Session 22 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 22 Report

General Summary

Within moments, Haymin’s Heroes had turned back the rush. Several of the goblins had been cut down, prompting the remaining four to run away. Titta Morco gave chase into a darkened room illuminated by the soft glow of a fireplace. There she called back to the others, “There’s plenty for everybody!”   The goblin chieftain, his guard, and the rest of the goblins were gathered there, thirteen more in all. Haymin’s Heroes followed Titta in and the battle was joined, a line across the room with the two sides facing each other. The goblin leader charged forth brandishing a shortspear, its tip alight with fire. Pyzar Zim struck him with his greatsword, wounding him heavily. Then Titta finished the chieftain off with a swipe of her scimitar. Most of the goblins appeared disheartened, but fought on for the moment. Fisher succumb to newly inflicted wounds and fell, unable to continue. But the rest of the party got the best of the goblins. When the majority had fallen, the final handful broke to run, but they were cut down in midstride. Ladigo Farthon healed Fisher with his magic, stopping the bleeding, but the bear remained unconscious. Then Auren Sylynn fed him the party’s last potion which brought Fisher back to his feet.   No more goblins came. There were no further sounds deeper within the complex. Haymin’s Heroes explored carefully, making sure there were no threats remaining, while gathering the spoils they had earned. They found a passage that led up a couple sets of stairs and ended at a door. Auren listened at the door and heard what he believed to be hobgoblins on the other side. The party backed up from the door and regrouped.   They decided to leave the goblin cave to rest and recover. They had still not found the prisoners taken from the attack on the merchant wagon and did not want to waste too many days returning to Rowadin. After recuperating, they would return and enter the hobgoblin cave to search for them.   They had taken all the loot of value, which included eight sacks of treasure they found in the ogre cave which abutted to the one of the goblin rooms. One of these sacks contained copper coins painted crudely to appear like gold. They carried all the goblin bodies to the room with the fallen ogre and staged a scene that appeared as if the goblin tribe had fought the ogre, jabbing the creature with a javelin and tucking it under the chieftain’s arm to make it appear he had killed it before dying himself. They hoped that if anyone came looking for the goblins, they would believe the ogre had come after them in retaliation for the sack of gold painted copper coins he had been cheated with.   Before the party left, they went to the goblin storeroom to take some food supplies to pad their rations. After leaving the storeroom and turning a corner, they heard the sound of grinding stone from behind. There should not have been another entrance to the storeroom, so they turned around to investigate.   When they returned to the storeroom, they found a hidden entrance was open on the far wall and two hobgoblins were rummaging through the supplies. Titta rushed in and cut down one of the goblins with the scimitar they found in the ogre cave. Then Sinjin Fairchild attacked the other hobgoblin, employing his stunning fist technique. With the hobgoblin stunned, Selia Roselyn Maxwell finished him off with a shot from her crossbow.   After a brief discussion, they came to the conclusion that the goblins had not known about the secret door, and that the hobgoblins were stealing from them. They used the fiery spear they took from the goblin chieftain and stabbed the hobgoblins to inflict burning wounds. Then they placed the bodies just outside the secret entrance, closed the door, and blocked it with the many barrels, boxes, crates, and sacks found in the storeroom. Hopefully, the hobgoblins would believe their men had been caught and dealt with by the goblins.   The party went back into the forest to rest for the night and heal. Mogi Delvin cast Detect Magic and confirmed the scimitar, a pair of gauntlets, six arrows, a potion of clear, lightly sparkling liquid, two scrolls, a ring, and a red gem at the end of the goblin’s shortspear were all magical. After some experimentation, they learned they could place the red gem on the end of Titta’s new scimitar to give it the same fiery spark as the shortspear. The ring appeared to give whoever wore it a thin protective field of force. The party opted to give it to Pyzar. A Read Magic spell revealed the scrolls to be divine, Cure Light Wounds, and Hold Person. The Cure Light Wounds was given to Ladigo, who was the only one who could cast it, while the Hold Person was to be sold or traded. Then after some discussion, Selia cast Identify on the gauntlets. They turned out to be Brawler’s Gauntlets and were given to Sinjin. The potion remained a mystery.   The next morning Selia had broken out in fever. After a few attempts, she discovered that the potion radiated illusion magic. She held on to it for now, though they did not know exactly what it did. Ladigo healed the wounded and tended to Selia who seemed to be suffering from filth fever brought on by the dire rat bite a few days ago. In all, the party rested for two days until it appeared that Selia had quickly recovered from her malady.   On the 21st of April, 498 AV, with the party fully rested and recovered, they returned to the ravine. They entered the goblin cave with the intention of sneaking into the hobgoblin lair through the goblin storeroom. On their way there, they entered the room where all the bodies were left. It had begun to smell and the odor had attracted a new visitor. A large, green slug-like creature with tentacles protruding from under a maw filled with teeth. This creature was dining upon the carrion in the room, but looked up and noticed the party, and the potential of a fresh meal that had just appeared.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
15 Oct 2020


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