Session 32 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 32 Report

General Summary

Auren Sylynn entered the room and began examining the altar, being careful not to touch the glowing vessels upon it. Mogi Delvin walked to the fire pillar and held its hand towards it, noticing the lack of heat. Growing braver, he eventually touched it, feeling only a slight warmth. Shara began examining the pillars as well, sticking her hand into the one surrounded by water. When she pulled her hand back, she found it completely dry. While most perused the mysteries of this chamber, Titta Morco and Pyzar Zim remained outside, still blind, with Ladigo Farthon helping to watch and guide them.   Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Detect Magic within the chamber and found the only things radiating magic were the four bronze vessels upon the altar. None of the four elemental pillars radiated any magic. Using the Artificer’s Monocle, she identified the vessels, but when she did, she found herself drawn to them, compelled to touch them. Thankfully, she managed to prevent herself from doing so, realizing these items were cursed. Then she warned everyone not to touch them or fall under their sway.   Arnell suggested destroying them, as well as the altars, tapestries, and anything else they could within this evil temple. Before attempting to do so, they spoke with the prisoner. The Doom Bringer confirmed the cursed nature of the bronze vessels. Apart from that, he did not appear to know much else.   After speaking with the prisoner, they searched the rest of the temple, finding some papers in Pleponei Thenne’s quarters pointing to another sect somewhere in the Lioden Peaks near the Crown Forest. There was also the name, Deverell Kelsar, in connection to this sect. Not finding much else, they proceeded to destroy as much as they could, using morningstars from the bugbear cave and oil from the gnoll cave. Altars were smashed, the vessels pummeled and ruined. Tapestries were set ablaze.   When they left the temple, they noticed that the gnarled trees outside the entrance now appeared dying and withered. In addition, the undead on the ravine floor had collapsed. At closer inspection, the magic that had once animated them was now seemingly gone.   That evening they rested within the minotaur cave. The next morning, on May 5, 498 AV, the Festival of Flowers, they began the journey back to Rowadin. Travel was slow going due to the two blind travelers. Special care had to be taken with them, particularly in the denser parts of the forest. On May 6, 498 AV, with the help and inspiration of Haymin’s Heroes, Liam and company decided upon the name Knights of the Valley. They even expressed interest in joining Heroes for Hire once the guild was fully up and running.   Nearing Rowadin, they all stopped briefly at the Cornwall residence to return Bremmen’s personal effects, including his signet ring, to Morgan Cornwall. It was not until the evening of May 8, 498 AV that they finally reached Rowadin. Before entering the city, Arnell departed with the Doom Bringer prisoner into the woods, seeking to take him to others within the Vigil of the Weather Eye in the hopes of learning more information about their enemies.   Haymin’s Heroes and the Knights of the Valley entered the city and parted ways as they each headed towards their respective guildhall. After a brief visit with Belpher Burrows, Haymin’s Heroes then went to the Magic Temple to see about having Titta and Pyzar’s blindness cured.   At the Magic Temple they inquired after Amanaxis, the clergyman who had raised Sinjin Fairchild from the dead. It required a pair of donations to the temple, and Amanaxis cured Titta and Pyzar of their blindness, much to their relief. They spoke with Amanaxis briefly and mentioned the elemental pillars. He seemed to believe that they may have been pure elemental elements, air, earth, fire, and water, direct from their respective planes. If they indeed were, he speculated that they would be worth a fortune.   When Haymin’s Heroes returned home, Belpher served them dinner and they ate and related their latest tales to him. In planning for the future, it was decided that their time would be better spent spreading their name in town and seeking their next employment than returning to the valley to loot used and mundane weapons and armor. With that in mind they set off to the League of Extraordinary Treasure Seekers to find the Knights of the Valley. Then, the two groups went to the Blue Ogre, an inn just down the road from that guild.   The two parties drank and celebrated, toasting their successes and boasting to anyone who would lend an ear. They drew the attention of some bards and gladly shared their story with them. Both Haymin’s Heroes and the Knights of the Valley agreed that the positive publicity could serve them good in the future. A few hours later, and somewhat inebriated, the parties returned to their homes for a much needed rest.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
31 Dec 2020


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