Session 54 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 54 Report

General Summary

Down the hallway, they found two rooms. One of them contained several bedrolls and some personal effects that looked like they belonged to the human guards. The other room was Galen Palos’ bedroom. He was not in the room, but they found his spellbook in a trunk.   Haymin’s Heroes returned to the room with the fountain and chose the first door. It opened into another large chamber containing a broken statue depicting dwarf hammering a battleaxe upon an anvil. Around the big stone statue were three undead being with leathery skin over muscular arms. Mogi Delvin rushed into the room and cast a Scorching Ray spell at the closest target. Then Titta Morco rushed in and attacked another of the undead. Suddenly, two wraiths floated up through the floor and attacked them. This complicated the situation as the party found damaging the wraiths difficult as their weapons just passed right through them most of the time. Only Auren Sylynn seem to have much luck damaging the wraiths with his weapons.   The corporeal undead posed another threat. Their pounding fists were strong, and a sinister effect of pounding their targets into the ground. During the battle, Titta, Fisher, and Pyzar Zim were all thrust underground into a shallow grave by the vile magic. With help, they were all dug out before they suffocated and the undead were eventually defeated.   From this room, they decided to continue through a southern door. Before entering, though, Mogi used Detect Evil to reveal an evil presence in the room beyond. The party grouped up behind the door, ready to face their enemies and opened it. The creatures in the next room were waiting for them. A Fireball greeted them, followed by eight Magic Missiles and then two more Fireball spells. Haymin’s Heroes were caught off guard and extremely wounded. Galen Palos was in the other room with four rune-covered skeletons, four rune-covered zombies, and two rune-covered wights. Before they could react from this initial barrage, Galen Palos then cast Web catching the party and trapping them at the door.   The battle was dire, and almost cost them their lives, but it seemed the undead spellcasters eventually ran out of spells and were having trouble getting to the party because of the web. At one point, Galen Palos demanded the party surrender and they would be spared by Balekai, God Under the Mountain. Haymin’s Heroes ignored him. They managed to close the doors to the room and put up a barrier between them and their enemies. Eventually, however, Galen Palos entered the room in which Haymin’s Heroes were trapped from the other door. He was flying and cast a Fireball at Fisher and Pennig. It singed part of the web, but he seemed careful not to catch the party members still trapped in it, knowing that the fire would free them. Then Selia Roselyn Maxwell, who had managed to get free of the web and had cast Invisibility, cast Glitterdust at the flying wizard. Galen was blinded. He retreated. Selia followed him and saw him enter a secret passage at the other end of the room with the fountain. She caught him with a Fireball before he went too far and the wizard fell dead from the blast.   By now, most of Haymin’s Heroes were managing to free themselves from the web. The undead had burned away the webbing just the other side of the door and opened one of double doors. The zombies started shambling in while the wights tried to cast a black ray at Pyzar. Wounded and barely hanging on, Haymin’s Heroes defeated the undead. And by now, Ladigo Farthon was practically out of healing spells.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
15 Jun 2021


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