Session 60 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 60 Report

General Summary

In the morning, on November 6, 498 AV, Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Invisibility on herself and Ladigo Farthon, then Fly on herself while Ladigo took the form of a great horned owl and perched on her shoulder. Selia flew them over the compound for the first round of surveillance. Only one man could be seen, going outside to relieve himself. But when he walked back towards the main building, near the wagon sitting on the central path, the man could be seen saying, “Good morning.” He continued walking and reentered the building. Selia and Ladigo could see no one else around.   Ladigo returned midmorning, this time by himself. He was invisible and flew over as an owl, observing. At this time, there were several Red Sashes outside training again as they had been the day before. Ladigo paid close attention to the wagon, but did not notice anything unusual.   Later, during the early afternoon, Selia flew in by herself. She was invisible, but also prepared with a See Invisibility spell. She did not see anything invisible around the compound, focusing mainly on the wagon, but she did she two men seemingly speaking to it. Then the wagon spoke back. Selia clearly saw a mouth form on its surface and begin to move. She was too far away to clearly hear what was being said, but returned to the party and informed them of her discovery.   They discussed what she saw and surmised the wagon must be a mimic in disguise. This altered their plan slightly, but not much. No more flights were made to surveil the compound. Mogi Delvin approached the wall around the compound to the north and cast Detect Magic at Auren Sylynn’s suggestion. It did not radiate any magic, so they were confident there were no traps or alarms in plac. Haymin’s Heroes felt they had all the information they needed. They waited around for the rest of the day and rested.   Around midmorning on November 7, 498 AV, the party approached the compound wall to the southeast. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, cast Stone Shape and formed an opening large enough for everyone to slip through. Haymin’s Heroes did so. Between the wall and the main building there was a barn. The party used this as cover as they began their approach. At the barn, Kyrie cast a spell on the party to provide them a boost against harmful effects. Then they slipped around the barn and continued to the main structure, keeping behind the cover of the sheds so as not to be seen. At the sheds, Kyrie cast two more spells, further boosting the party’s combat prowess. Then they attacked.   Kyrie began the ambush by casting Wall of Sand across the front of the house, blocking the doorway and catching two of the Unseen within the wall. Pyzar Zim then rushed towards the main group, comprised mainly of Red Sashes being trained by a man who appeared to be a skilled warrior. Pyzar ran up next to him. The rest of the party rushed in as well. The Unseen were caught off guard as the party’s spells and attacks devastated them. The mimic was farthest away from the point of attack and moved very slowly, shambling towards them awkwardly   In the course of the battle, Titta Morco challenged Marak Quinaro, the leader of the Red Sashes. At first, he approached her, full of confidence, wielding a longsword in one hand and a dagger in the other. He got in the first strike and was backed up by one of his men. Pyzar killed this Red Sash before severely wounding Marak himself. Then Titta said, “My name is Vanesala Parrish, and little girls can grow up to be big pains in the ass.” Titta could see a flicker of recognition and worry on his face before she decapitated him with her scimitar.   The few remaining enemies were cut down and the mimic was finished off by three dire wolves summoned by Ladigo. In death, the few bodies who were not Red Sashes revealed themselves to be doppelgangers or some other shapeshifter species Haymin’s Heroes did not recognize, though it somewhat resembled a doppelganger. But before they could make too much of it, Kyrie rushed them into position, citing that the Wall of Sand would be fading away soon. When the wall did fade, they saw the door to the building already open and several more Unseen were inside, ready for combat. Amongst them was a large, muscular ogre.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
24 Aug 2021


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