Session 50 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 50 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes observed the orc stronghold as they debated their options. After much discussion, they eventually settled on a plan. For the rest of the day and through the night they continued to observe the Flametongue Tribe from the cover of the trees. Midmorning on September 20, 498 AV, they put their plan into action.   They backtracked a considerable distance to avoid being seen by the orcs in the stronghold. They approached the base of the hill and snuck up towards the outer wall. From the cover of the cliff wall, they cast a few spells. Those likely to be involved in frontline combat were given Bull Strength from Selia Roselyn Maxwell’s wand. They also received Haste. Titta Morco, Pyzar Zim, Mogi Delvin, and Auren Sylynn received Invisibility. Ladigo Farthon cast Warp Wood on the outer wall to make an opening. Then the invisible adventurers snuck in to the orc camp. Titta and Pyzar maneuvered to block the entrance to the underground compound. Mogi and Auren climbed up to a central elevation were some orc sentries were stationed. Ladigo transformed into an eagle and flew up to a perch on the main hill. Selia mounted Pennig and waited with Fisher for the signal on the other side of the wall.   Mogi blasted the orc shaman with a Scorching Ray. Then Titta and Pyzar attacked the nearest orcs. Selia rode in on Pennig while the animals attacked as well. Auren guarded Mogi on the small hill and attacked the orc sentries there. Ladigo summoned a dire wolf to deal with the orcs stationed on an upper walkway. The orcs were in chaos. Haymin’s Heroes blasted them with spells and overpowered them with swords. The orc women and children ran to hide in their huts. Soon, over twenty orc warriors were killed and the outer courtyard was secured.   Haymin’s Heroes then turned their attention to the underground complex. They walked down the descending entrance and found the intersection Ladigo had observed the day before. Seeing orcs beyond the western corridor, they went there first. They attacked a group of orcs in a common area around a fire pit and defeated them easily. From there, one passage led to the orc armory. Finding nothing of significant value, they continued further into the complex.   The sound of orc children could be heard beyond one door. The party ignored that door and continued to another. Orc males could be heard conversing there. Haymin’s Heroes entered and found four larger orcs, the likely orc lieutenants of the tribe. These orcs, though more fearsome than the rest, were dealt with easily enough. The party searched the several treasure chests in the room and found various items of loot the orcs had taken from their victims. Amongst them was a signet ring bearing the Valathar family crest.   From there, the party investigated a double door down a different corridor. Using a key found on one of the orc lieutenants, they opened the door to reveal a large room used for storage. Loot, supplies, and foodstuff were stored here.   At the end of the chamber was a set of stairs that descended to a particularly large double door. This door was warm to the touch and heat could be felt emanating from behind it. Haymin’s Heroes readied themselves for what they believed would be the dragon’s lair. They cast Resist Energy on everyone and opened the door.   A wave of heat washed over them. Beyond the door was a natural cavern. A small stream washed down into a hole at the base of a cavern wall. They followed the stream uphill, climbing up the ascending floor. It eventually opened up to a large cavernous area. At one end there was a wide chasm filled with lava. At another end an opening high above could be seen, likely the one Ladigo had found when examining the hilltop.   A deep voice could be heard farther within the lair, beyond the lava. King Raknakeen greeted them and questioned their presence. Titta wasted no time in telling him they were here to kill him. From there, the banter did not last long. The sound of spellcasting could be heard from the deep voice. Suddenly, four mephitis flew out of the lava, two fire mephitis and two magma mephitis. Then King Raknakeen, the Flametongue flew towards Haymin’s Heroes.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
11 May 2021


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