Session 113 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 113 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes asked at the box office for Yargle Fastback, who they had learned now owned the Legacy Theater. As they waited for an attendant to return with word from Mr. Fastback, Titta Morco decided to buy tickets for the show. They told the clerk at the box office they would see Mr. Fastback after the performance.   As the party proceeded through the theater on the way to their seats, Selia Roselyn Maxwell, with her True Seeing, noted some doppelgangers among the attendants. They took their seats and watched the show, Lich’s Love. It was a comedy about a lich who was in love with a mortal.   After the show, they returned to the box office. An attendant then took them to Mr. Fastback’s office. The party recognized him from his persona they had met during the preshow party before A Bard’s Tale, though Selia could see his true form as a doppelganger.   Yargle Fastback greeted them warmly. The party asked him about the Black Requiem, but Yargle stated that he did not know much about him as he was not involved in Unseen business anymore. His new role was as owner and manager of the Legacy Theater. He admitted that he had heard of the events that transpired in Clades’ Wrath and new how Mr. King had been killed. But he denied having actually spoken to the Black Requiem. The party also asked where the shows since A Bard’s Tale had come from. Yargle informed them they had a bank of shows written by Merrywind Onyx that have not been released yet. He also told them he had not spoken with Idarin Black recently, who he believed was heavily involved with Unseen business. Yargle also gave them the address and directions to Onyx Manor when they asked.   Before they left, Yargle took them on a tour of the theater. He thanked them for coming and invited them to return. If they would let him know ahead of time, he would give them the private box seats as honored guests.   Haymin’s Heroes next went to Onyx Manor. It was located not too far from the theater in a neighborhood of fine manors and villas. They knocked on the door and one of the serving staff answered. The man was human as Selia could verify. They asked for Idarin Black, but the man told them he was not there. Idarin was away on business and would not be back until after the New Year.   The party then went to the Glass Dragon to get rooms for the night and some dinner. They decided to return to the manor after dark, in the middle of the night when the serving staff should be asleep. The plan was for Auren Sylynn to go, with Titta and Ladigo Farthon as backup. Ladigo would Wild Shape into a rat. The combined stealth of the group should be enough to remain undetected as they searched the manor.   When it was time, Titta flew them to Onyx Manor. She carried Auren while Ladigo as a rat sat on her shoulder. All three were invisible, thanks to Selia casting Mass Invisibility on them. Arriving at the manor was easy. Titta landed them behind the house near a backdoor. Auren picked the lock, noting it was a high quality complex lock. They entered and began searching the home, room by room.   There were three staff, all asleep in their rooms. One was on the first floor, the other two on the second. They searched for any information on the Unseen, the Black Requiem, or the singularity bomb. But ultimately they found nothing on these topics. They searched for secret doors and hidden areas. The only one they found was in Idarin Black’s office on the second floor. This led to a hidden shrine to Umbra, Goddess of Shadow.   Disappointed, they decided to go to the theater. They snuck into the theater through a backdoor, having familiarized themselves with the layout of the theater with the tour Yargle gave them earlier. There was no one in the theater at this late hour. They snuck into Yargle’s office and gave it a thorough search. They searched the closet containing all the scripts he had mentioned previously. They looked at a few of them, but they did not learn anything they were hoping for.   After the office, they searched the backstage area and the under stage area. There, they found a trapdoor on the floor. It opened to a stairwell leading down. Before going into it, they decided to return to the Glass Dragon for the rest of the party.   When they were ready, Selia cast Greater Teleport to magically transport them into the theater. Titta, Auran, and Ladigo took them to the trapdoor and the party lined up. Ladigo changed into a blink dog and the party went down the stairs. They came to a room with some tables and chairs, chests with practice locks, and empty shelves. The tables looked like they were recently wiped clean, but there was visible dust on the chairs and shelves. Two doors lead from the room on opposite sides. They listened at the doors but heard nothing. But before going through either of them, they searched the other wall. There, Titta found a secret door between both sets of shelves.   Auren opened it. On the other side was a square room containing three iron golems surrounding a pedestal. Atop the pedestal was a box-like shape covered in a black silk sheet. The golems did not move, so Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast some prep spells before they went in. Selia cast Lightning Bolt on one of the golems which affected it like a Slow spell. Mogi Delvin ran in and attacked this golem. Pyzar Zim then stepped in and attacked the same one. With his Greater Demolition Crystal, he was able to damage it effectively, bringing the large construct down quickly. Titta ran in and attacked the next closest one, bringing it down in a flurry of her scimitars enhanced by Greater Demolition Crystals.   Auren then ran into the room to the third golem, just the other side of the pedestal. He then used his Transposer Cloak to switch places with Pyzar. Then suddenly, a Fireball exploded from the pedestal. Mogi was luckily just outside its sphere. Auren and Titta dodged out of the way, but Pyzar was caught in the blast. The silk sheet caught on fire and as it burned a glow could be seen starting to peek through from underneath. As a result of the Fireball the remaining iron golem began to glow red like metal being worked on the forge. It appeared invigorated.   Ladigo used Dimension Door to pop into the room and he blasted the iron golem with his Gloves of Lightning. This slowed it down. Then the door suddenly closed. Selia and Kyrie tried unsuccessfully to open it. Inside the room, Pyzar finished off the third golem. Then Titta removed the burning sheet. This revealed a Symbol of Death beneath it upon the top of an adamantine box that could now be seen. Skulls were etched onto the surface of the box on all sides as well. Those inside the room all resisted the effect of the Symbol of Death.   A moment later, another Fireball exploded in the room. Everyone started to back away towards the corners of the room where the blast would not reach. Selia cast Disintegrate on the door, which destroyed it. But when she saw the Symbol of Death, the necromantic effect overtook her and she dropped dead. Kyrie resisted the effect and cast Revivify on Selia, bringing her back to life. Everyone but Auren ran out of the room and they told Traegandar, who was looking the other way, not to turn around. Kyrie then cast Mass Death Ward on everyone.   Auren caught a third Fireball as he tried to disarm the magical traps upon the box. He managed to suppress them, but knew it was only temporarily. He opened the box and found a scrip to A Bard’s Tale stored inside. Runes and arcane writings were scrawled all around the margins and on the backs of every page. Haymin’s Heroes deduced that they had found the Black Requiem’s phylactery.   Selia cast Disintegrate on the script and it turned to dust. But the dust particles vibrated and moved as the box glowed. Then she cast Disintegrate on the box as well. With the box destroyed, the glow disappeared and the all the dust settled, inert. The phylactery was destroyed.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
11 Feb 2023


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