Session 117 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 117 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Glitterdust, covering all the invisible doppelgangers she could see, blinding a few of them in the process as well. Pyzar Zim then ran forward, but was attacked by an invisible doppelganger hidden around the corner. Pyzar turned his focus on the invisible assailant, but his greatsword missed. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Holy Smite, catching many of the doppelgangers, damaging them with holy energy and blinding a few more. Titta Morco flew up over the water and attacked one of the wounded doppelgangers next to Pyzar. She was also in position to attack one of them on the bridge. Auren Sylynn ran forward and attacked one of the blinded doppelgangers, bringing him down. Traegandar jumped into the water and breathed fire on several of the enemy. Mogi Delvin followed this up with a Cone of Cold. A number of the doppelgangers were down, including two spellcasters.   From around the corner came a Fireball courtesy of an invisible spellcaster. But Haymin’s Heroes were protected by Mass Resist Energy, negating the fire damage the spell could have caused. The doppelgangers in the back of the room ran forward to reinforce their comrades, but it already seemed the battle was lost.   Ladigo Farthon began casting Summon Nature’s Ally. The party finished off several more of the doppelgangers before the invisible spellcaster cast Web to slow them down. A blinded doppelganger then stumbled off, taking shots from Mogi and Traegandar as we went. Another doppelganger turned and ran away after seeing the majority of his companions defeated. Ladigo finished casting his spell and three dire wolves came in to being. Two of them went after the fleeing doppelgangers. The blind one was killed by the wolf. The other wolf caught up to the last visible enemy. The third dire wolf went to run after him as well when he ran into the invisible spellcaster. This dire wolf then attacked the invisible enemy.   Titta flew after the fleeing doppelganger and blocked him off, flanking him with the dire wolf. Pyzar ran towards where a dire wolf was attacking an invisible enemy. He attacked the ground in front of the wolf and finished off the invisible spellcaster. Moments later the last doppelganger was killed.   The party regrouped and healed before continuing on. They headed towards the room where they expected the Black Requiem to be. But before they got there, they ran into some more enemies.   There were four bodaks standing in their way. As the party moved towards them, three dread wraiths came out from the walls and floor to attack. One of these touched Ladigo, sticking an incorporeal black hand through Ladigo’s chest. Its black necromantic energy sucked much of the life out of him, leaving him feeling sickly and very near death. But before the party could react, an incorporeal fiery undead known as an effigy came out of the wall as well, attacking Selia. It struck at her and tried to infuse its being into her, but she resisted through her force of will.   The battle quickly began looking dire for Haymin’s Heroes. Kyrie cast Holy Word and Holy Aura. Two of the bodaks were caught in the Holy Word and were paralyzed by the spell. The dread wraiths and the effigy did not seem effected. Pyzar attacked the nearest dread wraith, and thanks to his Greater Truedeath Crystal, he defeated the creature. Then Titta took out another one thanks to her crystals as well. Ladigo cast Flame Strike and Selia cast Sunburst on the bodaks. Auren defeated the last dread wraith and Mogi finished off the effigy.   After the battle, Kyrie used her divine magic to restore Ladigo’s health and heal the party. They knew they were close to their destination and began to discuss their plan. When they got within five minutes of the room, they cast some preparatory spells. Then, when they reached the door, they cast a few more.   The party went inside, each under the effect of a True Seeing spell. They saw through the illusion covering the entire room to make it look empty. They saw the Prismatic Sphere in the center of the room and another illusion of the Black Requiem standing before it. But they noticed, in reality, his head peaking out of the sphere.   The Black Requiem greeted them and asked them to join him, promising them a position of power in his new regime. He even offered to make his daughter, Kyrie, a princess. When they refused him, he retreated into the sphere. Simultaneously, two gates opened up on either side of it. From each gate came a death knight, two menacing shadows, and a deadly wight.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
25 Mar 2023


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