Session 125 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 125 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes spent some time planning what magic items Selia Roselyn Maxwell would enchant for them. They calculated what they could afford and how long it would take her. Their ultimate wishlist would take weeks. They also decided what to do with the mundane treasure they found, what would be kept, sold, or gifted to others.   While Selia began working on enchanting magic items, the rest of the party trained, studied, and otherwise spent their time. After about a month, on May 15, 500 AV, a letter arrived at Heroes for Hire for the party. It was from Brother Lu, asking them to come see him in Church at their earliest convenience. Selia was in the middle of enchanting Pyzar Zim’s sword and would require a few more days to complete it. So they decided to go to Church on May 19, 500 AV, the morning after she finished.   When they arrived in Church, they proceeded straight to the Temple of Truth. They were immediately greeted by an attendant who ushered them directly inside to see Brother Lu. Brother Lu greeted them, making some small talk before getting down to business. He told them of the task he had alluded to on their previous meetings, finally revealing the details.   There was a portal in the library in the Temple of Truth. Brother Lu wanted the party to take the portal, discover where it led, deliver a letter to the ruler of that domain, learn how to activate the return portal on the other side, return to Church, and report back to him. Brother Lu told them he did not know where the portal led. However, a city was clearly visible on the other side. When activated, the portal revealed an alleyway opening into a city street. Humans and several other races have been seen walking through the street.   The party accepted the mission, knowing their reward would be the separation of Beldryss’ soul from Auren Sylynn’s bloodline, effectively destroying the lich’s phylactery, rendering her susceptible to permanent destruction.   A grand archway opened to the library in the Temple of Truth. There were works etched along the arch that read “A journey whose path depends on another’s vision of where it ends.” To activate the portal, one had to touch the words in sequence. That opened the portal for thirty seconds. Haymin’s Heroes did so and saw the alley and street Brother Lu had described to them. There were indeed humanoids and other creatures walking along it. The party walked through the gate, and when they looked back, saw only the other side of the alley. Wherever they were, there was no going back immediately.   A human girl saw them and approached with a smile. She began speaking in a language none of them understood. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone began casting Tongues while Selia began casting Comprehend Languages. Auren immediately began speaking to the girl in different languages, asking if she understood. She could speak Elven and asked if everyone could understand her now. Mogi Delvin did not speak Elven, so the girl cast Tongues on herself to make communication easier.   Her name was Thessalni. She welcomed them to Sigil and asked the party if they needed the services of a “tout.” She explained that a tout was a guide and then asked if they were “primes.” Auren said they were from the Prime Material Plane, from Embril. Thessalni was not familiar with Embril and asked them if the portal was a two-way. Haymin’s Heroes did not know. They told her they were there to deliver a letter to the leader of Sigil and find a way to activate the return portal.   Thessalni told them the Lady of Pain ruled Sigil. She was a being of incredible power whose visage could flay anyone who sets eyes upon her. She is fifteen feet tall with blades protruding from her face. No one willingly seeks the Lady, fearing her attention. She speak with no one but the dabus, a race of beings who serve her and the city.   Sigil is inside a torus, a circular ring shape. On a clear day, one could look overhead and see the other side of the city directly above. Thessalni briefly described the wards of the city and told the party about the gates. Sigil was known as the City of Doors, or the Cage. Gates in the city led everywhere, to all planes. She could help them find a way to activate a portal back to their world. She knew people who specialized in gates and gate keys, which were often required to open the gates. She could also look into how they could deliver their letter, preferably safely without drawing the Lady’s direct attention. She charged one gold piece per hour, or ten gold pieces for a day’s work. Titta Morco paid her ten crowns to hire her for the day, stating that they would probably require her services for a number of days afterwards.   Thessalni showed them maps of the city and explained its layout. Titta requested and inn and a place to get a drink.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
24 Jun 2023


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