Session 46 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 46 Report

General Summary

Ladigo Farthon cast Wall of Smoke to block the visible Gray Wolves and the area around them. Pennig ran out of the Entangle and headed towards the Wall of Smoke, but along the way, Klughorm turned visible as he attacked him, stopping Pennig in his tracks. Three copies of Milich, thanks to a Mirror Image spell, appeared close to Klughorm as he cast Glitterdust, catching four of Haymin’s Heroes. Despite them being covered in sparkling magical energy, only Auren Sylynn was blinded by the effect. Then Moxley run through the Wall of Smoke, shrugging off the nauseating smoke. He cast a spell at Selia Roselyn Maxwell, but she resisted that magical effect as well.   Titta Morco ran out of the Entangle in one direction alongside Fisher, heading towards Milich and Klughorm. Vyness appeared as she stabbed at Pennig from behind. Talia ran through the Wall of Smoke and attacked Pennig as well. The wolf was surrounded and wounded. Selia cast a Glitterdust of her own at the Gray Wolves, but none of them were blinded. Then she began moving towards the closest edge of the Entangle. Ovorin appeared as he attempted to manifest a psionic power at Mogi Delvin, but Mogi resisted the mystical energy as it tried to pull him away. Auren maneuvered towards one side while Mogi did as well. Then Mogi cast a Fireball, catching Ovorin, Moxley, and Skint, who was still invisible. Ovorin fell unconscious from the blast. Pyzar Zim ran out of the Entangle to engage Moxley.   Ladigo summoned a dire wolf. Milich flew into the air and cast Fireball, catching Selia, Titta, and Fisher. Selia retaliated with a Magic Missile spell, while Titta and Fisher attacked Klughorm to aid Pennig who had fallen due to his wounds. Moxley tried to evade Pyzar, who kept close to him as he tried to cut him down with his greatsword. Skint, while still invisible, healed Ovorin with a potion. Ovorin then attackd Mogi with a psionic power again, still with no effect. Mogi attacked them back with a Magic Missile since Auren had blindly stumbled in the way, blocking the chance of another Fireball. Ovorin used his psionics defensively to dampen the effect of Mogi’s magic.   Talia fell to the dire wolf. Klughorm was killed by Fisher. Selia cast Dispel Magic on Milich, causing his Fly spell to end. He floated down into the Entangle and escaped it through the closest edge. He then cast Magic Missile at Selia and knocked her unconscious. Ladigo flew down as an eagle and healed Pennig. Vyness was soon killed and Titta and Fisher attacked Milich. The dire wolf ran after Moxley who was running away from Pyzar. The dire wolf took the cleric down. The blinded Auren suffered some wounds from a visible Skint and Ovorin. And Mogi fell as Ovorin target him and Auren with missiles of frost. Ladigo flew over to Selia and healed her. She then cast Benign Transposition to switch Auren and Titta. Then she finished off Skint and Ovorin.   Haymin’s Heroes then spent significant time regrouping and healing, while waiting for the Entangle spell to ware off so they could decapitate Bloodbeak. The Gray Wolves were dead. Haymin’s Heroes took whatever coin and magic items they found on them. They were surprised to find a magical collar on Bloodbeak. Upon this collar hung a round stone as a pendant. An eye could be seen within he stone. This eye moved about as if alive and seemed to observe its surroundings. Using the Artificer’s Monocle, Selia identified it as a Hag’s Eye, a device created by a covey of hags that allows them to see from it at any distance.   When they were all ready and healthy enough to move, Haymin’s Heroes left the site of the battle, looking for Harimoni’s grove.   That night as they camped, they encountered a pseudodragon named Kymont. Mogi sensed the creature in a nearby tree. Before they could see it, the party invited the creature to come down from the tree. Kymont communicated with them telepathically, expressing interest in sharing their company and their fire. The pseudodragon spent the night with them and agreed to accompany them to see the petalars.   On September 9, 498 AV, Lebi, the pixie, and Tas, the grig found the party while they were stopped for lunch. The sprites were desperate for their help and told Haymin’s Heroes how Harimoni’s grove had been found by ogres. The ogres had taken the petalars and set fire to Harimoni. These ogres served the Hideous Three, a covey of hags that lived in a marshy area within the High Hills.   Led by Lebi and Tas, the group rushed to Harimoni’s grove. They found the large oak tree displaying burn marks, but otherwise intact. Harimoni spoke to them, her voice a mix of creaking bark and wind rustling through branches and leaves. She told them of the ogres and how the Hideous Three could be found approximately 50 miles east by northeast of her grove. She asked the adventurers to bring the petalars back. Haymin’s Heroes agreed and left Kymont at the grove in the company of the sprites and the dryad. They then set out to follow the ogre tracks deeper into the High Hills.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
14 Apr 2021


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