Session 116 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 116 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes spent most of December 31, 499 AV, staking out the Public Forum on the lookout for doppelgangers. The Public Forum grew busier as the day passed, but the Unseen was nowhere to be found. As day turned to evening, entertainers began their performances and the party atmosphere grew. At this point, Haymin’s Heroes left the area as Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone suggested finding a place to cast Scry Location.   Not too far from the Public Forum, Selia Roselyn Maxwell saw a doppelganger with her True Seeing. She pointed him out and Auren Sylynn began tailing him while the party trailed a short distance behind. A few minutes later, the doppelganger turned into an alley. Auren snuck in behind him after the doppelganger turned a corner within the alley. When Auren reached this corner, he was attacked by an invisible assailant.   Through his keen senses, Auren noticed he was quickly surrounded by invisible attackers. Though it was difficult, Auren’s quick reflexes kept him from being killed, though he was wounded some. The rest of the party was nearing the alley as Auren yelled, “Ambush!”   Selia looked into the alley and cast Glitterdust, shaping it around Auren to catch all the invisible doppelgangers she saw. Most of the doppelgangers were blinded, and the rest of the party now had targets to attack. The tide of the ambush quickly turned. Then a pair of Fireball spells shot down on the party from above. Titta Morco flew up to the roof on one side of the alley and flew until she sensed the presence of an invisible spellcaster, and then attacked him. Selia grabbed Pyzar Zim and flew him up to the opposite roof and placed him directly in front of another invisible spellcaster. Pyzar then attacked. With their training fighting invisible enemies, Titta and Pyzar finished off the doppelganger spellcasters.   The last surviving doppelganger stumbled away, blind. The party cornered him and he had no choice but to surrender. Selia cast Detect Thoughts and the party began questioning him. The doppelganger tried to be evasive with his answers, but Selia read his thoughts and learned that the Black Requiem was in the sewers with the singularity bomb. Within the sewers, Unseen, undead, and devils awaited them. The doppelganger also thought of a rainbow dome which protected the bomb.   Haymin’s Heroes turned the doppelganger over to the authorities then began discussing their next move. Selia believed the rainbow dome was a Prismatic Sphere. She explained what spells would be needed to overcome a Prismatic Sphere and the party came up with a plan as to who would cast what. The spells required would need to be cast in a specific order to negate each layer of the Prismatic Sphere one at a time.   The party went to the nearest sewer entrance, one they had already explored. They walked through the tunnels on their way towards the room where they expected the Black Requiem to be. When they came to the first intersection, they found several devils waiting for them. There were six bearded devils and four barbed devils, creatures they had faced before. There was also another devil they had never seen. This one had long curling horns on its head and was decorated in barbed chains. It floated towards of the ceiling with an insidious aura seemingly emanating from it.   The bearded and barbed devils rushed forward to attack, blocking the party at the corner from where they had just reached. The battle proved very difficult. The barbed devils were as dangerous as they remembered, their long spikes causing their opponents damage when attacked. The floating creature’s aura put doubts in the party’s minds, and though most of the party resisted the evil effect, occasionally, some of them were confused, their actions sporadic and unpredictable.   As the bearded and barbed devils blocked the party from one side, a pair of invisible devils attacked from another side. Mogi Delvin and Traegandar could sense them with their blindsense, but only Selia could see them. The invisible fiends did great damage to Pyzar before a barbed devil fatally impaled him with its spikes. With the devils surrounding Pyzar, there was no safe path for Kyrie to move in to revive him. Selia then cast Great Thunderclap, shaping it around the devils while safely avoiding her teammates. This proved to be the distraction needed, as several of the devil were left momentarily stunned. Kyrie was then able to cast Revivify on Pyzar and bring him back to life. With a number of the devils stunned, the party pressed their advantage and the fight turned in their favor. They eventually killed all the devils and then took time to heal.   When they were ready, Haymin’s Heroes continued through the sewers. They came to another intersection where there were five armed men waiting for them. But Selia saw they were doppelgangers, and she saw several invisible doppelgangers in the area as well, all ready to attack.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
18 Mar 2023


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