprints of a larger, adult black dragon, but it did not appear to be part of the battle, and likely came across the dead young sometime afterwards. The Xenomorph tracks led to the south. The young black dragons had come from the west. The large black dragon had likely flown off, possibly in search of what had killed its young.   Titta followed the young black dragon tracks to a cave. Within this cave were pools of fetid water. At the back end there was a large pool of acid. Many of the party were protected from acid due to protective spells from Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone and Ladigo Farthon. Ladigo used Wild Shape to turn into a young black dragon while Mogi Delvin hung onto Traegandar who could swim well. They, along with Titta, swam through the pool of acid and discovered the black dragon lair in a cavern behind it. They found three nests, two smaller, and one larger. They noted the treasure horde, but Titta did not want to steal from the dragon until they learned it fate.   They left the cave and decided to rest atop it where it would be relatively dry due to the elevation. The next morning, Kyrie cast Discern Location to find the adult dragon. However, the spell revealed it was in Heliopolis. This was the home plane of Tiamat, Goddess of Evil Dragons. After learning this, they assumed the dragon was dead and decided to take its treasure. Kyrie then cast Discern Location to find Romulus’ cloak. She learned it was located in the fire giant fortress in the Serpent Peaks.   The party set off to find it. They traveled out of the swamp and walked along the edge of the Serpent Peaks until they found a trail leading up into the mountains on October 30, 499 AV. Partway up the path, they found the remains of a giant with rune-like markings decorating its purple skin. The cadaver was missing its head. The body showed signs of slashing wounds consistent with bladed weapons. Based on the signs around the site, Titta concluded the battle was one on one, versus a humanoid opponent. And not only was the head removed, but also the creature’s spine.   They continued to follow the path and eventually made it to the fire giant fortress. Dead fire giants lay all about. Many of them were missing their heads. They were defeated by the same type of humanoid that defeated the giant on the path below. However, Titta saw signs of more of these at the fortress. She estimated there were at least eight of them versus the giants, but maybe more.   Auren Sylynn went to the huge stone door to examine it. There were scorch marks upon it which looked like concentrated fire spells. The door did not appear to be locked, but it was rather large and heavy to move. Pyzar Zim helped him open the door. The party lined up and entered the fire giant fortress. Bloodstains marred the walls and floor. It was quiet. When Mogi and Traegandar entered passed the door, they sensed creatures within, above them. When they looked up, they saw four creatures matching the descriptions of the Xenomorphs, the black acid demons, clinging to the walls. The Xenomorphs hissed as drool dripped from their jaws as they prepared to attack.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
02 Nov 2022


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