Session 65 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 65 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes searched the Doom Bringer complex and looted the rooms for any valuables and treasure. They found no resistance or opposition. They said “Praise the Elder Elemental Eye” and held forth the holy symbols as they entered any room they believed could conceivably be trapped. Reaching the corridor where they were told a secret passage could be found. Auren Sylynn found it, but Titta Morco instructed him not to open it. They continued past it and explored the compound further. Even in the treasure room and Deverell Kelsar’s private quarters, they went unhindered. Then at the back of the complex, they proceeded down a long corridor that led to a large worship hall. As they neared, they heard whispering voices and nervous shuffling.   Knowing this was where they were to be ambushed, the party rushed in to attack. There were several Doom Bringers forming a pair of lines between two elevated stands to block anyone’s path through. On the stands were two demonic creatures with four arms, wielding two composite longbows each. Another spellcaster stood behind one of these demons on the stand. And in the back of the chamber, next to a black altar upon a raised dais, was Deverell Kelsar, holding Astri before him as a shield.   Titta was struck by Magic Missiles from the caster on the upper stand. Pyzar Zim rushed forward to break the line. A Doom Bringer cleric cast a spell at him, but he resisted the effect. Then the archers fired a seemingly impossible barrage of arrows and Titta and Pyzar were severely wounded. Mogi Delvin moved in and decimated the line with a Fireball spell, leaving only a few standing. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Benign Transposition and had Titta and Astri switch places. She then instructed Astri to hide in the corridor. Caught by surprise, Deverell now faced an assault of scimitars that left him bloodied. Auren snuck into the room invisible and started up the stairs to the stand where the spellcaster stood. Then suddenly, three dire wolves appeared, thanks to Ladigo Farthon. One jumped on the stand with the lone archer and bit a leg knocking the demon on his back. The other two ran forward near Pyzar to what was left of the line of Doom Bringers.   Ladigo cast Downdraft on the south stand, causing the wizard there to fall prone. The demon archer, however, maintained his footing. Mogi then cast another Fireball, this one on the same stand. The wizard fell from the blast, but the demon seemed unaffected. The prone demon archer teleported to this stand, away from the dire wolf. But then Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Wall of Sand, covering the entire platform, engulfing both demons and fallen wizard. Deverell Kelsar spoke a command word and his cloak fluttered and he magically switched places with one of his minions. Then he began to cast a spell. However, Auren stood next to him on the stairs just above and struck the high priest in mid-casting, breaking his concentration. This broke Auren’s Invisibility. Deverell was severely wounded and Selia finished him off with her Magic Missile spell.   Within moments, only one human Doom Bringer minion remained standing, facing Fisher. He withdrew carefully from the grizzly bear and dropped his weapon, surrendering. The demon archers, however, teleported out of the Wall of Sand and continued to fight. The dire wolves kept them prone. The demons did not teleport anymore, instead, focusing their fire upon the dire wolves. By the time Haymin’s Heroes brought them down, the three summoned dire wolves were killed and Pyzar, Titta, and Auren were heavily wounded by arrows.   There was an emotional reunion between Astri and Mogi. And as they embraced, Kyrie healed the party. Titta then questioned the man who’d surrendered to them. He told them what he knew, that Deverell Kelsar set this trap to try to capture Mogi’s ring, which would be used, somehow, in conjunction with Astri and Mogi’s baby to help summong the Great Beast. The man did not really understand it all, and admitted to being a paid mercenary, and not a true believer. He mentioned the Eye of Doom, a person mentioned in paperwork Titta found on Deverell’s desk earlier. The Eye of Doom was the leader of another cell of Doom Bringers, somewhere to the north. He did not know much about him, but believed that Deverell held the Eye of Doom in high regard.   After their conversation, they let this man go, encouraging him to seek employment elsewhere. The party looted what they could from the room and discovered a secret passage that led to the room with the mural of the Great Beast on the wall. They remained in the worship hall for the moment, though, discussing how they would proceed and how they would be getting home, considering how far along in her pregnancy Astri was.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
04 Oct 2021


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