Session 110 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 110 Report

General Summary

The pilots fired at Titta Morco and Pyzar Zim, the energy blasts inflicting damage despite their armor. Mogi Delvin retaliated with an Orb of Fire then ran up next to one of the pilots. Titta stepped up to the frontline to attack as did Pyzar. As they fought, it became evident that the shuttle’s crew were unnaturally strong and resilient. Their skin resisted blows unlike that of a normal human. And as Auren Sylynn ran between two, they struck out at him with their fists, pounding blows that belied their appearance.   The RSA crew were ultimately defeated and Mogi began examining the bodies, noticing there was no blood from their wounds. Titta knelt down to examine the bodies as well, cutting into their flesh and peeling it back to reveal a metallic skeletal system and wires. The flesh appeared to be synthetic. The shuttle’s crew were all constructs.   The doppelganger went to the shuttle’s controls and found that it was no longer moving. No matter what he tried, the shuttle would not respond. Then after a short while of trying, the image of a human man appeared on the craft’s windows as if they were a scrying device. He told them the controls for Shuttle 3 had been disabled and that he was now in control of the craft. Then he introduced himself as Captain Hal, the leader of the Red Star Alliance. After a brief conversation, the party learned that doppelgangers detained on the Ex Machina had been tortured before ultimately confessing to the mission to rescue the captives and destroy the ship.   When it became clear that they did not have the second singularity bomb and that they did not know exactly where it could be found, Captain Hal ended the conversation. His image disappeared and the party could see an object flying towards the shuttle from the Ex Machina at high speed, leaving a small fiery trail behind it. Some of the party scrambled to get into Bags of Holding while the others prepared to teleport somewhere. In the interest of salvaging the mission, the doppelganger suggested they teleport to Shuttle 1, which was still on the Ex Machina. Selia Roselyn Maxwell would already be familiar with what it looked like as it was identical to Shuttle 3. Before the flying object struck the shuttle, Selia cast Greater Teleport focusing on the other shuttle.   They appeared in the cockpit of Shuttle 1 and could see they were inside a large structure. Other RSA crew were in what the doppelganger called the hanger. There were also other mechanical creatures moving about. The party left the cockpit and went to the shuttle’s hold to avoid being seen through the windows. Then they discussed their options. They talked about teleporting into the Menagerie, but Selia would require a detailed description of the area in order to cast the spell. As the doppelganger began trying to describe it, the face of Captain Hal appeared on the panel of another instrument in the hold.   Captain Hal asked them to surrender, warning them they were hopelessly outnumbered. Then the ramp to the cargo hold began to open. Four RSA troopers and four RSA crewmen were lined up just outside, plus two large constructs with long arms ending in huge metallic clamps.   The troopers began to fire as the ramp opened. Titta flew out and rushed their line, drawing their fire. This proved too much and she fell unconscious. Mogi cast Cone of Cold, catching half of the enemy and just missing the falling Titta. But then one of the large constructs reached up and grabbed him with a long arm and began to crush him with its mighty grip. Pyzar ran out and stood next to Titta and attacked the troopers, eliminating two of them. His sword was now equipped with his Greater Demolition Crystal, expecting the rest of the RSA to be constructs as well. Auren ran out and was grabbed as well but was grabbed by the same machine holding Mogi.   Ladigo Farthon changed into a blink dog and teleported next to Titta, then used Heal to bring her back to full health. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone flew out of the shuttle using Stormrage and unleashed a blast of lightning from her eyes at the large machine holding Mogi and Auren. This brought the thing down, setting them free in the process. Then they rallied against the remaining enemies, taking them down, one by one.   After the battle, the doppelganger came out of the shuttle. They noticed he was carrying something with him. It was the singularity bomb. He had managed to grab it during their scramble to prepare for Selia’s teleportation. He was intent on completing his mission. His name was Augus, he told them when Titta asked. They offered him one of the trooper’s rifles and he took it, glad to be armed. Then he placed the singularity bomb in one of the Bag’s of Holding for safe keeping until it was time to use it.   The party healed, lined up, and prepared to head towards the Menagerie. Augus said it shouldn’t take to long to get there, but to expect trouble on the way. He was in the middle of the party as he guided them down the corridors towards a junction where an elevator would take them up to the level where the prison was found.   As the elevator doors came into view, three flying constructs turned into the corridor ahead of them, while three more came from behind. Simultaneously, four walls of energy with an electric glow appeared through the party’s ranks, trapping most of them in pairs in the corridor, while leaving Traegandar alone at the rear. Titta and Pyzar only had a wall behind them and Traegandar only in front. Selia cast Dimension Door and took Ladigo with her who was trapped in the same section. They appeared in front of the elevator door, behind the front three flying machines. The constructs shot at Titta, Pyzar, and Traegandar. The young gold dragon took heavy fire as he was their only target. The front three split their shots between Titta and Pyzar.   Augus, trapped with Mogi, began working at the wall from where the energy barrier originated. Auren, trapped with Kyrie did the same at the barrier in front of him. Mogi slashed at the wall with his longsword, hoping to break the mechanism, while Kyrie cast Shape Metal to try to ruin the mechanism that way. Pyzar and Titta destroyed the machines in front of them, while Ladigo cast Wall of Stone between Traegandar and the three constructs floating down the hall.   Once the threat was neutralized, they continued working on the walls to break them all free. Selia used Benign Transposition to get Traegandar free. Eventually, enough of the energy walls were downed to where none of the party were trapped anymore. But as they completed this, Traegandar saw more troopers coming from either side of the junction. As they readied themselves for battle, the elevator door opened, revealing a large construct with one arm ending in firearms and the other with a large fist.   Haymin’s Heroes split their efforts at first, as they each targeted different enemies. The shots from the RSA’s weapons were dangerous and the large construct fired many energy bolts rapidly. The battle quickly swung in the favor of the RSA as Haymin’s Heroes sustained much damage. One of the troopers then threw an object Augus later identified as a singularity grenade which caught Kyrie, Ladigo, and Traegandar in the blast. Auren’s quick reflexes saved him from the blast as he was able to evade it. Kyrie and Ladigo stayed on their feet, despite the black explosion trying to pull them towards the center. Traegandar, however, fell unconscious.   As things looked grim, Selia cast Wall of Force, blocking two of the troopers and the large construct. They struggled to find away past the wall, but to no avail. Mogi rushed over and healed Traegandar with his Lay on Hands ability and the dragon was conscious, through still heavily wounded.   Then Titta was shot down by the troopers still on this side of the wall. Selia cast Benign Transposition, switching her with Auren. Mogi healed her enough to stabilize her, through she remained unconscious until Ladigo cast Heal. The last couple troopers on this side of the wall were brought down as the two on the other side, plus the large construct retreated into the elevator with the door closing behind them.   The party then healed and prepared to enter the elevator themselves. They expected the RSA to be waiting for them when they arrived on Deck 2. So they came up with a plan. As the elevator rose, they readied for the upcoming fight. When it stopped and reached Deck 2, Selia cast Wall of Force along the entrance. The door opened and a barrage of laser fire came from the RSA waiting for them. The large construct was there alongside eight troopers. Plus there was one other enemy, heavily armed and armored in a suit that made him almost as large as the other construct. This enemy launched a missile at the party, but like all the laser fire, it struck the Wall of Force. The blast stretched back into the junction, but just missed the RSA soldiers standing just out of reach. Then, as the smoke cleared, Haymin’s Heroes prepared to counterattack.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
10 Jan 2023


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