Session 135 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 135 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste on the party. Traegandar ran into the room and breathed fire on some of the enemies. The humanoids evaded the flames, but a pair of worm-ridden undead were caught. Mogi Delvin then ran into the room and attacked the closest of the undead, felling it. Auren Sylynn ran into the room and attacked a twisted humanoid. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone fired a Searing Light at another one. Through the ceiling came two vaporous masses of red mist. One of them wrapped glistening tendrils around Mogi which began sucking blood out through his pores. Ladigo Farthon fired an Icelance spell at one of the red blobs, but it flew through the creature harmlessly. Pyzar Zim stepped to the closest mutants and joined the fray. Then Titta Morco flew towards one of the red mists and attacked with her scimitars, aided by a Greater Truedeath Crystal allowing her to damage its incorporeal form.   Despite the surprise of the red blobs, the party had no difficulty defeating the enemies. Titta’s, Auren’s, Mogi’s, and Pyzar’s blades cut down the enemies, aided by Haste. When the battle was over, Mogi tended to himself with a Lesser Restoration to heal the effects of the blood loss. The party then rerouped, ready to move on. Titta peeked into a storage room, noting the components stocked on the shelves.   They opened the door on one end of the room and found a line of prison cells. The cells were empty, but bore stains of blood and human waste. They moved on to the other side of the laboratory and opened the other door. This led to a hallway with a few branches.   Down one side hallway they came to a furnished bedroom. It contained a large bed, a sofa and animal skin rug before a fireplace, a dresser, and four sets of chains in the rounded corners of the room. Across the hall was a door that opened to a small wing with four simple quarters. These each contained a bed, a nightstand and a basinet.   Around the corner they came to a fully stocked kitchen. It did not appear like it has seen much use, but the pantry was stocked with food, most of it fresh meat. Down the hall from this kitchen, they came to a large room containing several nests and pallet beds. The musty smell of sweat and grime permeated the room.   At the end of the hall past this room they came to another door. It opened into a large throne room. At the back of the room was a stepped platform and a raised dais on top with a throne. A branching tree symbol was stitched into the red velvet cushioning. Tapestries along the walls displayed this same tree symbol. Beldryss, the Mother of Bones, stood before the throne with several of her minions in the room.   She greeted the party and offered them a chance to surrender. Two large constructs made of stone and metal with glowing runes on them suddenly teleported into the room. Beldrys told Auren his bedroom was ready and the women could stay. The other men, however, she would turn into her mutants. Auren told Beldryss they were there to kill her. She said, “Bring it on, sonny!”   Mogi ran in quickly to one side and cast Dimensional Anchor from a scroll. It struck Beldryss and she smirked. A glowing aura suddenly washed over the lich and Auren and the party all heard the words, “It’s done.”   Beldryss suddenly looked surprised and enraged in equal measure. She said, “What have you done?”   Traegandar breathed fire, catching Beldryss, one of the large mutants, and one of the constructs. Then Mogi climbed onto the raised area and ran towards the lich. Kyrie ran into the room and cast Holy Word and a quickened Streamers. Four of the metal grafted mutants were left paralyzed, blind, and defeaned on the floor. Two of the larger mutants were only blaned and deafened. Two undead minions in the room, plus the constructs, and Beldryss were unaffected.   A fat humanoid undead creature ran toward Kyrie. Glowing runes etched onto his flesh produced a Symbol of Pain which left Kyrie, Titta, and Selia wracked. The others were able to shake off the magic. This undead creature opened its mouth unnaturally wide, revealing sharp teeth. It attempted to bite Kyrie’s head off, but she avoided the strike. Pyzar ran in to help her, using his Bracers of Battle to propel him forward in an instant. His greatsword cut through the creature, bringing it down. Then he stepped to one of the hulking blinded mutants, killing it as well before stepping toward a large undead humanoid wielding two morningstars.   Beldryss then cast a spell. The streamer on her attacked and damaged her. But then the lich moved so quickly, she seemingly disappeared. When she reappeared again, she was flying on the other side of the room. There were three Walls of Force around the room splitting the party up. Then Beldryss cast a quickened Greater Invisibility.   Mogi and Traegandar were separated from the rest of the battle by one of the Wall of Force spells. Another one left Kyrie and Pyzar alone to face all the enemies. The third wall split the rest of the party. Titta and Auren were cut off one one side. Selia and Ladigo were on the other.   Selia cast Greater Teleport and took Ladigo with her to the other side of the wall. This interrupted Ladigo’s casting of Summon Elemental Monolith. Selia then cast a quickened Dimension Door, taking Titta, Auren, and Ladigo with her past the other Wall of Force, bringing them all into the main area where all the enemies were. She placed them just under Beldryss and pointed to where she was. Titta flew up as instructed and sensed the lich with her blind-fighting training. She did her best to attack her, but most of her strikes found no purchase.   Kyrie cast Mass Resurgence, but only Titta was able to shake off the effects of the Symbol of Pain. Pyzar took down both of the constructs and the large morningstar wielding undead monstrocity. Beldryss moved away, though only Kyrie and Selia could see her while she was invisible. The lich cast a quickened Cone of Cold, shaping it around her remaining minions while catching the closest members of Haymin’s Heroes. Titta and Auren evaded the spell. Selia and Ladigo took some damage. Then Beldryss cast Disintegrate on Selia. Selia took some damage, but, thankfully, was not destroyed outright. Selia cast Glitterdust on Beldryss, outlining her in sparkling magic so that everyone else could see where she was.   Titta used her Belt of Battle to fly to the lich quickly and attacked. Her flurry of scimitar strikes eventually brought the lich down. Beldryss crumbled, a thousand years of decay suddenly catching up to her. Dust and worn bone fragments fell to the floor among her suriving gear. The party caught their breath and killed the paralyzed mutants. They gathered the magical items among Beldryss’ remains and waited for the Walls of Force to disappear while they healed from the persistent Mass Lesser Vigor.   When the walls had disappeared, Titta went to the kitchen to get a jar. She returned and scooped up Beldryss’ remains into the jar. Auren began searching around the throne. Titta searched the back wall. Kyrie searched around the raised platform. Selia identified the magic items with her Artificer’s Monocle. Auren found holes at the metal base of the throne. The base was set into the floor and the chair could not be moved. He searched but found no secret door. Titta and Kyrie, likewise, found nothing where they searched.   Auren turned his attention to the opposite side of the room. He found a secret door that opened to a fifty foot long corridor. This corridor finished in a dead end. He searched it and found a secret door. It opened just inside the skull from the first room, the skulls mouth opening as the secret door did.   The party then returned to the throne room and decided to continue through a door they had not yet explored instead. A short hallway led to a room full of bones. There were several heaping piles. When titta entered the room, two bone nagas arose from the bones. And thousands of bones coalesced into a pair of huge serpentine monsters. Haymin’s Heroes readied for battle.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
11 Nov 2023


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