Session 128 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 128 Report

General Summary

Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Righteous Wrath of the Faithful on the party. Then Titta Morco used her Belt of Battle to run up to one of the vrocks and unleashed with her scimitars. She killed the creature and sidestepped to engage another one. Pyzar Zim ran past her, using his Bracers of Battle to propel him forward. He engaged one of the human warriors first, bringing him down before stepping into a position between three enemies. Then he killed a babau, another human warrior, and wounded a vrock.   Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast a sculpted Glitterdust, blinding four of the enemy. A pair of warriors who could still see ran to the entrance to engage the rest of the party and block their path into the yard. Auren Sylynn killed them, opening the path again. Then Mogi Delvin stepped up to attack one of the demons around Titta. Traegandar ran in as well and bit the nearest vrock. While Ladigo Farthon cast Snake’s Swiftness on Mogi, enabling him to lash out with another attack.   The party picked off the remaining enemies, focusing on those who could still see first before chasing down the blinded ones as they stumbled away. When the battle was finished, they wasted little time regrouping and lining up to proceed down the stairs at the back of the yard leading underground. Titta was the most bruised, but they trusted in the persistent Mass Lesser Vigor to heal her up within the next few minutes.   At the bottom of the stairs, they came to a room decorated with the rotting heads of the Demons’ unfortunate victims. Titta took a moment to make sure Thessalni’s was not one of those nailed to the walls. When she was sure, she looked and listened down each of the two corridors leading farther into the complex. Down one she heard the sounds of occupants somewhere in the distance. Down the other she heard the hushed sounds of hiding creatures shuffling into position. She silently motioned to the party towards that corridor and they lined proceeded that way.   The hall came to a three way intersection. Titta looked left and right and noticed some of the Demons hiding in the nearby rooms, waiting to ambush the party. She motioned to the party again, pointing towards both corridors. She ran to the left and attacked one of the half-fiends there. Selia cast Greater Invisibility on Auren. Ladigo, still in blink dog form, teleported into the other room and cast Wall of Sand, completely filling it, except for the corner he stood in, trapping the enemy there beneath the sand.   Titta was quickly flanked in the other room, but Mogi rushed forward to engage the half-fiend behind her. Auren ran past Titta and took position next to two spellcasters at the back of the room, preparing to sneak attack them. After Titta and Mogi dealt with the half-fiends, Titta moved next to one of the spellcasters. He managed to cast Cone of Cold, catching Mogi and Pyzar in the blast, but Titta avoided it. Auren killed the other caster, interrupting whatever spell he was trying to unleash.   The battle was over quickly and the party again wasted little time in regrouping and moving on. Ladigo stopped concentrating on the Wall of Sand, knowing the spell would last a couple minutes more on its own. They went back to the first room and took the other path. The hall again split and they turned left. Auren led the way, still invisible. Titta, under the effect of a True Seeing cast by Selia could see him.   Auren saw one of the Demons waiting around a corner and he snuck up quietly to peak around the corner. A short way down there was another room where several more enemy waited. The one by the corner motioned to them to get ready. And Auren used sign language to inform Titta of what he saw. He told her he was going ahead to spring a surprise on them when the party approached.   This group of Demons was all humans and half-fiends. They prepared their ambush. When the party turned the corner and began walking down the hall, the spellcasters got ready to blast them with a spell. But Auren struck first, killing one of them and catching all the Demons by surprise. Then Ladigo teleported in and cast Wall of Fire around the other caster. The battle did not last long as the potential ambush was averted by the invisible Auren.   By now some of the party’s spells were nearing the end of their duration and they regrouped and cast a few spells again. After a few minutes of discussion, they decided how to proceed. The next room they came to was behind a huge double-door. Large nests and pallet beds were spread about the floor. But otherwise, the room was empty. The party then backtracked and checked another door down a side corridor. This led to a barracks room full of bunkbeds. But no enemy could be found in their either.   They eventually came to another room, a large one occupied by several demons. There were babaus, vrocks, a hezrou, and a glabrezu. The latter two the party had not yet faced, but they had read about in their studies of demonkind. The hezrou was large and hulking, but the glabrezu dwarfed it, possessing massive pincers at the end of huge arms, plus an additional set of clawed hands on a short pair of arms that protruded from the creature’s chest. The tanar’ri looked ready for battle. And Haymin’s Heroes were ready to oblige them.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
05 Aug 2023


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