Session 122 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 122 Report

General Summary

Mogi Delvin cast Orb of Fire at one of the fomorians, blasting it with flames as the giant recoiled in pain. Then Traegandar stepped up and caught another two with his fiery breath. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Righteous Wrath of the Faithful on the party, enhancing their physical attacks. But the formorians began to rush forward and a pair of them trampled over the front line. Mogi sliced the first with his Holy Avenger as it ran past. Titta Morco evaded the giant, but Pyzar Zim struck the creature with his greatsword. Having already been weakened by Mogi’s fire, this first giant went down, but not before bruising Pyzar. A second fomorian immediately followed the first, but both Titta and Pyzar took the opportunity to strike while taking the brunt of the attack. Though they were bruised, their efforts felled this giant as well. The rest of the fomorians came close, with only a few within striking range. Their great banded tree trunks like deadly maces.   Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Glitterdust, blinding a number of the giants. Auren Sylynn stepped to one of the blinded giants with a well-placed, deadly strike. Then Ladigo Farthon cast Rain of Roses, causing roses to fall down from the ceiling. As they did so, their thorns struck the giants draining their mentality with the magical effect. Mogi followed up with a Cone of Cold, catching all of the fomorians, inflicting more damage. Though they were strong and resilient, the giants were in disarray, some blinded, some weakened by other spells. Haymin’s Heroes started cutting them down one by one, until they were all dead.   The party suffered some wounds in the process. Traegandar has been knocked unconscious in the middle of the battle, but Kyrie used Heal to bring him back up immediately. When the battle was over, they began searching the cave system, finding several canvas sacks containing the fomorians’ treasure. While they did this, Kyrie’s persistent Mass Lesser Vigor healed the party slowly. After fifteen minutes, though, all their wounds were gone.   Haymin’s Heroes followed a tunnel out of the giants’ lair. As it rose in elevation, this corridor eventually led out onto the mountain slope again. The party continued following the worn path until it suddenly stopped. They would have to either climb from here or fly up. They chose the latter, turning back into misty forms as Kyrie’s Wind Walk was still active.   They flew up the mountainside, searching for a cave large enough to fit an ancient red dragon. But no such cave was in sight. In the distance, they saw some wyverns flying around, but the creatures did not notice them in their misty form. The party avoided the wyverns and flew up the other side of the mountain. Eventually, they came to a plateau. Though the party did not notice it, Selia saw through an illusion with her True Seeing. There was a massive opening on the cliff wall at the back end of the plateau. She signed to the rest of the party since they could not speak in their current forms. Then they returned to normal, landing on the plateau.   The party cast a few spells to prepare before entering the cave. One of these was Hide From Dragons cast by Selia. This covered the entire party and would ensure no dragon could see, hear, or smell them. Once they were ready, the party lined up and entered the cave opening.   As soon as they entered a magical effect inflicted damage upon them. In addition, two huge constructs, monstrosities made of stone wearing metal plates covered in large spikes, came out of carved niches in the cavern walls. The party attacked and quickly learned they were constructs, some sort of deadly golems. The party’s spells seemed to have no effect and the golems were resistant to their weapons’ damage. Auren, however, had a Greater Demolition Crystal on one of his kukris, which helped him cut into one of the golems to great effect. Pyzar and Titta took a moment to switch their weapon crystals to Greater Demolition Crystals.   The battle was tough. One of the golems grabbed Mogi and impaled him upon the spikes on its back. Traegandar managed to pull Mogi off, but when Pyzar stepped in, the golem grabbed him and impaled him as well. The other golem grabbed and impaled Auren. Titta managed to get close to one of the golems and her scimitars, enhanced by the weapon crystals did their work, eventually bringing the creature down. As it fell, Pyzar luckily slid off its spikes. Then Titta brought down the last golem, it having already suffered a lot of damage from Auren.   When the golems were down, the party carefully pulled Auren off the spikes and they began to heal. Kyrie’s persistent Mass Lesser Vigor took several minutes to remove all their wounds. The party waited in the cavern, confident that the dragon did not know they were there thanks to Hide From Dragons.   At the back end of the cave was an enormous pit that led down to a pool of lava about three hundred feet below. A few caves could be seen opening into the pit along the distance of the shaft. Before the pit, though, there was a tunnel that branched off into a natural stairway leading down. The party debated which way to proceed, arguing between flying down the central shaft into the pit or walking down the side tunnel. Ultimately, it was decided to walk down, taking out any of the dragon’s minions they might encounter along the way. That way, when they eventually faced Grymith, he would not be aided by whatever other creatures inhabited his lair. Once the party was completely healed, they began down the tunnel.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
04 Jun 2023


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