Session 130 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 130 Report

General Summary

After the Prismatic Sphere expired, Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone found the envelope containing the letter to the Lady of Pain lying on the floor. It must have been in Zophrogan’s possession when he was destroyed, but somehow, the envelope remained unharmed and unopen with the letter still inside. They put the letter away and began searching for Thessalni.   There were two sets of double-doors in the room. One was a large set behind the throne, which they presumed led to Zophrogan’s quarters. The other was on the opposite side of the room, a smaller double-door. This door was locked, but Auren Sylynn used his tools and skill to pick it easily. Beyond the door was a cooridor between two rows of cells. Thessalni was in one of the cells, but the rest were empty. Auren unlocked her cell and they freed her. She was elated and much relieved to see the party and thoroughly amazed and impressed when they told her the fate of Zophrogan the balor.   After they regrouped they went to the doors behind the throne. A hallway indeed led to Zophrogan’s quarters. A chest in this room contained some coins and gems, and on a large desk were some notes on other gangs and rival organizations in Sigil. Haymin’s Heroes searched the room and the hallway outside and Selia Roselyn Maxwell found a secret door. This door led to Zophrogans secret treasure stash. Here they found a large amount of coins and some magic items as well.   They party searched out the rest of the Demon stronghold, finding the dining area, kitchen, and a large common room. These rooms were all empty. Then they went back to search out all the rooms they had been in before, but had not taken the time to search. They gathered the coins from their fallen enemies, but found little else. No more of the Demons remained in the stronghold.   When Haymin’s Heroes finished, they left, returning to Miren’s Fine Inn and Tavern in Clerk’s Ward. Thessalni went home. They agreed to meet the next day to resume working on how to deliver the letter to the Lady of Pain.   They had breakfast with Thessalni, the next morning, May 22, 500 AV. They told her about their raid on the Demons Stronghold, detailing the battles they had fought on their way to her rescue. She took notes and played a few melodies on her flute as she began composing music to accompany the party’s story. After breakfast, Thessalni left to seek out her contacts and continue her work finding a way to deliver the letter to the Lady of Pain.   Thessalni returned late in the afternoon with news of where to find a dabus they could speak to. She and the party set off for the Lady’s Ward. There, in the Temples District, they came to a construction site where they found several dabus. One of them approached the party when they arrived. A rebus appeared above the dabus’ head. Kyrie, who had cast Tongues earlier could understand what it meant. Selia’s keen intellect also helped her make sense of the images and symbols quickly.   A brief conversation followed, words to rebuses. The dabus understood they had something for the Lady of Pain. He accepted the letter and bid them farewell. Then he floated away out of site. Afterwards, the party returned to their inn in Clerk’s Ward.   The next day, May 23, 500 AV, they tried to gather any information they could on any visitors to Sigil from Embril. By the end of the day, the only thing they learned was of a party who had become trapped in Sigil some years ago, not knowing how to activate the portal back home. Reports were that this party was killed, having run afoul of one of the city’s various gangs.   Towards the end of the day, Haymin’s Heroes bid farewell to Thessalni and returned to Church. After coming through the portal, they called out for Brother Lu. Moments later, he appeared. They conversed for a time, informing Brother Lu of their adventure. He had suspected that the portal led to Sigil, but he was not certain. He was thankful that he now knew how to activate the return portal, should he ever have need to send another party through. Haymin’s Heroes asked some questions about the Lady of Pain and learned that she was one of the Overgods made by the Creator, and her universe had been destroyed eons ago having succumb to the corruption of evil introduced by Satan. Auren asked Brother Lu what the letter was about, but the angel said that it was private.   Eventually, the conversation turned to the destruction of Beldryss’ phylactery. Brother Lu told them he could destroy it any time the party wanted. It would not negatively effect Auren, and that in fact, it would feel as if a weight was lifted off his soul. Brother Lu also told them to seek out the Lucky Leviathan, a ship presently docked in Church. Haymin’s Heroes discussed their options and decided on a specific time for Brother Lu to destroy the phylactery and separating Auren’s connection to Beldryss. Brother Lu would wait until they had successfully cast Dimensional Anchor on her; he assured them he would know the precise moment that happened.   Haymin’s Heroes thanked Brother Lu and went to the docks to find the Lucky Leviathan.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
26 Aug 2023


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