Session 141 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 141 Report

General Summary

The air monolith flew down to the party and slammed Pyzar Zim with a powerful fist. Then Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste on the entire party followed by Benign Transposition, switching Traegandar with Mogi Delvin on top and one of the falling victims. The falling man fell prone to the ground when he was suddenly teleported, but was otherwise, unhurt. A couple of the vrocks attacked Traegandar in the air. Two cast Mirror Image on themselves. A fifth vrock flew down and unleashed its horrific screech at the party. A couple of bystanders were left stunned by the sound, but the party was able to resist the effect.   One of the bug-like demons cast Ray of Enfeeblement twice on Traegandar. The dragon was left severely weakened, especially while still carrying Mogi. The other bug-like demons flew down towards the party to attack. Ladigo Farthon cast Mass Snake’s Swiftness allowing Pyzar and Titta Morco to attack the air elemental with speed. Pennig run forward to attack it as well. Auren Sylynn stepped closer to the air elemental and attacked. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone flew up into the sky, taking a strong strike from the elemental. But she got close enough to the other falling man to cast Feather Fall on him.   With the two falling men safe, the party was able to focus on the air elemental and the demons. Traegandar breathed his fire on one of the demons before landing closer to the elemental. Titta, Pyzar, Mogi, and Auren’s slashed at the air monolith. The creature retaliated by transforming into a large tornado, floating about the battlefield, attempting to suck its enemies up into its whirlwind. Pyzar, Auren, and Pennig managed to avoid being sucked in. But Titta, Fisher, Traegandar, Ladigo, and Selia were all caught up in it, as were the nearby demons.   Two vrocks protected by Mirror Image had flown close to Kyrie and were attacking her. Between them and the strike she took from the elemental, she was considerably wounded. Pyzar flew up to engage these vrocks, placing himself between the demons and Kyrie. With the aid of his Bracers of Battle, he focused his attacks on one of the vrocks, eliminating all its images, though not being able to strike the demon directly.   Inside the whirlwind, Titta fought with her scimitars, striking at the air elemental from within. She managed to kill the creature, dispersing its tornado form, which hurled all the creatures inside about it. They all fell from varying heights, landing prone on the ground, though a few of them slammed off the side of a nearby building first. The party regrouped quickest and attacked the prone demons. Now that the elemental was gone, Haymin’s Heroes were able to pick off the remaining enemies easier, and the demons fell one by one.   When the battle was over, the party regrouped and Kyrie cast a few healing spells to mend their wounds and restore Traegandar’s strength. The bystanders had all fled and the street near them was clear. They could see all the way to the east gate at the city wall. From there, the guards stationed atop the wall were crying out to them. Titta flew up and could see the top of an earth monolith peeking out from the tops of the trees along the road heading towards the city.   The party hurried through the gate and down the road to intercept. When they neared the earth monolith, they saw it was accompanied by several Doom Bringers, mostly warriors with a couple spellcasters. Also, in the woods surrounding the road, there were four demonic creatures that looked like minotaurs wielding overly large spears.   Auren ran up to one of the demons and struck it down quickly, prompting a second one to attack him. Ladigo teleported behind the approaching Doom Bringers and covered them all with Wall of Sand. Traegandar and Mogi rushed a demon on the other side of the road and took it down. Titta and Pyzar engaged the earth elemental. They withstood the elementals massive blows and counterattacked with their own. When Auren finished off the demons on his side, he helped them with the elemental. They took it down and Mogi and Traegandar defeated the last demon. A couple of Doom Bringers managed to escape the Wall of Sand and the party dispatched them with ease. Ladigo continued to concentrate on the Wall of Sand long enough to ensure that those inside suffocated.   After Haymin’s Heroes regrouped, they started back towards Rowadin. By now, the sun was almost entirely eclipsed by the moon. They heard a scream from somewhere deeper into the forest and hurried in that direction.   They came to a clearing in which some Doom Bringers stood around three young women who were bound and gagged and arranged head to toe in a triangular pattern. There were a couple of sorcerers around the site and handful of warriors, but the ritual was being led by Nesheir Mesk and a few other clerics. The clerics chanted, holding ceremonial daggers, while Nesheir called to the Elder Elemental Eye, asking for the god’s son to be born, offering the blood of the three maidens in sacrifice, and reciting the prophecy of the Great Beast.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
25 Feb 2024


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