Session 106 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 106 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Mass Resist Energy on the party to protect them from acid as she recoiled from the Xenomorphs on the wall nearest to her. Then Traegandar blasted the two on the southern wall with his fiery breath while Mogi Delvin attacked the one directly above them with his Holy Avenger. As he struck the creature, acid sprayed from the wounds and coated his sword, but they were protected from the effect due to Selia’s magic. Between the Traegandar’s flames and Mogi’s blade, the Xenomorph fell, acid flowing from its wounds to sizzle on the ground.   Pyzar Zim stepped up and attacked the other one on the southern wall, chopping it down with his greatsword until the monster fell to the ground dead. Auren Sylynn moved to the closest one on the north wall and struck true with his kukris. He cut multiple lacerations into the beast, spilling its acidic blood until it too fell.   The final Xenomorph was clinging to the wall above Fisher. It lashed out at the grizzly bear with its claws and tail. Then it opened its mouth as if to bite, but instead an inner jaw thrust forward with a mouth-like appendage on the end. Fisher evaded this strike and the tail, while the glancing claw strikes were not enough to pierce his hide. The bear retaliated and pummeled the Xenomorph with his own claws and bite. When he pierced the creature’s exoskeleton, he flinched from the acid, but then ignored it when he realized it did not harm him for some reason.   After dealing with the Xenomorphs, they began looking around, paying attention to the walls and ceiling as they considered which way to proceed. That’s when they noticed a small metallic sphere floating near the ceiling at the corner of the hallway. It looked like a metallic eye with a glass lens in the center. Titta Morco flew up towards it and noticed more Xenomorphs coming from down the adjoining hall. Three of them were similar to the ones they had just fought. But two of them walked on four legs, their movement similar to that of canines.   The canines ran forward and spit acid at Titta and Pyzar, but they were immune due to Energy Immunity spells by Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone. These Xenomorphs were defeated quickly and the party turned their attention to the floating sphere once again.   Titta flew up to it and tried to grab it. The sphere evaded her grasp and fled down the corridor. Titta flew after it and eventually grabbed it. Before long, she felt it grow warm and then explode in her hands. All that was left was bits of metal and wires. They wondered what the sphere could possibly be and surmised that it must be technology, similar to what they had found on the ship beneath Terra’s Wall.   After the party regrouped, they started searching the nearest rooms. One of them was the chamber of the purple-skinned giant whose remains they had found along the mountain trail. It looked like the giant had left the room in a hurry as a huge chair had been toppled over. Some of the furniture also showed signs of damage.   Farther down the hall, they came to a room decorated with fiery images along the walls. Within the center of the room was a large fire pit. And within these flames were two large Xenomorphs, seemingly playing in the fire. When they noticed the intruders, they emerged from the pit to attack. They were reddish in color and approximately the size of fire giants.   Mogi and Traegandar attacked the one on the right. Mogi cast Orb of Cold which drew the beast’s attention. It grabbed Mogi and tried to hold him still in front of its mouth as it prepared to unleash its pharyngeal jaw. Auren ran up to it and struck the creature with a kukri before using his cloak to switch places with Pyzar. Then Pyzar finished it off and setting Mogi free from the Xenomorph giant’s grasp. Selia ran up close to the giant on the left and then cast Benign Transposition, switching places with Titta. Titta then stepped forward and attacked it as Fisher ran up beside her to join in on the onslaught. After a Mass Snake’s Swiftness from Ladigo Farthon, it too was dead.   Continuing down the hall they came to what appeared like the dining room. There were three Xenomorphs present. Three of the regular variety, one of the giants, and two that were larger variations of the regular kind. These appeared just like the basic Xenomorph, only larger in every proportion, though not quite as large as the giants. And instead of smooth oblong heads, they were marked with rows of ridges along the top and sides. The Xenomorphs rushed forward and blocked the party at first. But Haymin’s Heroes fought through, gaining ground as they killed the enemies off.   Down the hall from the dining room, the party encountered more Xenomorphs. Among this new group was a large one that stood on four legs, however this one’s movements were distinctly feline. Something about it reminded them of Artemis. With it there was a canine version and four of the basic bipedal Xenomorphs. The feline pounced upon Titta and Pyzar, but they held their ground and fought back, killing it. After that, the rest were easily brought down.   The party explored the rest of this first level of the fortress, but found no more Xenomorphs. They eventually descended down a ramp to a lower floor. This led to a huge forge chamber with a pool of magma around the back edges. Four of the giant Xenomorphs were in this area. But closer to the entrance of the room, Haymin’s Heroes were faced with four of the smaller variety and three of the larger ridge-headed ones.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
20 Nov 2022


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