Session 43 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 43 Report

General Summary

Ladigo Farthon cast Entangle to hinder the lycanthropes, the ettercaps, and two spiders. Mogi Delvin blasted another spider with a Scorching Ray, causing it to fall from its perch, crashing lifeless to the ground. Titta Morco and Auren Sylynn rushed towards the trapped man and woman trying to cut them out of the webbing, but the sticky webs were quite thick and more durable than they expected. Pyzar Zim engaged a wereboar at the edge of the Entangle. Selia Roselyn Maxwell told Alli and Durg to hide then rushed forward hurling a Scorching Ray from her wand.   One of the ettercaps escaped the Entangle. One of the spiders did as well. And the lycanthropes began working their way through the grasping vines and brambles towards the edge of the effect. Haymin’s Heroes were split, facing multiple fronts. Pyzar soon found himself surrounded by the wereboars and werebears, overwhelmed by their onslaught and brought down. Mogi summoned two earth elementals to help him versus the ettercaps which escaped the Entangle, one after the other. One of the spiders came down the web, and after Titta finished it, she and Auren rushed to the fallen Pyzar’s aid. Ladigo rode up beside him as well and healed him. Pyzar awoke from beneath a wereboar and fought the rest of the battle prone.   One by one, the creatures fell until only one spider remained. It broke free from the Entangle and scurried down the web and into the cave. Then it began sealing the entrance with more webbing. The stuck victims were saved and freed from the webs. Their names were Barda and Mark, and they were thankful to be saved and happy to see other Prey alive as well. Haymin’s Heroes took a long moment to recover and regroup from what proved to be a testing battle. After several healing potions, they were ready to move on once more.   They trekked through the forest some more, searching for any sings of Prey. Eventually, they came to a spot where two small rivers met. Between the rivers were a few wagons and some cages. A slumped over body lie still in one cage. As the party approached, a cry came from beyond. “Now!”   Then three werewolves, a wererat, a wereboar, a werebear, and two dire wolves came out from behind the cover of trees, bushes, and wagons. They were scattered on both sides of the intersecting rivers. The werewolf directing the others, they surmised was Jett.   Ladigo led with an Entangle once more, striking at the center, catching Jett, the wereboar, and the wererat. Pyzar rushed to one side to engage a werewolf. Titta went to the other to engage the werebear. Auren backed Pyzar up, as did Selia. From a distance, Mogi blast one of the dire wolves. From within the Entangle came the sound of casting and they suddenly recalled that Jett was said to be a sorcerer. A Glitterdust spell exploded around Selia, Auren, and Pyzar, blinding the three of them temporarily. Then Ladigo cast Wall of Smoke to block Jett and some of his allies. It shielded Titta somewhat from the werebear and a dire wolf, while preventing Jett from seeing to cast more spells at them.   This battle was even more scattered and testing than the previous one. Titta was eventually overwhelmed by the werebear and dire wolf as they attacked her through the smoke. Ladigo, who tried to help her, retreated into the Entangle to give himself a moment to heal. Titta rolled under a wagon to the other side for a brief moment of respite while she reached for a potion. But before she could drink it, Jett, who had managed to escape the Entangle and had worked his way to the battle from around one of the rivers, cast Magic Missile and brought her down. Ladigo rushed over to her and was then brought down himself by the werebear.   As the combat grinded on, Haymin’s Heroes were more scattered and even more tested than in the previous fight. The blindness on Selia, Auren and Pyzar wore off and they were able to join the fray more effectively. Auren engaged Jett, but was brought down by tooth, claw, and spell. Titta was healed, only to be knocked unconscious a second time by Jett as well afterward. She fell into the river and would have drowned if not for Pennig and Selia pulling her out. Mogi went to Auren’s side to give him a potion as well. But Jett split a Magic Missile spell between Titta and Auren, trying to prevent their revival. In the end, Haymin’s Heroes prevailed, barely. Jett was the last enemy left, and the werewolf tried to flee as they were all bearing down on him, but Mogi cut him down in his tracks with his silver longsword.   Titta, Auren, and Ladigo were all healed from death’s door by the timely intervention of healing potions and everyone survived. But the party was spent and wounded all around. A few more potions stabilized them enough to continue. Titta checked on the man in the cage and found he had suffered bite wounds, but was still clinging to life. She gave him a potion and revived him. His name was Kal Wolfshot.   As they were regrouping, Mintar Pyule and company arrived. They had four other Prey with them. They informed Haymin’s Heroes that they found two others who had not made it. That accounted for all the victims. They discussed their next course of action and Olina cast Remove Curse on Kal, curing him of the lycanthropy the bite wounds had inflicted. Throughout the course of the night, Auren and Pyzar had also suffered bite wounds. Olina cast her last Remove Curse on Auren, but the spell could not break the curse on that occasion. She told them she could try again tomorrow on both Auren and Pyzar. If that did not work, they would turn into lycanthropes with tomorrow night’s full moon.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
15 Mar 2021


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