Session 47 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 47 Report

General Summary

As they traveled on the afternoon of September 10, 498 AV, Haymin’s Heroes heared singing in the woods. Pyzar Zim and Fisher became entranced by the mysterious voice and walked towards it. The others tried to stop them and snap them out of their trance, but they were firmly hypnotized. Then another voice began to sing and now Selia Roselyn Maxwell succumb to the melody and started walking towards that one.   The party split, some accompanying Pyzar and some Selia. They soon saw harpies in the trees, the object of Selia, Pyzar, and Fisher’s enchantment. Titta Morco  shot arrows with her longbow at the one that held Pyzar and Fisher entranced. Ladigo Farthon shot a Splinterbolt spell at the one hypnotizing Selia. Mogi Delvin  fired a Scorching Ray at a third one that began singing, killing the foul creature and knocking it from is perch. In all there were six harpies. Three of them flew past Mogi, lashing at him with their claws. The two still singing had to stop and flee under the onslaught from the party. Soon, two harpies were dead and the remaining fled into the forest.   The next day in the afternoon, the terrain suddenly became swampy. The party trudged through marsh, often knee deep in fetid water. A few miles into the swamp, they came across four corpses. Three of them were the remains of ogres, lying facedown in the bog. The fourth was a bloated human corpse, lying faceup just beneath the surface. This corpse suddenly stood up, saying, “Arise.” The ogres rose as zombies and the air around the human undead became as if liquid. Titta recognized the creature as a drowned, a person who died from drowning, but through a foul twist of fate became an undead.   The party could not breathe in the vicinity of the drowned, and it was as if the liquified air tried to force its way into their noses and mouths. Selia backed away from the creature until she could breathe again. Then she cast Dispel Magic, nullifying the effect temporarily. The party fought the creature and the ogre zombies. The drowned struck hard and wounded Titta severely with unnaturally strong fists. Ladigo summoned a dire wolf and the creature tripped the drowned, causing it to fall back into the water. When it arose, its drowning effect threatened Haymin’s Heroes once again.   Pyzar succumb to the aura, and unable to breathe, passed out, falling into the water. Auren Sylynn  did as well. Selia dispelled the affect once again, allowing the remaining party to breathe. Having already healed Titta, Ladigo helped Pyzar out of the water to stop him from drowning. Selia used Benign Transposition to switch places with Auren, getting him away from the battle, but unfortunately, he was still underwater. Mogi ran over to him and pulled his head up from under.   In the end, the undead were all defeated. The party searched the area for signs of the petalars. There were none to be found, but Titta did see a pair of ogre tracks head away from the battle site. They healed their wounds and continued on the trail of the ogres.   On September 12, 498 AV, Haymin’s Hereos reached a large hill from which flowed a waterfall. The slope of the hill was steep and largely unclimbable. The only path up, they found, was guarded by an eight-headed hydra. They attacked the hydra, aided by a Haste spell from Selia. The party’s concentrated onslaught was too much for the beast and it fell to a barrage from Titta’s scimitars.   Around one of he necks, they found a collar containing another Hag’s Eye. They believed they were now close to the Hideous Three, surmising that they laired at the top of this hill. They destroyed both of the Hag’s Eyes in their possession and as a result heard two screams echo from high above them. They then hurried up the hill.   At the top, they were greeted by a Fog Cloud. They could not see past it, but Ladigo, who flew ahead as an eagle, warned them with squawks of impending danger. Five ogres were spread about the edge of the Fog Cloud. When Mogi sensed them, he cast Fireball in the direction of the nearest three. Blinded by the fog, his Fireball struck the closest ogre, exploding prematurely, catching himself in the blast as well. The Fireball burned away part of the Fog Cloud revealing three of the ogres, now singed from the fire. The party then rushed forward to engage the ogres. A sea hag rose from beneath the pool of water in the center of the hilltop. Her hideous visage magically weakened Titta and Mogi before the sea hag submerged again. Suddenly an annis hag, as large as an ogre, attacked, turning visible as she grabbed Mogi. From a lash of claws, she knocked him unconscious and then bit at Titta.   The sea had remained underwater. The third hag was nowhere to be seen. The annis hag could see, so they assumed the other two had been blinded when the Hag’s Eyes were destroyed. The annis hag was defeated, and so were the five ogres. The petalars were found in wooden cages near a black cauldron containing a foul green liquid. Seeing a shadow under the surface of the pool, Titta began firing arrows at it. The party surrounded the pool to prevent the hag from escaping and Auren waded in to get close. The sea hag suddenly turned invisible under the water, but a lucky shot from Titta found its mark, killing her. They eventually sensed the other hag moving around underwater. They cut down the blinded green hag as she tried to flee.   Titta turned her attention to the petalars, speaking with them in Sylvan, assuring them they were safe. The rest of the party scoured the lake, and the three huts surrounding it, searching for anything of value. What they found at the bottom of the lake was a Decanter of Endless Water that was the source of the lake, which fed the waterfall, which fed the swamp below.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
23 Apr 2021


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