Session 48 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 48 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes collected the treasures they found in the hag camp and added the magic items to their collection. Titta Morco communicated with the petalars, informing them that they would be returned to Harimoni’s grove. The petalars were very happy that the Time of Darkness was coming to an end and they would be returning to the Promised Land. They prepared for the Great Migration. Titta helped rig platforms from the cages so that Fisher could carry the petalars.   As the party left the hilltop, the stream flowing from the lake was drying up, the waterfall was only an intermittent drip. The journey to Harimoni’s grove was reasonably uneventful. Generations of the petalars were born and passed on three day trek. Each one grew close with Haymin’s Heroes, “the heroes of legends past come back in their time of need.” Titta spoke with them often, translating their native Sylvan for the rest of the party to understand.   Once along the journey, they came across an adventuring party still searching for Bloodbeak. Haymin’s Heroes spoke with them briefly, suggesting they search further south. The parties parted peacefully and each went on their way.   On September 15, 498 AV, Haymin’s Heroes returned to Harimoni’s grove. The Great Migration came to an end and the current generation of petalars rejoiced in finally reaching the Promised Land. A large treant named Olkendar and a unicorn named Elaris were present in the grove, two natural protectors come to Harimoni’s aid. Lebi, Tas, and Kymont were there as well. Harimoni spoke to Haymin’s Heroes, telling them the spirits of the Feywild wished to reward them. She offered each a boon. Each member of the party chose his or her specific boon and an acorn fell down from the great tree into their open hands. There were even acorns for Fisher, Pennig, and Fluffy. Each ate his or her acorn and felt themselves enhanced magically. In addition, Pennig grew into the form of a dire wolf.   Haymin’s Heroes spent the rest of the day in Harimoni’s Grove. They conversed with Olkendar and Elaris, as well as Kymont and the sprites. And they watched a couple of generations of petalars acclimate to the Promised Land. In their conversation with Olkendar and Elaris, they learned of a tribe of orcs who lived in the northern reaches of the High Hills. These orcs went by the name of the Flametongue Tribe. Their symbol was a fiery sword. Their leader was named King Raknakeen, the Flametongue.   Titta wanted to go north to search for these orcs, assuming they might be the ones who had attacked her elven family. She argued that since they were so close, they should continue north. But most of the party were eager to turn in Bloodbeak’s head for the reward, and finally rid themselves of the burden of carrying it, not so much for the weight as for the threat of danger it might bring from rival hunters. In the end, they decided to make their way back to Rowadin first. Afterwards, they would return to the High Hills in search of the orcs.   On the morning of September 16, 498 AV, they left Harimoni’s grove, set on going first to Karavale to book passage to Rowadin by boat. However, immediately after leaving the grove and passing through the magical barriers that kept it hidden, they came upon a group of orcs at camp. These orcs bore the symbol of the Flametongue Tribe. There were thirteen orcs in total, and they were each caught by surprise at the sudden appearance of the adventurers. They instinctively reached for their weapons in the confusion and struck menacing poses. Titta was about to speak with them when she noticed the leader of this group had a familiar longbow in his possession. The masterwork weapon she clearly recognized as once belonging to her stepbrother, Kraalin Valathar.   The words caught in her throat and before she could speak, Mogi Delvin cast Fireball. Eight of the orcs fell from the blast. The five left standing were significantly wounded. Ladigo Farthon cast a spell on Pyzar Zim. Then Pyzar rushed forward and cut down the two closest orcs. Selia Roselyn Maxwell called to the orcs in their language, ordering them to surrender. Two of the orcs ran away, leaving the leader alone. He berated them for their cowardice in orc. Auren Sylynn attacked the leader, but the large orc reacted with skill and avoided the blow. Titta attacked this orc as well, but yelled out to keep him alive for questioning. She attempted to speak to him in his language, to tell him that bow did not belong to him. But her words came out twisted and sounded more like an insult to which the orcs appeared enraged. Ladigo rode forth on Pennig and the dire wolf bit the orc in the leg, drawing much blood. The orc fell unconscious from the pain.   They kept him alive and tied him up while sitting him against a tree. They woke him and Titta began questioning him. The orc spoke Andarian. Selia stood behind Titta, watching the orc with a Detect Thoughts spell. Through a combination of questioning and mind reading, they learned that the stronghold of the Flametongue Tribe was over 100 miles north. His group of orcs was out on a diplomatic mission of sorts. He was an emissary sent out to the southern tribes in the High Hills to seek their fealty to the Flametongue Tribe and King Raknakeen. Though the orc did not say it, Selia read in his thoughts that King Raknakeen was a red dragon. This orc had taken the bow from Kraalin. He remembered taking Kraalin captive and forced the elf to work in their mines. Their slaves were often treated harshly, and typically did not last long before dying or being killed. However, the orc did not know for sure what Kraalin’s final fate had been. He only assumed the elf was dead, but in his thoughts, Selia learned he had not personally interacted with the slaves in some time.   Titta set this orc free. He was unarmed, but still possessed his armor. She let him go and waited some time for him to get a head start. Then she began tracking him. From his thoughts, Selia learned that he believed he could reach his home in about a week if he took as direct a path as prudent through the High Hills, though careful to avoid some of the dangers therein.   Haymin’s Heroes turned to the north conceding that Bloodbeak’s head would just have to keep. Its condition might be not be pristine when they turned it in for the reward, but it should count all the same.   They walked slower than they were used to, being careful to stay well behind the orc. But on the second day of tracking him, September 17, 498 AV, they found him. His body lie dead beneath a gnarled and twisted bush. The corpses of five decayed adventurers were found under other bushes around the area. Several twisted bushes bordered a clearing. Tree branches were broken to open the canopy, allowing sunlight to shine down directly upon the bushes. Haymin’s Heroes decided to back away. But as they did so, an Entangle effect crept up around them. A large humanoid-shaped plant creature the size of an ogre arose from behind one of the gnarled bushes to their right. Titta recognized it as a briarvex. A second briarvex appeared as well, this one on the left.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
27 Apr 2021


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