Session 79 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 79 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes entered the garden room. Shortly after they did so, four slaadi suddenly appeared, two red, one blue, and one green. Selia Roselyn Maxwell immediately cast Glitterdust, blinding them all. In response, the green slaad at the back of the room reached behind him to touch the door. A wave of blackness burst forth from the door, leaving them all in magical darkness. Making out the dim shadowy shapes, the party attacked the slaadi, who could see nothing at all. The red slaadi were killed quickly, and their bodies disappeared as soon as they fell. The blue and green slaadi fought back by unleashing colorful bursts that the party could barely make out. Most of the party felt nothing from these attacks, but Ladigo Farthon and Pyzar Zim were somehow wounded by them.   The last two slaadi were killed and disappeared like their fellows, but the darkness remained. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone assumed it was some sort of Darkness spell and cast Dispel Magic upon the door. That cancelled out the darkness and the room was once again illuminated with light. As they searched throughout the room, they quickly confirmed that the open field was just an illusion emanating from the walls. In one corner of the room, partly hidden in the grass, was the corpse of an armored man, his sword laying next to him. He looked like he had died from deep slashing wounds. The party assumed slaad claws.   Mogi Delvin took to searching through some potted plants. In an azalea pot, he found a tile inscribed with the letter A. This fit the pattern they had hypothesized earlier. They then opened all the doors to this room and looked to see what rooms they could enter next.   Eventually, they connected to the missing room. This one had an iron golem as a guardian standing in the center. Five corpses were strewn about the room. Most of them had large and deep slashing wounds, probably from the golem’s huge sword. One corpse, however, was that of Beus Pran. He looked like he had been killed by a mixture of spell blasts and regular sized swords. Haymin’s Heroes believed that these men and the ones in the living room had killed Beus Pran, but lost about half their number in the process courtesy of the iron golem.   At the back of the room there was a board on the wall that looked somewhat like the square painting, only none of the squares were colored in. Based on its size, they believed that the tiles could fit within these squares. And they speculated that if they found all the tiles and put them in place, they could control the movement of the rooms. There was also a chest and two large sacks in the far corner. But fearing the iron golem, the party did not enter. Instead, they decided they would come back after they had found all the other tiles.   For now, they would try to make their way to the library again and conduct some research on golems. In one book on the subject, Selia learned the strengths and weaknesses of iron and stone golems. This room connected to the laboratory and they decided to search out that room next.   They entered the laboratory and saw three floating masses of elemental energy. Two of them appeared like sparkling fire and third like a freezing fog. These masses attacked the party as soon as they came in. The freezing fog, the largest of the masses, tried to engulf a few of them. Titta Morco and Auren Sylynn managed to evade its grasp, but Kyrie was caught inside. The freezing cold wounded her like a spell and held her captive within. Kyrie collapsed unconscious and the chilling fog let her fall. The party focused on this one with their attacks as best they could until it dissipated. Then Mogi healed Kyrie with his Lay On Hands ability. The glittery fire beings reminded Selia of a combination of a Fireball and Glitterdust, leading her to believe that these were not elementals, but some sort of animated spells.   They finished off those two guardians as well and then proceeded to search the room. In the base of a statuette of an umber hulk, Auren found another tile, this one inscribed with the letter U. It fit their pattern to spell out Beus Pran.   Next they entered the kitchen and found a letter P under a stack of plates. In the bedroom, they found a letter B under the mattress of the bed.   They then waited in the bedroom and watched the doors until one of them aligned with the living room. The four men and the construct were still inside, sitting around. Haymin’s Heroes decided to ambush them. With most of the men sitting down, they were caught woefully unprepared and the party killed them easily. The construct was the last to fall, but it fell easily enough once they focused on it.   Titta began searching the sofa first. Stitched into the upholstery, she found a secret pocket containing the letter S. They took whatever magic items they found on the dead men and decided to go back to the iron golem room. Their plan was to rush in and grab Beus Pran. Pyzar would do this while the others attempted to distract the golem. Selia and Lagido could distract it with electricity spells, which they had learned would have a Slow effect on the construct. And hopefully, no one would be wounded too severely. Kyrie and Ladigo would also be on hand to cast any healing spells, if necessary. Then tomorrow, Kyrie could prepare and cast Raise Dead on Beus Pran. Surely, he would be able to disengage the magical traps and bypass the guardians.   Their plan worked. Ladigo shocked the golem with his Gloves of Lightning. Auren, Titta and Mogi surrounded the golem to distract it. Pyzar ran in and grabbed Beus Pran’s corpse. Once he did so, the iron golem seemed to focus on him. But Pyzar made it out alive, though quite wounded.   Once they were safely in the next room, the golem did not pursue. Kyrie healed them all and they made their way back to the library. They would rest there and spend some time reading and researching. They took turns watching the doors just in case anyone else had entered the tower and shifting rooms. If all went well, the next morning Kyrie would raise Beus Pran.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
01 Mar 2022


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