Session 134 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 134 Report

General Summary

After sailing away from the sunken Black Ship, the Lucky Leviathan found two different islands, one in the afternoon, one in the evening. Titta Morco, Ladigo Farthon in eagle form, and Mogi Delvin riding on Traegandar flew around those islands, searching for any signs of Beldryss, the Mother of Bones and her lair. On the second island they found the wreckage of a ship, but it appeared to have been there for many years.   Late the next morning, on June 12, 500 AV, they found another island. This time Selia Roselyn Maxwell went, riding on Traegandar with Mogi, while Titta remained on the ship. They felt Selia’s True Seeing might prove useful if Beldryss had hidden her lair behind any illusion magic. As they explored this island, they found a dock on the southeast shore. There were no other structures nearby. The dock did not appear in disrepair. A worn path led from the dock into the island.   Selia contacted Titta via Sending Stone and informed her of what they found. Titta spoke with Captain Trevian and he began sailing the ship towards the dock, where he would wait to hear from the party. But Titta had Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, Auren Sylynn, and Pyzar Zim go into a Bag of Holding as she carried them while she flew onto the island and skirted the shore until she found the dock and the others. Despite the near constant drizzle and misting of the past couple days, she found tracks, perhaps only a day or two old.   They followed the path and it led towards the east around a jutting of rocks near a stony cliff by the shore. There was a lagoon with a cave on the shore in the rocky cliff. As they approached the lagoon, Mogi used Detect Evil and sensed something in the water. Traegandar also sensed creatrues in the water. The closer they came, the more creatures they sensed.   When they neared the cave, several creatures arose from the water. They appeared like an amalgam of a humanoid and eel. The creatures attempted a mental attack on the party, but they all resisted the magical intrusion. Haymin’s Heroes reacted quickly, stepping to the edge of the shore to attack those closest. Four of them attacked Pyzar and were each cut down as he counterattacked. Titta disposed of another with her scimitars. Then Traegandar breathed his fire and Mogi cast Cone of Cold. Most of the creatures were killed. The party then easily defeated the two that remained.   They regrouped and approached the cave. Just past the entrance was a stairwell leading down. But before they entered, they saw Beldryss walking up the stairs.   “Welcom, Auren,” she said. “It is good to see you. I am happy you have decided to come to your greatest grandmother at last. I see have brought three lovely concubines. They, of course, are welcome as well. The others, however, I have no use for. And I do not wish to kill your friends. So they may go.”   Selia noted that she was an illusion. A short banter with the illusion of Beldryss followed before she turned back into the cave and walked down the stairs. The party walked into the cave as well, but she was already gone when they began down the stairs.   At the bottom of the stairs, the corridor lead into an open room. There was a large pool of acid dominating the front half. A stone path crossed over the acid pool. At the back of the room there was an alcove containing a large stone skull, approximately eight feet tall. The party slowly entered the room, Auren searching for traps along the bridge. When Traegandar neared, he sensed two creatures in the acid. Once the entire party had entered, two huge, shadowy blobs came out of the acid. They seemed to suck in all the light around them, dimming the room. However, the light on Auren’s kukri from the Ring of Light, was not dimmed, leaving it the only light source.   A vicious battle followed. Reality around these creatures seemed to distort as the party saw glimpses of what could have been. One of the creatures cast Reverse Gravity sending most of the party falling to the ceiling, as well as large amounts of acid. During the battle, Auren and Kyrie were grabbed by black tendrils from one of the creatures and pulled into its orb-like body. The other one did the same to Selia. They took great damage from their crushing power, but Mass Death Ward protected them from the negative energy effects this beings possessed. They realized these monsters were undead and tried to target them with spells that typically worked against the undead, but the beasts seemed to have several defenses. They resisted fire, cold, and light spells.   Auren tried to fight his way out from within the black blob. Kyrie teleported out with her Anklet of Translocation. Selia cast Time Stop and eventually managed to successfully cast Dimension Door to escape. Titta finally defeated one of the creatures and Auren was set free, but fell into the acid pool. Thankfully, the entire party was protected by Mass Energy Resistance against acid.   During the battle, the large stone skull cast Greater Dispel Magic in a line along the bridge path. Pyzar and Traegandar lost their Death Ward protection as a result. The Reverse Gravity was also dispelled, causing Pyzar, Traegandar, and Mogi to fall back to the floor. The party was scattered across the room and their efforts somewhat disjointed. There was still one of these creatures left. Mogi opened a door wanting to leave the room. But the door led into a room containing four iron golems. There were also four braziers in the room, each with a red glowing crystal on top that radiated from the inside with a flame-like radiance. Mogi closed the door quickly after opening it.   Ladigo cast Wall of Sand covering the skull and stretching it down one of the walls to cover a door at the opposite side of the room from where Mogi stood. Eventually, Kyrie struck the creature with a Bolt of Glory and it was destroyed. Titta who had been pulled inside it was set free.   The party took several minutes to heal and regroup. The Wall of Sand expired and the skull continued to cast Greater Dispel Magic repeatedly. The party avoided standing in front of it and waited for a break between castings to take turns crossing the path to the other side. Traegandar and Pyzar received Death Wards again and the party prepared to go through the door opposite the iron golem room.   When they opened it they found a room containing several bloodstained tables with leather straps and metal claps attached. There were tables with vials, surgical tools, and alchemical supplies as well. Four of the worm-ridden undead they had faced on the Black Ship as well as four of the twisted humanoids with metal grafts in their flesh guarded this room and moved to attack the intruders. Haymin’s Heroes were relieved it was only these creatures and not something like what they had just fought, or the four iron golems in the room across the way.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
28 Oct 2023


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