Session 31 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 31 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell helped shake Liam out of his trance. Ladigo Farthon cast Entangle down the northeast corridor from where the majority of the zombies were coming, slowing them down. Sinjin Fairchild, Arnell, and Macarn engaged the skeletons, forming a line before them. Pyzar Zim ran to the southwest corner to attack those zombies. But when he reached them, he saw Pleponei Thenne a short distance before them and called out to warn the others of the priestess’ presence. Titta Morco and Fisher joined Pyzar against the zombies and Pleponei. Auren Sylynn stopped the bell from ringing, grabbing hold of the clapper and tried to remove it. Mogi Delvin cast Magic Missile to pick off one of the undead. Selia cast Grease under the skeletons and caused them to slip and fall, making it easier for her allies to engage them. Liam attacked the zombies who managed to escape the Entangle.   Dividing their efforts tactically, they seemed to have the battle under control. Then Pleponei Thenne cast a spell at Titta, causing a black energy to flash over her face. Titta was blinded. Then Pleponei did the same thing to Pyzar, with the same result. Selia rushed towards them and cast Glitterdust on Pleponei, blinding her temporarily. Auren and Mogi rushed towards them as well to reinforce them against the priestess. Pleponei fled down the hall and into her chamber while the others followed. Titta and Pyzar held on to Fisher, who guided them slowly. The blinded Pleponei fumbled into an armoire in her room, feeling around for something inside. But between Fisher and Auren, they cut her down before she could achieve whatever it was she attempted.   By then, the skeletons and zombies in the main chapel were dwindled down to only a few and were eventually dealt with. Auren searched inside the armoire and found a secret passage at the back. A tunnel led to another wall, where he found another secret passage opening into the hallway leading to the chapel. After they all regrouped, they searched Pleponei’s quarters, finding a secret compartment at the bottom of the armoire containing some treasure. Among what was found there was Shara’s spellbook. In the main chapel, they eventually found Arnell’s missing Weather Eye Brooch. It was inside the ebony bowl submerged in blood.   They discussed their next course of action and speculated about Mogi’s ring. Eventually, they attempted several things with the ring, including Mogi submerging his hand in the blood-filled bowl. But it was not until he cut his own hand open and let his blood mix in the bowl that it yielded a conclusive result. The ring surged and glowed. He felt his connection to the ring grow and discerned its powers. The Ring of the Elements is what it was called, and with it, he could control elemental forces in various ways.   After this they explored the hallway past the entrance. Travel was slow as Titta and Pyzar remained blind and required assistance. Titta was led by Fisher and Pyzar kept a hand on Titta’s shoulder as they walked with the group. They found two rooms. One contained eight zombies in black and purple cultist robes. Auren, Arnell, Liam, and Macarn formed a line at the entrance of the chamber, while Sinjin ran up the wall past the zombies to attack them. The zombies were defeated easily. The other room contained twelve skeletons. Using a similar tactic, they waited by the entrance and picked off the skeletons as they came to them. Mogi used his ring for the first time to summon a small fire elemental to help in the combat. After the skeletons were defeated, they searched the room and pried some gems of a throne on a stepped dais at the back.   As far as they were aware, they had searched the entire complex. All the enemies were defeated, all killed, except for the one captive they had chained to the wall in the prison chamber. The one room they had not yet thoroughly examined was the room with the four elemental pillars. They marched there, stopping at the entrance before going in.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
27 Dec 2020


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