Session 107 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 107 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste on the party. Then Ladigo Farthon cast Wall of Sand covering the giant Xenomorphs in the back area of the chamber. The creatures were not completely encased in sand as they were tall enough for their heads to stick out the top of the wall, but it still proved a significant hindrance. This gave the party enough time to deal with the other Xenomorphs first. The smaller Xenomoprhs rushed forward first, followed by the larger ones. Mogi Delvin rode Traegandar to one side where the dragon could unleash his fire breath. Then Mogi cast Cone of Cold. Between them they weakened the enemy so that Pyzar Zim’s deadly sword strikes cut down a number of them. Auren Sylynn maneuvered in as well and found purchase with his kukris.   As the battle raged on, the heat from the magma could be felt. Selia cast Endure Elements on Pyzar. Then between herself, Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, and Ladigo, they eventually covered the entire party. The giant Xenomorphs muscled their way through the Wall of Sand and tried to reach the party. But Titta Morco flew over the magma and attacked them as they broke free from the wall. She took out two of them that were out of reach while the party finished off the others as they came close.   After the battle, the party healed up some wounds and continued exploring the fortress. A set of doors from the forge led to a barracks area with several giant-sized beds and footlockers. After searching out this room, the party returned to the forge and turned back south to a set of doors with a crown symbol etched upon them. This doorway opened to a hall from which a fiery glow could be seen from around the bend. There was a door on the far east wall, but the party turned their attention around the corner to the north where the corridor opened into the throne room. Several Xenomorphs could be seen within. The closest one, hissed a warning to the others and they all turned to face the intruders.   Traegandar strode up the hall to get just close enough to catch the closest Xenomorph in his fire breath as Mogi attacked it with Orb of Cold. Then the Xenomorphs rushed close, to surround them while a few tried to move past to get close to the rest of the party. Selia used Benign Transposition on Traegandar and Pyzar. This left Mogi on the floor by the Xenomorphs, but with Pyzar now next to him as reinforcements. The others fought their way up the hallway, cutting through one Xenomorph at a time with blade and spell. And eventually, all the enemy were defeated.   Before exploring the throne room, they checked the door at the end of the hall. This opened up to a war room with a large table and chairs. Upon the table were maps of the area with metal-forged pieces adorning them. The pieces represented fire giants, orcs, mountain giants, and humans. Titta took the maps and the pieces.   Then the party turned to the throne room. The large chamber contained three fiery braziers on either side, plus three large tapestries each on opposite walls. The tapestries on the west wall depicted three fire giant kings. The tapestries on the east wall depicted scenes of battle. Kyrie read off the names on the tapestries: Goloraan, sone of Arthrox, Klaurak, sone of Goloraan, Throgos, son of Klaurak. The party then searched out the room, checking the walls for secret passages before moving on to the doors on the north wall.   One of the doors led to a treasure room. The party gathered together everything they found, a sizeable amount of gold and various other treasures. The second door led to the king’s bedchamber. There was quality furniture and some possession belonging to the king and queen. One one side of the room, next to the wall there was a large blood stain on the floor and a fallen greataxe. On the wall, next to the blood stain there were scratches on the stone wall.   Auren and Titta searched the wall here and found a secret door. It opened into a room containing some of the king’s personal treasures. But lying on the floor was a young fire giant. When the door opened, he jumped up and grabbed a greatsword from the wall and ignited the blade in flames. The fire giant took a defensive posture, and stood on shaky legs, looking haggard and thin while struggling to hold up the sword.   Kyrie spoke to him with her Tongues spell and learned his name was Uzam, son of Throgos. He was the king’s son. He explained how the fortress was attacked by strange warriors who were great fighters, possessing strange weapons and abilities. At first, they were invisible, but eventually revealed themselves as they attacked. They were masked, appearing like orcs, though Uzam was certain they were not orcs, but some species he had never seen before. The fire giants were no match for them. They retreated into the fortress and Uzam’s mother hid him in the secret room as she made her last stand in front of the hidden door. He heard her die as the warriors found her. Uzam was too afraid to leave the room. Eventually, the warriors left, but then the black creatures appeared. He remained trapped in here, surviving on one berry a day from the magical bracelet he wore.   Haymin’s Heroes offered him food and water, which he eventually accepted and ate hungrily. They told him to remain in this room while they continued to clear out the fortress. Uzam agreed, really in no condition to say otherwise. He gave them a brief overview of the fortress and they realized they had searched out most of it. The slaves’ quarters on the other side of the forge remaind on this level. Then below were the mines.   The party looked in the slaves’ quarters and found nothing of any value. Then they descended down the ramp to the mines. When they arrived, they found two large Xenomorphs standing guard before their queen. She was a massive Xenomorph with four arms. She hissed in challenge, and when she did, several pods around her opened up. From within emerged some spider-like creatures with a long tail. Then from another cavern came another huge creature. This one looked like a cross between a Xenomorph and a black dragon.   Ladigo began casting a spell as the spider-like creatures scurried towards the party. As one came close to Ladigo, Auren intercepted it and cut it in half with a kukri. Traegandar then breathed fire while Mogi cast Cone of Cold killing several more of them. Then Titta cut through a few more. The last one of these was killed by Pyzar before the party turned their attention to the large Xenomorphs that had also drawn closer. These two were killed by an onslaught from the party. The queen and the dragon came forward as well, from different sides. The dragon’s acid breath did nothing to Auren and Pyzar who were still immune. These two massive Xenomorphs were heavily armored due to their thick exoskeletons, and they seemed to absorb much of the physical damage the party struck them with.   Auren maneuvered between the two beasts and this proved to be a fatal miscalculation. The dragon unleashed upon him with all its fury, claws, wings, tail, and bite. Auren fell to the ground lifeless. Kyrie was about to rush forward to revive him when Mogi told her to wait for him to distract them. Riding Traegandar, they ran past both the Xenomorphs. Then Kyrie flew over them due to her Stormrage spell on the way to Auren. When she reached him, she cast Revivify to bring him back to life. Ladigo then cast Vigorous Circle to catch most of the party in healing energies.   Haymin’s Heroes focused their attacks on the queen and eventually brought her down. Then they turned to the dragon. When Titta struck it with several scimitar strikes, it gained her attention. Then it unleashed its fury on her. She survived the onslaught, but barely. They struck it with their weapons, wounding it. Then Ladigo finished it off with a Finger of Death spell.   The party regrouped, caught their breath, and healed their wounds. Then they split up some and started searching the cavern and its numerous passages. Before long, however, Traegandar sensed that they were not alone in the cavern. Suddenly three red dots appeared on Pyzar’s chest and a bolt of fire blasted him. Ten Yautja then revealed themselves at the entrance to the cavern.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
24 Nov 2022


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