Session 29 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 29 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes cut through the last two groups of gnolls rather easily. On one of the fallen gnolls, they then found a key ring with several keys on it. As they searched the rest of the cave, they came to a locked door. They found the right key on the ring and opened it. Inside, eight figures were chained to the walls around the room.   Four of them were part of an adventuring party that was captured by the gnolls a couple miles out from the ravine. They were originally six in number, but two of their members had been killed an eaten by the gnolls. The survivors were two humans, an elf, and a dwarf. The humans were named Sonya Tarl and Liam Ganthet, a rogue and fighter, respectively. The elf’s name was Shara Vindil; she was a wizard. The dwarf was a fighter named Macarn Olark. This group of adventurers was just starting their career, young like Haymin’s Heroes. They were part of the League of Extraordinary Treasure Seekers in Rowadin. They had been tasked with finding information about the increased goblinoid activity in the area and the attacks on the roads. They had found the goblin tribe in the forest and learned that many of their warriors were moved to the ravine to serve the “Great Eye.” The party continued to investigate, searching for the ravine when they were ambushed by gnolls in the forest and taken prisoner.   The other four captives were a goblin, hobgoblin, and a pair of kobolds. Auren Sylynn spoke to the kobolds in Draconic and explained to them their situation, telling them they would be freed if they promised to leave the valley. Macarn helped translate for the goblin and hobgoblin as he spoke Goblinoid. They were given the same option. These creatures agreed and were given symbols of the eye that were looted from the gnolls so they could navigate through the horde of undead in the ravine.   The adventurers remained with Haymin’s Heroes. They found most of their gear within the gnoll storage room. Shara’s spellbook, however, could not be found. The party was taken into the minotaur cave where they could hide while Haymin’s Heroes continued to the bugbear cave. They were warned about the disorientation effect and shown how to navigate the labyrinth. Pyzar Zim asked Selia Roselyn Maxwell if she would object to lending Shara her spellbook so she could prepare some spells in the meantime. Selia agreed and they waited a couple hours so she could do so before setting off.   When Haymin’s Heroes entered the bugbear cave, they took a cautious approach. In a room up ahead they could see a barrel being used like a table surrounded by four chairs, but they could see no guard. Auren carefully examined the floor before them for possible traps or tripwires. He found none. However, what he did find was that the bugbears were flanking the entrance to the room ahead, hiding just behind the wall. He returned to his place in the marching order and warned the party with a whisper.   They rushed forward to attack the hidden bugbears. These first four bugbears were defeated quickly. Then the party continued forth.   A hallway turned to the north and eventually descended down a flight of stairs. As they reached the bottom of the stairs they noticed more bugbears at the end of the hall. These rushed towards the adventurers, but attempted to run down a side corridor just ahead of the stairs. They called out in alarm as they were cut down. But more bugbears from within the complex came to their aid, including the chieftain and what appeared like his twin sons.   Selia cast Grease ahead of the party and a number of the oncoming bugbears slipped and fell as they charged forward. Then Ladigo Farthon cast Entangle farther down the corridor to slow down the rest. The battle was fought in a congested corridor, making it hard to maneuver, but easy to contain the greater numbers of bugbears. Eventually, Titta Morco made her way forth and confronted the chieftain. A Glitterdust spell from Selia blinded him and a few around him, further complicating the bugbears’ situation. Sinjin Fairchild also worked his way forward, running up the walls into the Entangle to attack a trapped bugbear. However, he became trapped himself and unable to move farther forward. They picked off the remaining bugbears caught within the Entangle with ranged weapons, Titta handing Sinjin daggers to throw, something for which he has shown a high degree of skill.   After the last bugbear was killed, they spent the next few hours searching the entire bugbear complex. Their search ended when they found a secret door at the north end of the bugbear chieftain’s quarters. The layers of dust in the hidden hallway and the fallen skeletal body just beyond the entrance suggested this passage had remained secret for quite some time, even from the bugbears. The found some treasure on the skeleton, including some magical items, which they claimed. And Auren searched the corridor for traps and another exit.   He found a secret door at the far end, but they did not open it. Their feeling was that this must be a secret entrance into the Temple of the Eye, which was situated to the north of the bugbear cave. They concluded to come back in the morning after a night’s rest and venture past the secret door and raid the temple.   Haymin’s Heroes returned to the minotaur cave and rested with the other party. They conversed and played three dragon ante using a deck of cards taken from the bugbears. Titta invited the other party to join them in the raid of the Temple of the Eye. Liam and the others agreed, promising to do their part, but not get in Haymin’s Heroes’ way. When questioned, they stated that they were aware of the danger, knowing that as adventurers death was always a possibility. Plus, they would like a chance at revenge for their two fallen comrades.   The next morning they awoke refreshed and nervous as they prepared to brave the Temple of the Eye and attempt to disrupt the Doom Bringers’ plans in the area. Plus, they were curious about the connection to Mogi Delvin’s family and his ring, and would hopefully get some answers soon.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
06 Dec 2020


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