Session 24 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 24 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes finished off the remaining hobgoblins in the cave and found a barred door that opened into a corridor leading down into the goblin cave. They gathered Vinara, Alrick, Eddard, and Paultar and then returned to the torture chamber for the orc and gnoll. Paultar translated for them again and warned Ishrak not to follow them. They freed the orc and then proceeded to the gnoll. When Titta Morco released him from his bonds, the gnoll’s blank expression turned to unchecked rage as he lashed out at her. The crazed gnoll was killed, but Ishrak followed their instructions peacefully.   They parted ways with Ishrak. He headed straight for the main entrance while Haymin’s Heroes entered the goblin cave, preferring to exit through there as its entrance was closer to the edge of the ravine. Once outside, they saw Ishrak across the ravine hurrying towards one of the orc cave entrances. The party quickly entered the forest and began traveling northeast towards Rowadin.   The first day’s travel was slow, and especially tough on Alrick Finn. But they managed to put some miles between them and the ravine. They found a suitable spot for camp and took their usual watches, allowing the Finns and their guards to rest through the night. However, during the third watch for the night, Pyzar Zim heard a sound from beyond their camp. Titta went to investigate and found a small group of hobgoblins creeping towards them.   Pyzar cried out to wake the party then rushed forward to aid Titta. The four hobgoblins began to flee. Pyzar gave chase and caught up to them with his powerful speed. The hobgoblins turned to make their stand. Pyzar cut two of them down to the dismay of the other two. As the rest of the party closed in on the scene, the hobgoblins turned once again to flee. But they were slain before they made it too far.   The next morning the party slept in longer due to the interruption in the middle of the night. The sleep suited Alrick Finn and he was better able to travel that day. The rest of their journey was uneventful and Haymin’s Heroes reached Rowadin in the afternoon of April 23, 498 AV.   When they reached the bridge at the Azus River, they were approached by a wizard named Raeloth Enzilano. Raeloth offered to pay them 100 crowns in advance for them to deliver a package to someone named Atlan Vostello. Raeloth was very specific about certain stipulations, though. The package could only be delivered to Atlan, a thirteen year old boy with red hair and green eyes. His parents or guardians could not know about it, and only Atlan must open the package or the contents inside. Atlan would be at the Sacred Grove in approximately two hours. They package must be delivered today. The wizard was purposely vague on the specifics of its contents. But he encouraged them to use magic to detect evil on either the package or himself. Mogi Delvin  cast Detect Magic and discovered a faint illusion magic coming from within. Raeloth deflected most of the further questions and claimed it was better that they not know all the details.   Ultimately, Haymin’s Heroes accepted. Raeloth handed Titta the rectangular package, wrapped in parchment and covered in runes. He also gave her a pouch containing the 100 gold coins. The wizard then walked off a short distance and teleported away.   Just after he did, another man suddenly approached them. He offered to deliver the package for them, claiming he was familiar with the Vostello family. He even said they could keep the fee they were paid. Haymin’s Heroes immediately refused and ended the conversation quickly.   They entered the city and escorted the Finns to their home. From there, they proceeded to the Sacred Grove, which was only a couple blocks away. At the next intersection, however, a wagon had lost a wheel and caused a crowd of backed up foot traffic. Amidst this confusion, a seemingly drunken man bumped into Mogi. While the party’s attention was diverted another man bumped into Titta, wrenching the package from her hands before running off.   The party gave chase through the crowded streets. A glance back revealed the “drunk” man had disappeared. Soon, they were chasing two men or more who would intersect and split up in an attempt to confuse them. Intent on their target and rapid of pace, Haymin’s Heroes caught up to two roguelike men in an alley and proceeded to attack them. The thieves did not draw weapons or fight back, and tried only to escape. But an Entangle spell slowed them down. Still one of them eluded the vines’ grip but Sinjin Fairchild blocked his path and used his psionic ability to grow larger. Town guard quickly appeared on the scene and ordered them all to cease. One of the thieves dropped the package but was knocked unconscious before he could flee.   The other thief lay bleeding from blade slashes courtesy of Auren Sylynn. Ladigo Farthon healed the man to prevent his death. A while later the party was at Rowadin City Guard Hall answering questions for a Sergeant Dalnery. They explained the situation and the sergeant counseled them against using lethal force in the city, explaining to them how that was illegal. In the end, they were free to go, their status as guild owners carrying much weight in Rowadin. The two thieves were likely members of the Black Glove Society. Sergeant Dalnery hoped to learn some useful information from them and they were detained a bit longer.   Before they left, Titta asked the sergeant about Raeloth Enzilano and learned he had some legal troubles with the Vostello family a year ago. He had been accused of the attempted kidnapping of Atlan Vostello. They also learned that Timon Vostello, Atlan’s grandfather, was the leader of the Guild of Legal Services.   Haymin’s Heroes then walked to the Sacred Grove and looked for Atlan Vostello. They found the youth alone near some trees and noticed his resemblance to Raeloth Enzilano. But when they approached him, the same man who had offered to take the package earlier came out from behind a tree and grabbed the boy. This man held a dagger in his hand, but he put the hilt to the boy’s neck, pointing the blade away.   Titta stepped forward and handled the standoff. The man demanded the package in return for the boy. Titta asked him what was in the package, but he claimed he did not know, assuming it must be valuable if they were paid 100 crowns upfront for its delivery. Titta then offered him the 100 crowns in exchange for Atlan. The man agreed. She tossed the coins off to the side. He walked towards them, using Atlan as a shield. When he grabbed the coin purse, he let go of the boy and made away.   Then Atlan’s two bodyguards arrived, having been searching for the boy. Atlan asked them to run interference and offered to meet them at the Whispering Tree. Haymin’s Heroes stepped towards them while Atlan slipped away. Selia Roselyn Maxwell made to cast a spell at them, but stopped herself before she did. The bodyguards continued their search as did Haymin’s Heroes.   The party came to the temple of the nature gods within the Sacred Grove. The bodyguards arrived as well. They asked about the boy and Titta pointed them to the southwest. Then she got directions to the Whispering Tree which was to the east.   They met Atlan there and after a short discussion, gave him the package. He opened it and revealed a blank spellbook. He opened the book and a Magic Mouth spell revealed a heartfelt birthday message from a father to his son. The party’s suspicions of the relationship between Atlan and Raeloth were confirmed and they guessed at nature or the complicated situation with the Vostello family. Atlan denied that Raeloth had ever attempted to kidnap him. He would only visit him annually on his birthday. Last year, however, they were caught together, which enraged Atlan’s parents. Atlan claimed the charges of kidnapping were falsified up by his grandfather’s influence in the Guild of Legal Services.   Haymin’s Heroes parted company with Atlan and returned to Heroes for Hire. When they arrived, Belpher Burrows handed them a bag containing 200 crowns that had been delivered there just some minutes ago by a man matching Raeloth’s description.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
27 Oct 2020


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