Session 108 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 108 Report

General Summary

The Yautja wielded weapons that resembled double-ended spears and the group of them was just steps away from Fisher. Titta Morco, Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, and Auren Sylynn were on the other side of the cavern a distance away. Selia Roselyn Maxwell was around the corner from the main cavern, but could see Fisher was in immediate danger. She cast Benign Transposition and had the bear and Auren switch places. Traegandar maneuvered into a position where he could blast all the enemy with his fire breath. Then Mogi Delvin similarly stepped up and cast Cone of Cold. Ladigo Farthon cast Faerie Fire on most of the Yautja. Titta and Kyrie flew up to get close while Pyzar Zim ran to the group of Yautja and attacked.   The Yautja each targeted a different member of the party, including Traegandar, Pennig, and Fisher. They suddenly turned invisible, but the Faerie Fire gave them away. This allowed the party to still target them with their attacks. Most of the Yautja fought with their spears. A couple blasted Kyrie and Ladigo with fiery blasts from their shoulder mounted weapons. The battle was hard fought, but one by one the Yautja were brought down. Haymin’s Heroes fought as a team, which gave them a considerable advantage.   When the battle was over, Kyrie and Mogi’s magic helped heal them up as their wounds were considerable. When they were done, several more Yautja appeared at the entrance to the cavern. They entered peacefully and the one in the lead said, “Well fought,” in a broken Andarian.   The Yautja went to their fallen brethren and took off their masks. Then they handed each mask to a different member of Haymin’s Heroes, including Pennig and Fisher. The Yautja gestured to the fallen, holding their heads in one hand and a knife in the other, saying, “More trophies?” Haymin’s Heroes declined the offer. Then the Yautja picked up the remains and carried them out of the room.   The party searched out the cavern and found Romulus’ missing Sending Stone as well as his skeletal remains. They took those with him, planning to give him a proper burial.   Haymin’s Heroes later went and found Prince Uzam, son of Throgos, still hiding in the secret room. They conversed, telling him the stronghold was cleared of all Xenomorphs and asked him what he would do now. Uzam stated that he would look for other fire giants to join now that his tribe was no more. The party offered to help him, but he declined and thanked them.   Haymin’s Heroes left the stronghold and prepared to teleport away. Before they did, though, they saw a large flying ship rise from the trees down the mountain and zoom away, turning invisible as it went. Then the party decided to go to the druid grove to inform them of Romulus’ and the other druids’ fates.   They were invited to stay the night at the druid grove and take part in any of the Day of the Dead ceremonies they would perform the next day. Haymin’s Heroes agreed to stay for Romulus’ funeral, but returned to Rowadin afterwards.   On October, 31, 499 AV, Haymin’s Heroes returned home after being away for two weeks. They had much to tell of their recent adventures and filled in Jenivar Albyn, Haymin Stone, and the others with many of the details. Then they planned to take some time off to rest and relax while Selia worked on enchanting more magic items for the party.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
17 Dec 2022


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