Session 129 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 129 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste on the entire party. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Holy Smite catching the huge glabrezu and one of the babaus. Both demons were damaged by the spell, but the babau was also blinded. Then Kyrie cast a quickened Blessing of the Righteous, enhancing the party’s weapons with holy energy. Three of the babaus rushed forward into the corridor and blocked the party’s entry. But Auren Sylynn tumbled through them, taking up a position between the babaus and the glabrezu. He took a swipe at the huge demon with his kukri before activating his Transposer cloak to switch places with Pyzar Zim.   Pyzar cut through the two babaus closest to the party, helping clear the path, and he also wounded the third. Then Mogi Delvin ran forward and finished that one off with his Holy Avenger. With the path into the room clearer, Ladigo Farthon cast Splinterbolt at the glabrezu. Titta Morco also ran in and attacked the glabrezu. Selia cast Great Thunderclap and stunned several of the remaining demons. It did not take Haymin’s Heroes long to eliminate the enemy from there.   The party regrouped immediately and continued past this room, taking a wide set of stairs down. They landed on a long wide corridor. At the end of this corridor was a huge room with a gladiatorial combat pit in the center. Above the pit, all around the room, several demons waited, including Zophrogan, the balor.   Ladigo cast Mass Death Ward on the party. A pair of half-fiend spellcasters in the room cast a spell and turned invisible. Then Pyzar rushed the closest marilith, attacking with a flurry of swipes of his greatsword, killing the six-armed, serpentine, demon warrior. Auren ran into the room and turned towards the left to run around the pit, heading towards the balor. But Zophrogan spread his wings and flew up over the pit, casting Implosion on Pyzar and a quickened Telekinesis on Auren. Thankfully, both resisted the spells.   Then Titta flew up to engage the balor, but as she got within his reach, Zophrogan attacked with his Vorpal Sword, decapitating her. Her body and head tumbled into the pit, much to the party’s dismay. Mogi ran in toward the same side as Auren and attacked one of the half-fiends as Traegandar jumped down into the pit to guard Titta’s remains.   One of the half-fiends attacked Pyzar, but Pyzar counterattacked and killed him. Then the molydeus, a large greataxe wielding demon with the head of a wolf and the head of a snake attacked Pyzar. It released its greataxe, which began floating and attacking on its own. The molydeus also cast a quickened Telekinesis, which almost wrenched the greatsword from Pyzar’s hands.   Selia cast a quickened Greater Invisibility on Kyrie and a Greater Dispel Magic on the balor. Her spell doused the flames around his body and cancelled his True Seeing. Around the room, the demons maneuvered to attack. The arrow demons fired their bows. Kyrie, now invisible, ran into the room unseen, aided by her Belt of Battle, and deftly jumped down into the pit. She grabbed Titta’s head, placing it on her shoulders as she cast a quickened Revivify, bringing her ally back to life. Then she cast Heal, taking care of the majority of Titta’s wounds.   Ladigo cast a quickened Downdraft and caused Zophrogan to fall to the floor in the pit. Then he began casting Summon Elemental Monolith. Pyzar killed another half-fiend and wounded the other marilith, but accidentally dropped his greatsword. Auren ran up and finished off the marilith. As the battle continued, Zophrogan stood up and attacked Titta on the ground with his Vorpal Sword. The molydeus cast Blasphemy, dazing Auren, Mogi, and Traegandar. Titta, Selia, and Ladigo were out of range, while Kyrie’s Mind Blank kept her safe and Pyzar used his Third Eye Clarity to negate the effect.   Then Kyrie cast a quickened Wall of Sand around the platform surrounding the pit, catching all the enemies she could see up there. She also cast Prismatic Sphere, surrounding herself in the protective energy while simultaneously catching Zophrogan half in and half out of the sphere. He was struck by each color of the Prismatic Sphere, and though the balor was immune to a number of the effects, he succumb to the petrification of the blue color. Zophrogan turned to stone and was then destroyed by the sphere’s ability to destroy mundane objects.   The Demons in the Wall of Sand managed to Teleport out. The half-fiend eventually forced its way out. But the party teamed up on the molydeus as the arrow demons were not behind the Wall of Sand and could be of no effect until they remaneuvered. When the elemental monolith appeared, a massive earth creature, it pounded the molydeus with powerful fists. Then Ladigo cast Snake’s Swiftness on it, and it finished off the molydeus, leaving its body in a crumpled and mangled heap. With the balor and the molydeus gone, as well as the mariliths, the arrow demons teleported away. The half-fiends ran off, encouraged by Titta to tell the rest of the Demons that Zophrogan was dead.   The party then regrouped and took time to heal via the persistent Mass Lesser Vigor, as the Wall of Sand eventually faded away.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
19 Aug 2023


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