Session 145 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 145 Report

General Summary

Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone told the party to hold on a moment before they rushed in. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste. Kyrie then cast a couple of buff spells of her own. Auren Sylynn then ran up to attack one of the horned devils, but as soon as he neared it, its magical fear aura took hold of him and Auren turned and ran back down the corridor. Titta Morco flew up to the horned devil as well, then also flew away in fear. Ladigo Farthon, still in blink dog form, teleported to Auren and cast Panacea on him, curing him of his fear.   The paeliryon disappeared, turning invisible. Only Kyrie and Selia with their True Seeing could still see it. Pyzar Zim flew forward towards the horned devils, only to fly away in fear as well. Mogi Delvin and Traegandar rushed forward and attack a horned devil. The barbed devils rushed up around Kyrie while the horned devils took on Mogi and Traegandar. Selia cast Benign Transposition, switching Auren with Kyrie. Then Kyrie ran down the corridor towards Titta and Pyzar and cast Mass Resurgence. This allowed both Titta and Pyzar to shake off the fear.   Auren killed one of the barbed devils and wounded another, injuring himself in their spikes in the process. Ladigo cast Rain of Roses, causing hundres of roses to fall all over the area. As they struck the devils, they drained them of some wisdom and sickened a couple. Titta and Pyzar flew back into the room to engage the devils. But the paeliryon flew over the pit to get closer and cast Greater Command. Succumbing to the spell, Titta dropped her scimitars.   Mogi and Traegandar drop one of the horned devils and kill a barbed devil, but another barbed devil grapples Mogi, trying to finish him off by impaling him on its spikes. Selia cast Break Enchantment on Titta, freeing her from the Greater Command. Then she cast Benign Transposition switching Mogi with Auren. Kyrie ran up and cast Mass Heal, catching everyone but herself and Pyzar. Auren, now riding on Traegandar’s back dropped a barbed devil and the horned devil which had regenerated.   Titta picked up her scimitars and flew towards the paeliryon. The paeliryon unleashed a string of insults and cast a spell, but the party resisted her magic. Mogi attacked the horned devil that was still standing. The horned devil attacked Pyzar, but he counter-attacked and felled it. Auren attacked the Paeliryon and Titta finished it off. All the devils were down, but they took a few moments to make sure the horned devils were not regenerating, finishing them off with killing blows.   The party regrouped and looked down the pit. They could see no end. They cast Light on the dead paeliryon and tossed it into the pit, watching until the light disappeared in the darkness below. When they were ready to continue, the party chose the hallway to the right and walked down the long corridor.   They came to a room with several twenty foot tall columns. A paeliryon and two horned devils were perched atop three of the columns. A pair of large devils with their armor nailed to their flesh stood on the ground, between some of the columns.   Selia cast Haste on the party. The paeliryon turned invisible, though they could still see its cloud of fumes around it. Auren engaged one of the armored hulks. Titta began flying towards one of the horned devils, but was attacked by something invisible around the corner. She stopped to engage whatever it was. She called out, warning the party of invisible enemies. Pyzar came up to aid her with his blind-fighting training, killing the invisible creature. The horned devil above her attacked with its spiked chain, lashing out at Titta. The other one flew down and attacked Kyrie. Another invisible assailant attacked Titta, wounding her. Another pair of the invisible devils ran around the other corner into the corridor to attack Kyrie and Selia, but they saw them coming with their True Seeing.   Mogi and Traegandar began moving towards the horned devil on the ground, but it struck Traegandar with his long spiked chain, stunning him. Mogi then cast Orb of Cold at the horned devil. Kyrie cast Holy Smite and moved close to Traegandar. The invisible paeliryon cast Enervation on Kyrie, draining her some. It also cast a Hold Monster spell on Auren, but he resisted. Pyzar flew up to the Paeliryon and tried to knock it off the column, but the devil stood strong.   Ladigo summoned an Earth Monolith. The enormous elemental attacked the horned devil atop a column. Mogi dismounted Traegandar and attacked the horned devil near him. Kyrie cast Stormrage and flew up, blasting one of the invisible devils with lightning. The paeliryon then cast Hold Monster on Pyzar, holding him still. The devil then flew down into the hallway to engage the party memebers there.   Selia casts Dimension Door, taking Traegandar with her to the other side of the room. Titta stepped back and cast Cure Light Wounds on herself. Ladigo teleported near her and cast Heal on her, while the earth monolith pummeled the horned devil. While the earth monolith took care of the horned devil on the column, the rest of the party focused on the other devils. Ladigo cast Faerie Fire in the center of the mist cloud, illuminating the invisible paeliryon, allowing the others to see it. They took down the invisible devils and other other horned devil before finishing off the paeliryon.   The party regrouped continued down the only other corridor from this room. They eventually came to a room with a circular Wall of Fire in the center. Within the fire, they could see various devils peeking out.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
31 Mar 2024


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