Session 21 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 21 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes rushed the kobolds. One of the kobolds pounded on the door behind him calling out to Guuldrax. The door opened and five female kobolds, armed and armored, prepared to join the battle with their chieftain, Guuldrax, wielding a battleaxe behind them. The party cut through the kobolds in the corridor and pushed their way into the room, battling down the kobold females inside. Then they surrounded Guuldrax. The kobold put up a desperate fight, but ultimately succumb to the onslaught.   After the kobolds were defeated, Haymin’s Heroes took their time searching out the entire lair. There were no more threats present. They gathered what loot they could find, a sum of coins, a necklace, a gem, a few healing potions, and Guuldrax’s leather armor which they learned was enchanted when Mogi Delvin cast a Detect Magic spell. After a short discussion, they gave the armor to Titta Morco as its magical nature allowed it to resize to fit her perfectly.   They spent the rest of the day in the kobold cave. They watched the entrance and peaked out at the ravine throughout the day. No creatures approached the kobold lair, but they saw several of the ravine’s inhabitants pass in and out of the valley. The next morning, Ladigo Farthon used his Healer’s Amulet on the most wounded. The party spent this day within the kobold lair as well, and at the end of the day, Ladigo cast his healing spells. Again they watched the ravine, noting the comings and goings of the inhabitants.   On the morning of April 18, 498 AV, Haymin’s Heroes entered the goblin cave. A short distance into the cave, they came to an intersection and came across two goblins walking towards them along the west corridor. They cut them down quickly before they could sound an alarm, however, from the southeast corridor, a group of goblins was alerted to their light. The party rushed in that direction, trying to avoid alerting the goblins they heard conversing farther west.   Six goblins came towards them to investigate their light. Haymin’s Heroes defeated this with relative ease, but could not prevent them from calling out in alarm. Then the party turned their attention to the western passage and the goblins they had heard in that direction. To the west, they entered a room in which the goblins had tipped a table on its side while four of them hid behind it for cover, brandishing javelins. Two other goblins were in the northwest corner of the room, where they had opened a hidden door along the northern wall. From this opening stepped in an ogre, wielding a small tree trunk as a club.   The ogre stepped forward and smashed Pyzar Zim with his club, knocking him unconscious. Then, as Auren Sylynn tried to pull Pyzar away, he too was smashed by the ogre’s club, and knocked out. Ladigo cast Entangle and trapped two of the goblins and the ogre. Selia Roselyn Maxwell focused on the ogre, using Power Word Pain which slowly ate away at him while he was trapped by the magical vines. Mogi, Titta, and Fisher fought the goblins who were not entangled and Ladigo managed to heal Auren. Pyzar, unfortunately, was trapped within the boundaries of the Entangle spell. Sinjin Fairchild tried to pull him out, but the magic vines held firm. Even the ogre could not break free of their hold for more than a few seconds before being grappled by them again. When the free goblins were defeated, the party focused on the ogre from a distance. The creature was visibly desperate as Selia’s magic was taking its toll. He attacked with his club, able to reach just outside of the Entangle, but luckily, Sinjin was able to avoid his attempts. Then Sinjin drew a dagger and threw it at the ogre. The dagger found its mark, striking it in the chest, and the ogre collapsed under the weight of this final straw.   Titta called for Ladigo to drop the Entangle and he did. The two trapped goblins were now free and ran away down the western passage. Haymin’s Heroes regrouped for a moment. Pyzar was healed and conscious. Auren ran back to the southeastern passage to pick up a kukri he had dropped in that battle. The rest of the party prepared for the next wave of goblins.   From the west, this wave came, turning into the western passage from a northern branch. Haymin’s Heroes readied themselves around an intersection a short distance into the western passage where they hoped to surround the incoming goblins. As the goblins came towards them, they braced themselves for the rush.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
07 Oct 2020


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