Session 36 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 36 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes continued the journey on their new horses. It began to rain and continued to do so for the rest of the day. In the afternoon, they came across a group of men posing as Luthian guards. Aedwine Humfrith questioned their shabby attire and lack of horses to the rest of the party as they approached. These imposters searched Aedwine while the party watched on cautiously. One of the men found Aedwine’s signet ring and then conferred with his fellows. They announced that they had to arrest the young noble on charges of murder. When Haymin’s Heroes questioned their authenticity, they stumbled over excuses of being improperly supplied on the frontier in comparison to guards in the city. Haymin’s Heroes did not believe them.   Auren Sylynn rushed the closest imposter, catching everyone by surprise. The party dealt with the eight imposters quickly, even leaving one alive for questioning. This man, Ninkar, ultimately told them they had been hired by the Razors and admitted that Aedwine had been framed for murder. However, he said he did not know many more details about it. He begged the party not to take him back to Luthia, claiming he would be killed if he returned there, even in prison. Titta Morco let him go, satisfied with the information received. Ninkar then walked down the road south towards Rowadin.   It was decided that they would turn Aedwine in to the authorities in Luthia, directly to the captain of the guard. Until then, he would be kept hidden from any other officials or interested parties. They thought this the best approach, citing the two attempts to kill him already. Also, Aedwine did not want Haymin’s Heroes to find themselves in trouble for harboring a known fugitive in Luthia. He claimed Lawrence Feldspar, the captain of the Luthian guard, was an honorable man. Haymin’s Heroes hoped that his honor would ensure he kept Aedwine safe from harm in prison while they worked to clear his name. They made room in the Bag of Holding to hide Aedwine quickly should the need arise. That evening as they camped, he wrote a letter to his mother, giving it to Titta to show to her to ensure her cooperation with their efforts.   Early the next morning, on June 8, 498 AV, they crossed paths with real Luthian guards patrolling the road. These guards were better equipped and their attire was clean and orderly. Plus, they were mounted on horses. Aedwine hid in the Bag of Holding. The guards questioned the party, showing them the wanted poster. After they were satisfied, they let them pass.   At midafternoon, Haymin’s Heroes reached the city. Again, Aedwine was hidden in the Bag of Holding as they entered. Wanted posters of him were posted at the gate. The party inquired about an inn and were directed to the Drunken Duck. Before settling at the inn, however, they proceeded to the guard headquarters.   It took some effort, but they managed to convince the guards at reception to allow them to meet with the captain, Lawrence Feldspar. They conversed with him privately in his office and began to tell him about Aedwine’s situation. Then they pulled him out of the Bag of Holding. Captain Feldspar was sympathetic to the young noble’s situation, but had to arrest him. They discussed what they had learned and he told them he would need evidence to clear Aedwine of the charges. He agreed to let the adventurer’s help him with this investigation. He would need them to provide a credible witness to the murder, plus reveal the true perpetrator. As far as the letter of assassination stamped with the mushroom seal, they would have to find the owner of that seal to link anything to him or her.   Haymin’s Heroes next checked in at the Drunken Duck Inn, stabling their horses and renting rooms. Then they went to the Humfrith manor to meet with Aedwine’s mother. Lady Garwyn Humfrith met with them and read the letter Titta presented to her. She asked about her son and was happy he was safe, despite being imprisoned. They asked if they could examine Lord Humfrith’s office and she had her valet take them upstairs to do so.   Titta began examining the desk, looking through any papers there. Ladigo Farthon did the same. Auren searched for any hidden safes or compartments along the walls behind the paintings. Sinjin Fairchild helped him with this task. Pyzar Zim perused the bookcase for any books or journals that might help. Mogi Delvin searched the floor for hidden compartments or openings. Finally, Selia Roselyn Maxwell went back downstairs to speak with Lady Humfrith. Titta found a book in a desk drawer that detailed Lord Humfrith’s findings in his reverie investigations. And Auren indeed found a safe hidden behind a painting. In the notes, they found a mention of a meeting late on the evening of May 30, 498 AV, with Victellimund.   Meanwhile, Selia was questioning Lady Humfrith of the investigation conducted by the authorities. She admitted they had come by, but not searched her husband’s office at all. The valet came down and asked if she could open the safe in the office. She went upstairs and did so, revealing contracts and deeds, plus a sum of coins kept safe within. Titta asked her about the name Victellimund and if her husband had any dealings with him. She responded that Lord Victellimund Kinfield was a prominent lord in the city.   From there, Haymin’s Heroes went to the site of the murder. Titta found two empty vials of reverie near some trash. Then they entered the building at the end of the alley where they could see a window. Inside, they found evidence of someone having lived in the abandoned building recently, though it looked as if they were no longer living there now.   They proceeded to ask around near the docks and in the local taverns after someone with an eyepatch who might have lived nearby. They heard of a teenage boy named Patch. He wears an eyepatch over his right eye. He is also mute. Patch frequents the area looking for any work he can help with to survive. For hours they searched for him. During their search, they noticed some men repeatedly turning up around where they were as they traveled around the entire docks district. They gave these men the slip and continued searching.   They found Patch sleeping in an abandoned building in another part of the docks district. They woke him and could see the boy was startled by their presence. Titta began speaking to him, trying to get him to communicate with her as best as possible, then Auren suggested Pyzar use his Mindlink ability. With this, Pyzar was able to communicate with Patch telepathically. He learned that the boy had seen everything. He said he saw Lord Humfrith enter the alley and proceed around the corner. He then saw Aedwine enter and get caught from behind by some Razors. Aedwine was knocked out and force fed several vials of reverie. Then one of the razors, one with a scar over his right eye, took Aedwine’s dagger and went around the corner to where Lord Humfrith awaited someone. The Razor killed Lord Humfrith and they placed Aedwine’s unconscious form at the scene, smearing him with blood. Later, when the guards arrived and attempted to arrest the young lord, he broke free suddenly and began to run. Patch remained in hiding through all this before eventually leaving his shelter to find a new one.   They convinced Patch to come with them, offering him food and a real bed to sleep in for the night. They told him they required his help in clearing Aedwine’s name. From there, they returned to the Drunken Duck Inn. Along the way, they saw the same men who appeared to be tailing them earlier. They gave them the slip again before making it to the inn. They bought Patch a meal and after he finished eating, they retired to their rooms. They let him sleep on one of the beds while the rest of the party alternated watches for the night, just in case whoever followed them tried something while they slept.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
27 Jan 2021


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