Session 77 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 77 Report

General Summary

The majority of the party rushed downstairs to look for the thralls they left in the room with the sunken floor, while Auren Sylynn and Ladigo Farthon remained upstairs to give the area a search for any hidden passages. When Titta Morco did not see the thralls, she led the party down to the ground level and continued her search. The thralls had made it to the sleeping areas and had opened the doors. The other thralls were waking up and seemed to be coming out of their stupor. The mind control that was holding them was slowly wearing off. Haymin’s Heroes explained to them their situation and promised to take them to safety tomorrow morning. It was late and the party needed rest. Titta warned the former thralls that the way back to Rowadin might not be safe, citing the tentacled hounds they’d left in one of the caverns. Some of the victims were eager to leave, but those with clearer heads helped convince them that they should wait for the adventurers. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, Mogi Delvin, and Pyzar Zim then went to the thralls left in the ogre chamber and brought them into the sanctuary to join the others.   When the party reunited, Auren and Ladigo had not found anything upstairs. It was late and they settled to sleep, choosing the mouth chamber at the sanctuary’s entrance to make their camp. They could watch the grand cavern for any threats, while making sure the thralls did not try to leave while they slept. During their watches, they occasionally heard sounds in the cavern and could see shadows move at the far entrance. But nothing came clearly into view or approached where they rested.   After they awoke, they searched the complex again, but did not find any other hidden passages. On their way out, though, they stopped at the spot where the umber hulk had burrowed through the cavern wall. Summoning earth elementals with Mogi’s ring, they learned there was a hidden lair a distance beyond this spot and had an elemental retrieve any treasure within and bring it back.   When they were finally done here, they began their trek back to the surface. The tentacle covered hounds were no longer guarding the cavern beyond and the way back was relatively uneventful. Haymin’s Heroes spoke with a number of the freed thralls and learned some of their stories and circumstances. The family who originally owned the warehouse with the trap door leading down to Thax was among the thralls, a mother and her two teenage sons. However, the father, Solon Goldsmith, had been converted into a mind flayer when a black tadpole from the upstairs pool was inserted into his brain. As all the mind flayers had been killed, it was safe to assume he was now dead.   On the surface, the victims were immediately taken to the City Guard. Haymin’s Heroes spoke with Captain Holcot and informed him of what had transpired. They took him to the warehouse and showed him the trap door. They descended down the stairs to the subterranean passage that led from them. They went back to the surface and Captain Holcot returned to the guard headquarters to make plans or sealing this entrance. The City Guard were also busy dealing with the rescued people, many of whom had been missing for several weeks. Getting their lives back in order would prove to be a complicated matter.   Eventually, Haymin’s Heroes returned home for dinner and rest. Over the next few days, they counted their loot, sold the excess and divided their coins. Arnell Devons visited them and thanked them for a job well done. He also gave them new Weather Eye Brooches, a more powerful version to the ones they previously wore. They gifted some of the illithid books they had found to the Guild of Mystic Arts, and the guild thanked them with free access to their library for the rest of the year.   Ladigo and Selia Roselyn Maxwell also took some time to visit the orphanage, hire a cobbler to make new shoes for all the kids, and hire handymen to complete some needed repairs on the building. A few days later, they received personalized thank yous from the children.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
17 Feb 2022


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