Session 61 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 61 Report

General Summary

Two men rushed out of the house, unnaturally fast and wielding twin rapiers. Ladigo Farthon’s dire wolves attacked these men and those near could hear a distinct metallic clang when the wolves bit them. A couple more men from inside came out and attacked, while leaving the middle open for the ogre. The ogre rushed forward holding a chair and smashed it against Pyzar Zim. The front lines were locked in combat, blocking the doorway, while inside, the enemy spellcasters prepared with defensive spells. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Glitterdust inside the house, blinding a couple of the Unseen. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Holy Smite into the house and blinded a few more of them as well.   Titta Morco focused on one of the twin rapier wielding warriors with the aid of Ladigo’ dire wolves, while Pyzar focused on the other one alongside Pennig and another dire wolf. The two rapier wielding men proved resilient and formidable, but ultimately fell to the focused attacks. When they did so, they reverted to their true forms. They were metallic constructs crafted in humanoid form that apparently had the ability to alter their forms to appear as living beings.   Auren Sylynn was fighting against the ogre, backed up by Scorching Ray attacks from Mogi Delvin. As the ogre absorbed significant punishment from their attacks, it began bleeding out multi-colored liquid. Then, when Pyzar applied the finishing blow, the ogre form melted away leaving a blob of colorful ooze on the floor. The other two Unseen who had come out were dealt with easily and their deaths revealed them to be doppelgangers. And now with the doorway open, Haymin’s Heroes rushed inside.   Titta and Auren ran to engage the spellcaster at the back of the room. A couple of dire wolves and Pyzar ran to a man bearing noble stature that had also been casting spells off to one side of the room. The other, blinded and scattered, Unseen around the room were cut down one by one, revealing them all as doppelgangers. Titta and Auren cut through the mage’s Mirror Images until they found the real one. Wounded, he began to flee. Titta left him for Auren while she turned her attention to the other caster who was proving to be very difficult to harm. The dire wolves and Pyzar could barely touch him, and when they did, he seemed almost impervious to their strikes. When Titta attacked him, he even snickered, “You’re not good enough to harm me.”   Then Selia cast Dispel Magic on him. All his magical defenses disappeared and he suddenly became much easier to strike. Though he still resisted much of the damage, they were able to concentrate their efforts and bring him down with an onslaught of blows. When he fell, he reverted back to his true form, that of a panther-like humanoid with his hands (paws) turned backwards. The party identified him as a raskshasa, a creature they had read about in one of their monster books.   Auren finished off the last doppelganger and the party proceeded to loot the bodies and search the building. In the office, Titta found a journal of sorts that contained only ten pages. She read them out and it was a conversation between two different people. She presumed one was the raskshasa, who was identified as Tarohan. The other was Mr. King. The party believed that this was a magical journal, identical to the one Haymin Stone had years ago with which he communicated to Mr. King. The tenth page of the journal was blank. The party considered writing a message in it, believing that Mr. King would be able to read it, but they ended up putting the book in the Bag of Holding, deciding to leave it inside for now, just in case they could be scryed upon through the journal somehow.   They finished with the house, taking the money kept in a chest in the office. Titta made sure to take a necklace from Torren as well, that had a dozen rings on it. One of those rings, she believed, should belong to Marrila. They then went to the Parrish house.   Inside the house, Titta called out to Marrila. The spectre came out to see her and pointed to her ring on the necklace. Then Titta promised to bury it with her. With the help of the party, they dug up Marrila’s grave, found her bones and placed the ring on her finger. Then they filled the grave back up. Titta returned to the house and told Marrila that it was done. The spectre’s form had changed, her appearance softer and less sinister. Marrila’s ghost now appeared more like it had in life. Her and Titta said their goodbyes and hoped they would see each other in the afterlife. Marrila told Titta she would send her greetings to her father.   Haymin’s Heroes then went next to Bright River. They called out the marshal, Ptero Dain, and drew a crowd of townsfolk to witness their proclamation that the spectres had been cleared out and that the house was cleansed. They also told them how the spellcasters and occult specialists at the compound treating the land had unfortunately been killed by the spectres. Before Ptero Dain could question the party, he was swarmed by the crowd who began asking him questions about how he would handle this situation. With that distraction, Haymin’s Heroes left Bright River and began their journey back to Rowadin.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
31 Aug 2021


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