Session 123 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 123 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes entered a cavern containing four fire elementals. Three of them were medium sized. But one was enormous, standing almost forty feet tall. Mogi Delvin stepped forward immediately and cast Cone of Cold. This eliminated two of the smaller ones instantly. The larger elemental was clearly damaged by the cold, but still stood. The party rushed forward at the remaining two elementals. The larger one using its reach to strike out at anyone who approached too close. The party was protected against fire, some with complete immunity, others with a strong resistance, but the pounding fists of the greater fire elemental still stung. Traegandar and Pyzar Zim defeated the last of the smaller elementals. Ladigo Farthon struck the larger one with an Icelance spell while Auren Sylynn and Titta Morco flanked it, killing it with multiple blade strikes.   The elementals flames were doused and it disappeared. Then Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone used a wand to heal Pennig who had taken the brunt of the larger elemental’s attacks. Mogi looked out from an opening into the pit and noted some of the other openings both above and below. They were still about two-hundered feet from the bottom. They exited down a corridor at the other end of the room and continued to descend, the path traveling around the great pit in the center.   They came to another cavern, this one about one-hundred feet from the bottom. There were several mephits in this room, some fire, some magma, and some steam. The mephits retreated farther into the cavern as the party approached. Mogi cast Cone of Cold and destroyed the majority of the mephits. The couple that remained were killed quickly.   The party began heading for the other exit to the cavern, looking to continue down the path. But in the middle of the room, Pyzar stepped on a hidden trapdoor that opened up beneath him. He managed to catch himself, preventing a one-hundred foot fall into a lava pool below. Below, the party saw fiery salamanders looking up at them. Haymin’s Heroes walked around the open trapdoor and headed down the path leading from the room.   The path winded down, eventually leading to the cavern containing the salamanders. As they approached, one of the salamanders saw them coming down the hall and blew a horn in alarm. Though they were still under the protection of Hide From Dragons, the party knew Grymith, the Wicked, was now aware of intruders. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste on the party and they approached the room. As Pyzar stepped into the opening, he narrowly dodged the whip of a salamander tail. Selia cast Greater Invisibility on Auren, then he ran past the party and into the room, taking a position behind one of the largest salamanders, hitting him with a sneak attack. Mogi stepped into the room and caught the majority of the salamanders with a Cone of Cold. The smallest ones caught in the blast were killed. The medium sized ones were also downed. The one Auren had struck was killed. There were only two small salamanders, one medium, and one large one left. Titta killed the medium one. The largest of the salamanders cast Dispel Magic, catching the majority of the party. But only the persistent Lesser Vigor on Kyrie and the Energy Immunity she had recently cast on Pyzar were dispelled. The salamander then began to retreat, running over the lava pool. The smaller ones retreated immediately as well.   Haymin’s Heroes chased them down, running along the stone path next to the lava. Titta flew over the lava, helping to take them down. The salamanders were brought down before they reached the lava pit in the central shaft. But a couple of drakes, one magma, one fire, ran into the pit from a cave along the side. But it was clear that the drakes could not see the party. They commented to each other in draconic that some invisible intruders killed the salamanders.   The party snuck up to them, but one of the drakes bumped into Titta. Selia cast Glitterdust, blinding the magma drake. Auren struck it and wounded it. Then Titta dispatched the fire drake before finishing off the magma.   The party then debated their next move. Mogi asked Selia to cast Hide From Dragons again. There was one opening in the pit wall they had not yet explored. They believed Grymith would be found there. The party went into the drakes’ lair to gather around Selia so she could cast the spell. A couple other spells were cast as well in preparation. But as they continued to debate how they would reach the opening, fifty feet up the pit wall, Grymith attacked.   The massive dragon landed in the lava pool, however, only Kyrie and Selia, under the effect of True Seeing, could see Grymith. The dragon cast Prismatic Spray, catching the entire party. Most of the party resisted the effect, but Kyrie was slightly wounded from acid, while Selia was severely hurt from electricity, and Pennig’s vitality was significantly drained from him. To further complicate matters, Grymith, the Wicked, remained invisible.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
10 Jun 2023


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