Session 111 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 111 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell dismissed the Wall of Force then used her Belt of Battle to immediately cast another Wall of Force father into the room, separating a third of the enemy from the rest. Pyzar Zim attacked those on one side while Titta Morco, Auren Sylynn, and Mogi Delvin attacked those on the other. While they defeated the enemy this side of the wall, Ladigo Farthon summoned three large fire elementals and Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast a couple spells to enhance the party’s fighting ability. Then Selia dismissed the Wall of Force.   Haymin’s Heroes attacked the rest of the RSA force which included the large construct and the one in the large armored suit. The battle was fierce as the constructs’ firepower was considerable and Haymin’s Heroes suffered several wounds. Pyzar and Titta combined and defeated the armored construct. A moment later, the armored suit opened up and out came Captain Hal to continue the fight. Titta and Pyzar double teamed him but nearby troopers concentrated their firepower on Titta, killing her. Kyrie immediately responded by flying over to her and casting Revivify to bring her back to life.   When the battle was over, Traegandar was unconscious and most of the party were wounded. They used some spells and potions to heal up until they were all well. Augus then directed them towards the corridor that led to the Menagerie and they continued on.   They came to the door to the Menagerie control room. When they opened it, three RSA crewmembers and two troopers fired upon them. Titta rushed to one side while Selia cast Dimension Door to bring Pyzar, Auren, and Mogi to the other side. But the RSA focused their fire on Pyzar and brought him down, killing him. Then Kyrie used Revivify on him to bring him back to life immediately. The party then defeated the remaining RSA members and took a moment to heal up again.   There was an elevator at one end of the control room which led down to the Menagerie. Before taking it down, they discussed their options and formulated a plan. Ladigo cast a Wall of Stone some feet in front of the control room door to block it off. Then Kyrie used Shape Metal to meld the door closed. Then Ladigo placed another Wall of Stone some feet behind the door for an extra layer of security.   When they took the elevator down, Selia cast Wall of Force in front of the door as it started opening. This blocked the fire from the two large constructs waiting for them at the landing. Selia didn’t dismiss the wall until Kyrie finished casting preparatory spells. Then Titta flew forward and lashed out at one of the constructs and took it down in a flurry. Pyzar charged the other one. Then Captain Hal’s voice filled the room as an energy wall appeared behind Titta and Pyzar. He taunted them slightly while Mogi and Traegandar moved into the room. Then another energy wall appeared behind them as well, splitting the room into thirds.   Titta defeated the last construct and the battle was over. But the walls were still up. Auren used two of the singularity grenades he had picked up and threw them at the corners to destroy the closest energy wall. Then he threw two more at the other wall, taking it down as well. Augus told them the laboratory was through one set of doors while the cells were through the other.   They entered the laboratory first. The door closed behind them and they could smell a gas filling the room. Ladigo used Dimension Door as a blink dog to exit the room. Selia cast Dimension Door to take a few of the party out as well. Mogi and Traegandar remained inside, holding their breath. Augus passed out from the gas. Then Selia cast Disintegrate on the door. The gas started to flow out of the room. They carried Augus out and he eventually woke up. Auren went back into the room and started unlocking the devices holding the dragon eggs. When they gathered them all, they looked towards the door to the cells.   The door would not open so Selia used Disintegrate to create an opening. They saw a large room with two exits leading to other hallways. They could see cells in these halls, with energy walls as the doorways. On one side there were humanoids in the cells. On the other side, in the wider hallway entrance, they could see larger cells containing a variety of frightening monsters.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
16 Jan 2023


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