Session 136 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 136 Report

General Summary

Traegandar ran into the room and breathed fire, catching three of the bone creatures. Mogi Delvin followed him in and attacked the closest bone naga. One of the huge serpentine bone monsters tried to bit Traegandar, but narrowly missed the dragon. The other huge bone serpent attacked Titta Morco, but she was also able to avoid the bite. Pyzar Zim stepped in and cut through the huge bone serpent with his greatsword, scattering its bones all over the floor. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Searing Light, but it fizzled when it hit the remaining bone serpent.   Selia Roselyn Maxwell then cast Dimension Door and teleported herself, Titta, and Auren Sylynn into the room closer to the enemies. Then Ladigo Farthon moved to the entrance of the room and cast Mass Snake’s Swiftness. Mogi, Traegandar, Auren, and Titta all struck and nearby enemies with the help of the spell. Auren and Titta continued their attacks and brought down the other huge bone serpent and one of the bone nagas before Pyzar finished off the last bone naga.   The party exited the room by the hallway at the far end and came to a small library with a comfortable chair in the center before an animal skin rug. They perused the books and found a ten volume set covering the lineage of the Branch family starting with Beldryss and her son all the way to Auren. The set contained names, birth and death dates for all his ancestors for a thousand years.   After they finished in the library, they decided to brave the iron golems. The other corridor in the bone room led to the room the constructs guarded. Before stepping into the room, Kyrie, Selia, and Ladigo cast some spells to prepare. The entire party was now immune to fire and bolstered by Haste, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, and Blessings of the Righteous.   Selia cast Wall of Force to block off the majority of the room, separating the two closest iron golems from the four crystal-topped braziers. Ladigo used his Gloves of Lightning to slow one of the iron golems. Then Kyrie flew in and blasted the other with blasts of lightning from her Stormrage spell. With the iron golems slowed, they were dropped quickly when Selia used Dimension Door to bring the melee fighters in. The Greater Demolition Crystals allowed them to cut through the golems with their swords. After the first two were defeated, Selia dismissed the Wall of Force and they attacked and defeated the other two quickly. The braziers cast Fireballs every six seconds, covering the room in four blasts of flame. Thankfully, the party was immune to fire.   After the golems were defeated, Auren worked on the Fireball traps, one by one, disarming them. Then they began searching the room, figuring that a room so guarded must be protecting something. One one of the walls Titta found a secret door. It opened into Beldryss’s wizard lab.   One top of a table in the center of the room was Auren’s inert clone. Around the room were shelves, an alchemy table, a desk, and magic, alchemical, and scroll components. They discussed what to do about Auren’s clone and decided to destroy it. Selia used Disintegrate. And then Auren picked up the ashes in a jar. After searching the room and finding little else, they moved on.   Haymin’s Heroes searched the iron golem room, looking for another secret door. They searched the bone room, and returned to the library. The searched the library thoroughly, but found nothing either.   Eventually, they returned to the throne room and searched it for a secret entrance that might lead to the space below the throne. When they could find nothing, Kyrie cast Wind Walk on the party, turning them into a cloudlike vapor that allowed them to slip through the holes at the metal base of the throne. This led to a corridor beneath.   There was a door at the end of the corridor. It opened into Beldryss’ bedroom, a well-appointed room decorated in quality furniture. Her collection of spellbooks rested on a desk on on wall. They searched the room and Titta found a secret door on one wall. The secret room revealed contained four treasure chests. Auren unlocked each of the chests and they took the contents, a modest treasure for a lich of Beldryss’ power. While the rest of the party continued to search the bedroom. Auren searched the walls in the treasure room. He found a hidden niche that contained several keys. Among them was a Golden Key.   They searched out the rest of the complex to be thorough. In the first laboratory, they found notes on her experimentations with humanoids, detailing how she converted them into powerful mutants. There were even plans in her notes to do something like that to Auren, in the hopes of making him an obedient, virile, slave for breeding.   When they were finished in Beldryss’ lair, they left and returned to the dock. The Lucky Leviathan was waiting for them there. Captain Trevian and the crew greeted them gratefully. That evening, they celebrated to their victory, drinking under the stars. Auren spoke with the captain in private and told him about Beldryss’ lair, detailing how to reach it. He offered it to Captain Trevian and a secret hideout for him and his crew. Captain Trevian graciously accepted and thanked him.   On June 14, 500 AV, the Lucky Leviathan returned to Pearl. Captain Trevian called for a meeting of the captains as most of the pirate ships were still docked in port. That evening, they met and revealed to them all how Haymin’s Heroes were successful in sinking the Black Ship and destroying the lich, Beldryss, the Mother of Bones. They celebrated at the Barmaid’s Chest afterwards. And during the night Haymin’s Heroes slipped away and teleported back to Rowadin. But not before saying goodbye to Captain Trevian. They gave him a Sending Stone, letting him know how to use it in case he ever needed them.   The party returned to Rowadin and checked in with everyone at home. Then Auren invited Jenivar Albyn and Haymin Stone to come with them to the Golden Vault. They entered Beldryss’ vault and found four large treasure chests. These were loaded with significant treasure. Auren told them he would split it with all of them as they were each instrumental in his journey, helping him to see this business through with Beldryss. They took the treasure and returned to Heroes for Hire to count it.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
18 Nov 2023


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