Session 64 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 64 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes approached the gate unseen. They took a few moments to prepare, including turning Pyzar Zim, Auren Sylynn, and Selia Roselyn Maxwell invisible. Ladigo Farthon flew up as an owl and perched on the cliffs above the southern tower. Then he began summoning some dire wolves. Selia cast Dimension Door and took Auren and Pyzar with her behind the door. While invisible, Pyzar and Auren began lifting the bar that kept the gate locked. Then the dire wolves appeared and caused the distraction they were hoping for.   Ladigo placed the two dire wolves on the southern tower to attack the unsuspecting sentries. Two of the gargoyle statues then began moving and flew over to attack the wolves. Ladigo flew towards the north tower, but as he neared it, he realized that the other two gargoyle statues were not gargoyles at all. They were dark, leathery winged creatures with a menacing glow in their eyes. One of those flew to the south tower to reinforce its allies, while the other flew up to attack Ladigo. Pyzar pushed the gate doors open and Titta Morco helped pull from the other side, opening them wide enough to accommodate for Fisher and Pennig. With the door opened, Auren rushed towards the main entrance, running up the stairs to the platform. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone then rushed in the courtyard and cast Downdraft to catch the creature attacking Ladigo, bringing it crashing to the ground below. Then Mogi Delvin rushed in and cast Magic Missile at it.   The creature got up and flew straight towards Kyrie. When she met its gaze, she felt a life-draining force affect her. As the others rushed in they could feel the effect as well, but managed to resist its initial glances. Pyzar engaged the creature and attacked, breaking his invisibility. The dire wolves on the south tower killed the human guards easily, but found with the gargoyles and the other creature more difficult to deal with. The guards on the north tower shot at the group by the gate with their crossbows until Ladigo summoned another dire wolf next to them. This dire wolf killed these guards before running along the connecting wall towards the south tower.   By then, one of the dire wolves had been killed by the monsters and the other wounded. Pyzar quickly finished off the glowing eyes creature and then ran toward the south tower. Auren opened the central door on the platform and saw a corridor leading further inside, but no reinforcements like he had been expecting to ambush while still invisible. He then ran to the south tower as well. Mogi climbed up to the platform and looked into the corridor and saw it led to a large room with an altar at the back, but he could see no creatures there. Pyzar, Titta, and Auren climbed the stairs in the south tower and made it to the roof, helping to finish off the gargoyles while the dire wolves killed the other monster.   The party spent a few moments looting the guards and inspecting the towers. They did not seem to connect to the main structure. The party then regrouped at the doorway into the central corridor.   Auren led the way, entering the first chamber. There was an alcove at the back with an altar that held a carving of the holy symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye. To the north and south of this room there were long corridors branching out. Auren did not see anyone around, but heard voices coming from behind a door at the end of the northern corridor. To the south, it opened into a room where he saw a fiery glow come from one corner.   He told the party to wait at the entrance while he inspected to the south. There he found statues that depicted elementals. An earth elemental carved out of stone was at the northwest corner. At the southwest was a carving of a fire elemental whose hands were burning flames that illuminated the room. At the southeast corner was an air elemental statue from which emanated the sound of whistling winds. To the northeast, he saw the edges of a pool of water, but did not get close enough to the entrance to see what was in this pool, but he could hear running water.   Auren came back to the party and reported what he saw. They agreed to venture north first and deal with whoever was behind that door. When they all entered the chamber with the altar, Mogi sensed that they were not alone. There were two beings flying up by the ceiling. He could not see them, but pointed in their direction. The party could not see them either, but they noticed when Mogi appeared to be buffeted by a series of blows. Selia reacted and stepped back cautiously while casting Glitterdust in front of Mogi. Suddenly, the large shapes of two vaguely humanoid creatures floating before Mogi were outlined in sparkling dust. With their targets visible, the party attacked them. These creatures were brought down and killed quickly. When they died, all around them could feel a rush of winds bursting out from the glittering corpses before there was nothing left by glowing dust on the floor. Kyrie healed Mogi and they made sure everyone was in good shape before continuing north.   At an intersection they saw a room to the west that had a painted mural of the Great Beast on the west wall. The images on this mural seemed to move and Titta was reminded of the swirling mural in the Temple of the Eye they had infiltrated southwest of Rowadin. They did not head in that direction, continuing instead to the door to the north. At the door they heard conversation and what sounded like people eating. Haymin’s Heroes then opened the door and rushed in, catching those inside by surprise.   There were several Doom Bringers inside, all eating lunch. They fell quickly without having much chance to mount any kind of offense. In the end, Titta spared one, promising him his life if he would tell her what she wanted to know. She asked him if they were keeping a pregnant lady prisoner and where they could find her. The mercenary affirmed that they were and drew them a rough map as to where he believed she could be found. He mentioned that she was kept in a secret area, but marked where he believed the entrance was. While Titta questioned him, Selia read his mind with Detect Thoughts. They learned that there were traps and alarms in the complex. They had already triggered the alarm at the entrance and Deverell Kelsar would already know about them and would be watching them through magical means. To avoid magical traps, one must hold a holy symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye and say aloud, “Praise the Elder Elemental Eye” when entering a trapped room. He mentioned to them where a room was trapped with summoned demons and another with elementals, the latter being the room Auren had peeked into.   When they were done with this man, they let him go, escorting him to the front door and telling him to never return. Then they continued into the complex. The intention was to find Astri, of course, but they decided it would be easier to keep her safe if they cleared out any other threats first. Either way, they were expecting Deverell Kelsar to be waiting for them, probably while holding Astri hostage.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
28 Sep 2021


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