Session 118 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 118 Report

General Summary

Traegandar stepped back from the undead suddenly directly in front of him. He breathed his fire on them, weakening a few. Mogi Delvin used his Belt of Battle to move up to one of the wights and attacked. His Holy Avenger cut through it in several swipes, dropping it before it got the chance to attack. The Black Requiem then peeked his head and shoulders out of the Prismatic Sphere and he cast Wail of the Banshee. Thanks to a Mass Death Ward, the entire party was protected and the Black Requiem’s spell was wasted. He expressed his frustration, but quickly cast a Cone of Cold out of nowhere. It caught half the party, damaging Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, Selia Roselyn Maxwell, and Pyzar Zim. But Titta Morco and Auren Sylynn, dodged out of the way.   Kyrie cast Sunbeam at one of the shadows, but the spell missed it. Then Ladigo Farthon cast Moon Bolt at one of the wights and one of the death knights. The wight was unaffected, but the death knight fell to the ground, rendered helpless by the spell’s magic. The shadows attacked, but again, the Mass Death Ward protected the party, their strength draining effect useless. Pyzar stepped to the edge of the Prismatic Sphere and attacked at the Black Requiem’s head. He had difficulty striking the small target, and when he did, the lich’s resistances lessened the damage.   The other undead were defeated relatively easily, with only two shadows remaining, though their attacks had already been rendered ineffective. The Black Requiem continued to pester the party with his spells while ducking in and out of the Prismatic Sphere. Pyzar and Titta took shots at him whenever he reared his skull. Meanwhile, Mogi cast Cone of Cold on the Prismatic Sphere, followed by Selia using Limited Wish to cast Gust of Wind before casting Disintegrate. Together, they had brought down the first three layers of the protective spell, removing the colors, red, orange, and yellow from the rainbow colored dome. Then the Black Requiem cast Disintegrate on Selia, destroying her.   Haymin’s Heroes continued to attack him while he snuck in and out of the Prismatic Sphere through different sides. After another spell flurry ending in a Cone of Cold, Traegandar was killed and Kyrie was barely holding on to consciousness. She reacted quickly and cast Revivify on Traegandar, bringing him back to life. But she passed out in the process from her wounds. Then Ladigo cast Heal on her.   Mogi used the Belt of Battle to get close to the Black Requiem, and attacked with his Holy Avenger. After couple of shots to the head, he cracked through the lich’s skull. The Black Requiem appeared stunned and confused, gasping, “What?” before collapsing inside the Prismatic Sphere.   The party debated what to do next. They decided on calling Thomes Bolen with a Sending Stone. Titta told him to meet at the sewer entrance, expressing the urgency in the situation. He responded that he was on his way. Then Titta, Ladigo, and Mogi rushed out to meet him, Mogi casting Haste on them to increase their speed. Kyrie, Pyzar, Auren, and Traegandar remained behind and healed up.   Titta and the others met with Thomes and she began explaining the situation while they hurried back into the sewers. A host of royal guards followed them, falling behind as they sped through. When they reached the room, Thomes pulled out scrolls to continue bringing down the Prismatic Sphere. After the last layer was dispelled, they could see the singularity bomb sitting on the floor, with the Black Requiem’s belongings in a heap next to it.   Thomes cast Disintegrate on the singularity bomb, turning it to dust. Mogi cast Detect Magic and sensed an overwhelming aura within the heap. They pulled off the Black Requiem’s robes from the heap and found The Grimoire of Lost Souls. They picked it up and gave it to Thomes, explaining what it was. He stated he would take it to the House Arcanum to see if they could destroy it. When the party told him the Sons of Merlin had already tried, Pyzar brought up the Sphere of Annihilation in the Tomb of Horrors. They decided they might try that instead, first.   For now, however, they returned to the palace to meet with the king. When they arrived, he was preparing to address the crowd at the Public Forum. Haymin’s Heroes had to wait, and they watched the address from the room behind the balcony, listening to King Haerodian bring in the new year. After the king finished, they all went to the throne room to discuss the evening’s events.   King Haerodian Ormyr thanked them for saving the city and paid them the 20,000 crowns they were promised. He also offered to have Selia resurrected. Haymin’s Heroes were invited to stay as his guests at the palace and promised a feast in their honor, plus a ceremony to make their titles of Heroes of Valor official. They agreed to do so, thanking him, before the king bid them good night. Then Thomes Bolen took them to the High Temple of the Trinity.   At his request, a priest of Viribus, God of Valor, cast True Resurrection, to bring Selia back to life. The party embraced her and told her what she had missed. Eventually, they returned to the palace and were shown to their rooms, brought some fine wine, and allowed to relax and grab some well earned rest.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
09 Apr 2023


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