Session 140 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 140 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast a quickened Haste on the entire party and also cast Benign Transposition, switching Pyzar Zim with a fleeing dock worker close to two kuo-toas. Auren Sylynn rushed towards the kuo-toas and used his Transposer Cloak to switch places with another dock worker. This placed Auren adjacent to a kuo-toa, where he attacked the creature, killing it before it realized what had happened. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Fire Storm, catching most of the kuo-toas and the water monolith. Steam rose from the water monolith as it was blasted by the flames, angering the large monster. And only two of the kuo-toas caught by the spell survived the conflaguration, though severely burned. The two kuo-toas by Pyzar were spared from the blaze, but killed by his greatsword. Fisher and Pennig rushed towards the burned kuo-toas, and Titta Morco flew to the only other one left and killed it. Ladigo Farthon teleported closer in blink dog form and hurled a spell at the elemental and Mogi Delvin hit it with an Orb of Fire.   The water monolith struck Titta and Pyzar with powerful fists, dealing significant damage. The remaining two, wounded kuo-toas cast Inflict Critical Wounds and touched Pennig. Traegandar finished them off with his fire breath while the rest of the party closed in on the water monolith. The massive elemental was resilient, but they eventually brought it down with concentrated attacks.   Haymin’s Heroes took a moment to regroup while Titta flew up to scope out the city and see if there were any other signs of immediate danger. In the distance, towards the east of the city, she saw smoke rising from some buildings and purple signal sparks. They hurried that way.   A couple houses were ablaze. A few dead citizens lie on the streets. Haymin’s Heroes heard cries for help coming from one of burning houses. But Doom Bringer agents stood before them, as did an enormous fire monolith.   Ladigo, still in blink dog form teleported beyond a group of Doom Bringers and cast Wall of Sand, covering them. Selia cast Benign Transposition switching Pyzar with a bystander who was close to the Doom Bringers. Most of the party rushed in to engage the remaining enemies, while Titta flew to the far building from which the cries for help came. Then the bystander came up behind the party and attacked Selia, his touch draining her health. Pennig attacked the man and brought him down, killing him. But after he died, an incorporeal creature with several tendrils floated out of the body.   Selia used Dimension Door to teleport away, so the creature chased after Kyrie, attacking her with its tendrils, draining her health with each touch. Ladigo cast another Wall of Sand, covering another group of Doom Bringers. Only a few remained outside, and they were taken down easily by Auren, Pyzar, and Traegandar. Mogi hurled some spells at the fire monolith and the incorporeal floating creature. The fire monolith’s attacks against Pyzar and Auren were somewhat blunted by the Energy Immunity spells cast upon them, thought he creature still hit hard. But Pyzar eventually killed it.   The party picked off the few Doom Bringers that managed to work their way out of the Wall of Sand spells. But the spellcasters mostly focused on the incorporeal creature. This creature chased Kyrie as she kept flying back from it. She cast Heal on herself to recover from the creature’s attacks, but it kept up the pressure, draining her health with its tendrils. Some of the spells targeting it flew right through the creature harmlessly. But eventually, they managed to defeat it. When the creature died, it disappeared.   While the rest of the party was busy with the battle, Titta flew to the second floor of the burning building. A mother and her two children called out for help from a window as the flames threatened to breach her apartment. Titta grabbed the two children and flew them down to the ground, away from the flames. Then she returned for the mother. She helped her down as well and told her to get to safety. If she had nowhere else to go, she offered her shelter at Heroes for Hire.   Titta then flew into the building with the Decantur of Endless Water, setting it to full blast. She went from room to room dousing the flames to help put the building out. With the battle over outside, a fire brigade of citizens came in to help. Titta found a guard and gave him the Decantur of Endless Water to help with the flames, instructing him to give it to Captain Holcot when he was done.   Auren, atop his Carpet of Flying, spotted some creatures flying into the city. The party regrouped and hurried after them. Several blocks away, they caught up to the flying creatures. There were some vrocks, and another type of demon creature that resembled a monstrous insect. But there was also an air monolith as well. As the party closed in on them, two of the vrocks dropped the victims they were carrying. The demons and the elemental dove down towards the party as the two men fell from the sky screaming.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
10 Feb 2024


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