Session 121 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 121 Report

General Summary

Traegandar described his family’s former lair at the southern tip of the Serpent Peaks to Selia Roselyn Maxwell. This allowed her to cast Greater Teleport to transport the entire party there in an instant. The large cavern was empty, though there were signs of previous use. They spent the rest of the day there waiting and discussing how they would cross Blacktooth Gap. The also discussed their strategy for the next day.   On the morning of April 14, 500 AV, Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast some spells on the party that would last all day. She also cast Wind Walk twice to cover everyone. They then flew across Blacktooth Gap at incredible speed, thanks to the magic, Traegandar leading the way. When they reached the Orgron Mountains, he pointed to the mountain, making it clear that Grymith, the Wicked’s lair was somewhere on its slopes. Titta Morco then lead the party, flying around it at a distance looking for a cave opening large enough for an ancient red dragon.   They searched it from top to bottom at wide arcs, not finding a cave they thought was truly big enough. They did find other openings towards the base nearing the foothills. There were creatures in a ravine riddled with cave openings, but they were too far to tell exactly what they were.   Titta then landed the party down in the woods near the lowest caves. They transformed from the vaporous beings the Wind Walk had transformed them into back to their normal state. Titta’s plan was to take the party up to the caves and take out Grymith’s minions as they climbed the mountain and searched for his lair. They cast a few more preparatory spells and trekked up a path to the ravine.   When they reached it, they saw the creatures there were dracotaurs, reptilian creatures with a dragon-like lower half and a humanoid upper half, something like draconic centaurs. Titta called out to them, stating they were looking for Grymith, the Wicked. The dracotaurs asked them if they were wanting to sacrifice themselves to the dragon, but Titta admitted they were there to kill him. This drew hearty laughter from the dracotaurs. The banter between them ended when three of the closest dracotaurs spit globs of fire at Titta, Auren Sylynn, and Pyzar Zim. The fire did nothing to the party as they were all under the effect of Resist Energy. Haymin’s Heroes then retaliated immediately.   Mogi Delvin stepped up and cast Cone of Cold, catching several of the dracotaurs. Traegandar then stepped next to him and breathed fire on the closest ones. Both the cold and the fire seemed to damage the dracotaurs, confirming that they had no particular resistance or immunity to either energy type. Selia then cast Haste, catching the whole party minus Mogi and Traegandar who were just out of reach. Titta and Fisher ran up and attacked the closest two dracotaurs. Auren slipped past the dracotaur Fisher was fighting, rolling between its legs to get behind it. Then he attacked it from behind before it could react, taking it down.   With the enemy bottlenecked at the opening of the ravine, Haymin’s Heroes had the advantage early on. One by one, they dropped the dracotaurs. But a few of the enemy, wielding battleaxes in one hand and handaxes in the other fought with particular ferocity and rage. They showed resilience and displayed potent offensive capability. At one point, Titta, pressing forward, was caught between a pair of dracotaurs. She suffered serious injuries and seemed close to going down. But Ladigo Farthon, in the shape of a blink dog, popped in next to her and cast Heal. This stopped any momentum the enemy had. It did not take long from here for the party to finish off the rest.   Haymin’s Heroes searched the dracotaur caves and collected a treasure chest with some coins and gems. They went into the central cave and followed its path until it exited farther down the path leading up the mountainside. They continued winding up the mountain path until they reached the next cave opening. They proceeded inside, seeing torchlight from within. When their eyes adjusted they saw a cavernous area with several fomorian giants inside. They wielded maces that were basically tree trunks fitted with metal bands and spikes at the end. The formorians were ready for battle.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
13 May 2023


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