Session 91 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 91 Report

General Summary

Titta Morco attacked the purple worm with a flurry of strikes from her scimitars, but the creature would not let go of Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone. Kyrie then activated her Anklet of Translocation and teleported out from its mouth and landed safely just in front of the monster. Pyzar Zim then stepped forward and killed the beast with his greatsword.   The water in the underground lake was still rippling, so Mogi Delvin summoned two water elementals to investigate. They found a second purple worm and attacked it as it raised out of the water. Traegandar ran towards it but fell into a ten-foot hole when loose dirt collapsed in under his weight. This second worm did not last long either as they quickly attacked and killed it.   Later that day, Haymin’s Heroes entered a cavern with several large stalagmites. When they came close to one, it revealed itself to be a roper and bit Ladigo Farthon. Two more ropers revealed themselves and attacked Titta and Pyzar with sticky strands that lashed out from its body for dozens of feet. Mogi struck the closest roper with an Orb of Fire. Then Traegandar blasted it with his fire breath. The creature was killed and left a charred husk. As the roper tried to pull Titta and Pyzar closer, both of them did not resist, and instead rushed towards it and attacked. This, plus the attacks from the rest of the party killed one and wounded the other severely. This last roper let go of Titta and retracted its strands. It appeared to cower and said something in a language none of them understood. Auren Sylynn then killed it.   The party moved the bodies to one side of the cavern and then made camp in the other. The next day, on May 21, 499 AV, they continued on, following the map through the underground labyrinth of caverns and tunnels. Eventually, they came to a stone bridge over a deep, dark chasm. On the other side of the bridge there was a wall of worked stone and a door. They presumed it was the drow stronghold.   They approached the bridge cautiously and shined their light down the chasm. Titta and Pyzar saw a pair of driders, one to each side of the bridge, but some ways distant and down. The driders shot at them with shortbows, but their shots went astray. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste on the party. Then Titta flew at the drider nearest her and attacked it. Pyzar put away his sword and drew his longbow. Ladigo teleported to the other side of the bridge and turned into a bronze dragon. Kyrie shot one of the driders with a Searing Light spell.   Then invisible drow began appearing on the other side of the bridge. Two of them cast Lightning Bolt, catching most of the party. Thanks to their good reflexes, the damage was minimal. Selia cast Great Thunderclap, catching the two spellcasters and they were stunned, defeaned, and knocked prone by the spell. Titta killed the drider she fought and it fell down into the darkness of the chasm. The second drider called out to the drow near the door to seek reinforcements. But Auren ran and blocked the door. The remaining drow were defeated easily and the two spellcasters were knocked unconscious and tied up.   Titta questioned them about the drow stronghold and it was revealed to be just an outpost. The drow did not know much about Terra’s Wall or Clades’ Wrath. They had not yet found a way through, though it appeared they were trying to study it.   Eventually, the party regrouped and led the two drow into the outpost, still tied up. Haymin’s Heroes requested to speak to Zaneska, the high priestess. After a bit of a stand off, she was summoned. She appeared with an entourage of drow, driders, and two amorphous creatures with several slimy tentacles and a single red eye each. The drow force totaled thirty-one, but the party stood their ground and requested to go past peacefully. Titta told Zaneska that they had the means to get passed the wards and that the Unseen were also heading towards Clades’ Wrath. She even told them that Mr. King posed a threat to the entire world and they could not allow him to succeed in his task. The drow priestess questioned them and Titta was honest with her. Zaneska eventually allowed the party to pass. They led them into the temple of Lolth, Goddess of Drow at the back of the outpost and through a secret passage that exited at the rear.   Haymin’s Heroes then continued on their way towards Clades’ Wrath. They watched behind them, suspicious that the drow would be planning to ambush them at some point, probably after they battled the shadow dragon, Nathgraxamin. The next day, May 22, 499 AV, they cast Stone Shape in one of the narrow passages to try to prevent this. They followed the map and paid close attention to how quickly they were traversing the distance. When they believed they were within minutes of their destination, they prepared with several spells. Then they hurried forward to engage the shadow dragon.   When they reached Nathgraxamin’s lair, they saw his treasure hoard along one cavern wall. Their light cast shadows throughout the cavern and they could not see the dragon, though Traegandar could sense him. At the far end, there was a metal wall set with a smooth door. On the wall, in black, block letters was the word NAVIS. Before this metal wall was a shimmering field of magical force.   Kyrie picked up a rock and cast Daylight upon it and threw it to the ground. It illuminated the cavern in bright light and revealed the shadow dragon. Then Nathgraxamin breathed its energy draining breath upon them. Thankfully, they were all protected by Death Ward.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
20 Jun 2022


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