Session 51 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 51 Report

General Summary

Pyzar Zim attacked the two closest mephitis, a fire and a magma mephit. Both fell from a mighty stroke of his sword, though their fiery forms started to heal immediately. Titta Morco stepped forward and dispatched a magma mephit of her own. She continued to attack it even after it fell to kill it outright and prevent any healing. She also finished off one of the mephitis Pyzar had dropped. The elemental bodies dissipated in a fiery blaze until there were only scorch marks left on the stone. Auren Sylynn attacked the last fire mephit and wounded it with his kukri. Ladigo Farthon cast a Wall of Smoke at the edge of the chasm. Then Mogi Delvin walked to the edge of the wall and cast Magic Missile around it at the red dragon, but the missiles struck against an invisible shield protecting the creature. King Raknakeen, the Flametongue flew forward and unleashed his fire breath from above the Wall of Smoke. The Resist Energy spells each member of the party was protected with lessened the burn of the fire. Most were only lightly singed, a couple more severely so.   Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Dispel Magic on King Raknakeen. The fizzling of a pair of magical glints around the dragon showed her that her spell had worked and two effects on the creature disappeared. Mogi cast another Magic Missile spell and his bolts struck the Flametongue in the chest, much to the dragon’s annoyance. The creature turned in midair and flew away, back over the lava filled chasm to the back of his lair. It cast a spell. The mephitis had been finished and the party maneuvered into other positions. The Wall of Smoke blocked most of their sight to the dragon. Pyzar put away his sword and drew his longbow. Titta did the same. At a safe distance, King Raknakeen cast another spell. Then it flew back towards the party.   It breathed fire again, this time unable to catch everyone in the cone-shaped spray. But even with the Resist Energy, Selia was seriously wounded. The dragon flew high above them, out of reach. Pyzar shot at it with his longbow, but his shots deflected harmlessly off the creature’s scaly hide. Then Ladigo cast Downdraft, catching the dragon and sending it falling to the ground.   Titta dropped her bow and drew her scimitars, rushing forward to attack the prone dragon. Auren pounced upon it, but the dragon swatted him away with its strength and size. Mogi attacked as well, using his Frost Longsword; the icy strike from his sword left its mark on the red dragon. King Raknakeen stood and bit Mogi with its powerful jaws, leaving his mark on Mogi. Then as Pyzar stepped into position, the dragon bit him as well, bruising him through his armor. Pyzar’s sword swipe drew blood from the Flametongue. Then Pennig ran in and grabbed a dragon’s legs in his canine jaws, knocking the creature from its feet and sending it sprawling prone. All those around him took advantage of the opportunity and struck true. After several strikes from the party, Auren’s kukri rendered the dragon unconscious. Then Mogi’s sword finished it off.   For almost an hour, Haymin’s Heroes looted the dragon’s hoard and his body. They took several scales, his claws, and his head for trophies. Ladigo, as an eagle, carried Auren inside a Bag of Holding to the other side of the lava chasm. Then Auren loaded up the bag and Ladigo flew it over to be dumped before flying back to be refilled. They found a new Bag of Holding in the dragon’s hoard, but it was too heavy for Ladigo to carry, so Mogi summoned an air elemental to fly it back over.   When they were done with the hoard, they left the dragon’s lair and reentered the orc stronghold. They headed straight for the mines and confronted the orc slavers there who were whipping a human man shackled by chains suspended from the ceiling. Showing them the dead King Raknakeen’s head, they told the orcs to leave, stating they were here for the prisoners. Ultimately, the orcs gave in and walked away. However, they gathered the remaining orcs in the complex, down the one hall Haymin’s Heroes had not yet explored. There were about another twenty orcs. For a moment it appeared as if they were going to make a stand, but in the end, they relented and walked away.   There were ten slaves in total. Among them was Kraalin Valathar, Titta’s elven stepbrother. The reunion took some time as did seeing to the captive’s needs. They gathered some supplies from the orcs’ stores and outfitted all of them for travel. Then they left the stronghold of the Flametongue Tribe without any resistance from the orcs. Two of the captives were hobgoblins. As soon as they were out of the stronghold, they walked off on their own, heading towards their tribal lands.   Haymin’s Heroes and the rest traveled north, heading for the Valathar lands in Aravess. From there, Kraalin had promised to help the other captives make their way to their homes. There were three humans from Oathendale, a dwarf from Great Thrundar, and the rest elves from Aravess. The group walked about five miles before stopping, not wanting to push the men too much after their ordeal, but wanting to put some distance between them and the orcs. Titta and Kraalin spent much time catching up. The rest of the men shared their stories as well and listened to the adventurers tell of their exploits.   On September 23, 498 AV, they reached Kraalin’s land, pushing on into the evening to reach his home. The lord of the Valathar clan was greeted with joyous celebration from the Menethil family who had been the caretakers of the clan holdings in his absence. Titta had her reunions with others she had grown up with in her time here as a girl. That night they had a feast with flavorful elven wine and most of the captive and the party drank and celebrated into the night.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
19 May 2021


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